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Posts posted by LazyDude15

  1. Allow me to set the scene... Or you can just scroll to the end.


    April 26th, 2022.


    It was a fine morning. I had woken up, got breakfast and sat down to watch the final episode of Redo of Healer - I had binged the previous episodes the day before. The episode ended just as I took the final bite of my poorly made pancake. It looked reminiscent of a cross between vomit and slightly solid vomit, yet it tasted tolerable - I'm not a good cook. Anyway, after my meal, I had the sudden urge to browse the internet. So I went over to my laptop and booted up my Opera GX browser, and upon it opening, I was greeted with the sweet serotonin of the word "free".


    There it was. "Free" labeled under the banner that read "Daggerf". The rest of the word was covered by the Steam icon. Naturally, I did what any sane person would do when they see the word "free" paired with a game. I quickly logged onto Steam and searched "Daggerf", and lo and behold, the top result, "The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall". I was taken aback. "The Elder Scrolls?", I thought, "As in the franchise that parents the likes of Skyrim and Oblivion?"


    At this point I just had to install the game and try it out immediately. I couldn't just not play it. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I hadn't. So I did. I Installed the game, but not before turning my gaze to the reviews section. It was there that I had learned of Daggerfall Unity. I installed the game, I installed Daggerfall Unity, and then I jumped right into it.


    I died. Repeatedly. By mere RATS! The same rat, mind you. But I had fun. Frustrations and desk banging aside, I certainly did have fun. And at the end of the day, that's all that really matters, right?


    I persevered and powered through. I didn't care how many deaths I'd have, I kept trying until I finally escaped the first dungeon. And that has not yet happened. I admit, I ultimately gave up after about two and a half hours. However, during that session I took note of the cardboard cutout-like enemies. I personally liked that aspect of it - I don't know what was about it that I liked so much - and from what I assumed and confirmed online, the npcs are the same; cardboard cutouts. After that, I brushed it off, I figured I'd give the game another go the next day. So I went back to my initial plan of browsing the internet. My topic of choice: Anime.


    As I soaked in as much anime content I could possibly find, that's when the lightbulb that floats over my head lit up for the first time in ages. I actually had an Idea. What if there was a mod for Daggerfall that changes the enemy, npc, and player models to be anime styled? And that's just the basic idea. Like, what if the loot and objects that are scattered throughout the dungeons were also anime styled? Even as I write this right now, I'm thinking, "What if the buildings in the towns and cities where also anime styled?" I'm not even sure what that means, really, but I'm sure someone out there might.


    The more I think about this, the more I want this mod to exist. I even want to make this mod, but alas I don't know how to make a mod, nor do I have the skillset required. And that brings me to my point. I kindly request anyone who can and is willing to make this dream a reality. Thank you for your time, and thanks for reading.


    (Also, I never actually watched Redo of Healer)



    • I'm a weeb.
    • I can't cook.
    • I don't know how nor do I have the skillset to make mods.
    • I kindly request anyone to make an anime themed mod. (Read underlined)
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