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About TruxtonMiles

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  1. Just for the record, President Kennedy was having an affair with Marilyn there is is plenty of info on that and plenty of ideas we could use with that! sorry for neglecting this mod guys, I'm just really busy with work and school ):
  2. Awesome! I'll add it tomorrow after work and mess around with some photo's and Photoshop them a lil see if i get anything good! Not really worried about the audio for this lil experiment ^.^ I'll let you know how the work goes, oh and Kat welcome to the team Glad you decided to join!!
  3. In this link here (I swear the link works this time) I have posted a request for a female voice actor, and have given them the link to this thread as well as your profile in case they wish to message you, or I.(I will do my best to help casting if I can) I left a little background information on the overall plot and story and all that good stuff, let me know if you wish for me to change anything on it! VoiceActressRequest
  4. ~EDIT~ We have already found our Marilyn Monroe, so Casting for her is already over unfortunately ladies! Sorry D: But if anyone feels like they could pursue this mod and and think we could use your skills please feel free to drop by and talk about it with any of us in the forums!~EDIT~ Hows it going guys/gals, Just wanted to take a moment to inform any ladies here that I'm working with a group on a Project: MarilynMonroeProject and our previous voice actress has not logged in for quite awhile,so needless to say if you are confident in your voice and acting please follow this link straight to our forum and let us know you are interested! A little background info on the Project to make sure you'd be interested in working on this: Our goal is simple, we want to recreate a follower that Bethesda Should have made the time to structure, Marilyn( Yes THE Marilyn Monroe), as one of Mr. Robert House's girls, preserved as Securitron, just like the Lovely Jane Securitron, but we not only want to create her as a follower, we want to give her a story, a meaning to this wasteland if you will, so upon discovering her among Mr. Houses valuables, we learn more to her story as we get to know her, and upon getting her to trust us she tells of a dream she's fantasized about since she was trapped in Mr. House's horrid plans, to be kept alive for generations. Having a human body again. Which will bring us to the epic follower quest we intend to bring with this Amazing follower! We plan to embark on an epic quest to rescue Marilyn's Beautiful brain, and find a way to reunite it with a body she can love again!(Story is subject to change) If you are at all interested please feel free to drop by our forums. You can also message either me or my friend here DevonPatterson(The genius behind all this!) and apply! You will of course be fully credited with any work you give to this project, and for those of you that read this and wish to a part of such a project please feel free to message either of us and we will see if we can find a place for you here in the Marilyn Project!
  5. Alright so The quest to Complete Marilyn is on! I'm going to be in search of any other Voice actors for now I know a few places to look, if you have found one just let me know via PM or here I will be checking continuously! If you need any other people with specific skills or just need some help with anything just let me know as well! I'm not very fluent with the Geck currently but hopefully as time goes by in this project I can offer more help around more specific areas!
  6. I know a little lady who does some fantastic voice recording from what I have heard, so if your looking for a new voice try her out! she'll do a small sample of the character for you, to make sure she is what your looking for! http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/user/4398117-desertrose2281/
  7. Me and Isbelle put together our vision of Marilyn, back in teh middle of last year. She provided all the voice acting, which is incredible BTW, see below, as well as a lot f great ideas, and audio work. I took care of the actual dialog quest, scripting, modeling, special securitron specific assets etc. Here is some of Isbelle's voice work in action; Vids; We had some similar ideas, (as you can see in this thread, Marilyn the securitron) but since the Marilyn's "neuro-computational matrix is a copy of a woman that Mr. House had know" we went a slightly different direction. We figured the player could transfer her neuro-computational matrix to a Marilyn android, in fallout's equivalent of a wax museum. Specifically Madame Tussauds. The idea being that with advanced tech the wax museum would have actual droids/bots that looked identical to celebrities, instead of static wax sculptures. We also had the idea of a version of tranquility lane, where Jane (and possibly Marilyn) are in a pre-war setting that Mr. House often inhabits to enjoy their company (and where the real entertaining goes on). Of course in the simulation they would have a human body, and may do many of the things that would remind Mr. House of pre-war America, allowing Robert to indulge in the nostalgia of the pre apocalyptic world he used to know. I'v been unable to reach Isbelle since the middle of last year, and this thread reminded me I need to release the mod (if nothing else for beta testing). Marilyn herself is complete except for one poor audio clip, and is good to go. But her adventure/story hasn't been implemented. But anyway, long story short, I thought it might be interesting to collaborate on ideas about her. I don't really think you need a team of 5-7 for a companion (nor would you be likely to gather that number of competent modders without at least some mods under your belt), I put the actual actor together (Marilyn) myself. Yep Marilyn is the way to go. Yes! I love it I'm amazed with your work on Marilyn! Feel free to use this idea and morph around it in any way you guys want I can look for possible candidates to help on the project and maybe find a new voice actor for Marilyn!? I know a girl who has a decent voice I could hit up!
  8. I'd be willing to lend my voice if needed at all, Awhile back I was working with a friend of mine who needed a voice for a Decent sized quest mod, but he moved and the project was thrown out, I deleted most of the files but saved one cause I liked how it sounded, it was for a small cut scene where the player spots for a Bounty Hunter/Sniper who earlier in the quest becomes a follower. Back to the point I saved this file because It sounded pretty cool and I can only imagine what the quest would've been like had we finished, so if you like it and think you could use me please let me know I'd be happy to help anyone! Here is the MP3 I kept https://soundcloud.com/dbaggins/one-mans-fate
  9. Booooo :sad: I just read through 17 pages, got all hyped up to see if this was finished, and hoped that I could go score some German Prewar guns and Whoop some Nazi butt, just to find out its been dropped. :confused: I really hope that this project gets finished soon I would love to be a part of it and be one of the first to experience it. I will be keeping tabs on this Forum!
  10. ~EDIT~ This post has been moved to the: MarilynMonroeProject ~EDIT~ I've been searching for some new Quest mods, and so far I've had no luck in find any that interest me. Amongst many of these quest mods there were, Unfinished quests, unpatched bugs, and mistakes, and most of all, hugely open spaces.(With that being said, I know that no ones perfect and modding takes great skill, and I'm definitely not saying I could to better, I appreciate those who put even the slightest amount of time in their mods, because when it comes down to it, I don't know the first thing to creating a mod) The only Quest mod that has ever really caught my eye is Deimos but I've had that one for awhile. Out of boredom I started another play through, and I got to the quest called the House Always Wins I, where you enter the lucky 38 and upon doing so you go up the elevator and you have a encounter with a rather strange intriguing bot named Jane, Mr. Houses favorite girl who's memories and thoughts he preserved in a bot, and I wildly began to dream up this whole Backdrop story of her. No I know its sort of a wild story but it takes place once you've completed whatever fate you've given Mr. House, you pay the lucky 38 a visit and you come across a shut down bot that oddly seems familiar (Like Victor after Mr. House's fates been decided) and upon further inspection you find that you can use some spare parts to repair and start the bot back up, knowingly of course you also have the skills required. Upon repairing the bot, it Jolts up with a startle, and begins to crash into things, before coming too, after realizing its Jane and questioning her you come to realize that her memory database is fried and you can attempt to repair it with the necessary parts and skills once again. after repairing her data you find some files that tell of Mr. House keeping Jane's human body preserved below the lucky 38 in a cryogenic chamber since before the bombs, You then take it upon yourself to go rescue her. I didn't think much on details of the adventure to her, but once you find her and release her she awakes screaming, and with speech you must calm her down, and then explain to her the world as it is now (Black screen is introduced at this point to keep from the boring dialogue) as she finally comes too you can either give her the choice to stay with you, roam the lands and gain experience in the new world that has come before her, or she can simply stay in the lucky 38 lobby, take care of it for you, or even send her out with a sum of caps to look for a place to live and hope she doesn't get herself killed, if you choose to have her with you, over time you can learn stories of Mr. House Pre-War, and even come to find out why her body was preserved and why he didn't do it as well. (I have a lot to this story and if someone is actually interested in making it then I will explain more on it) I'm very Hopeful that someone will take the chance to make this a quest mod, seeing as I'm not confident in myself enough to give an attempt to do this myself. please let me know what you think!? add improvements you think would be interesting, as well as submit your own ideas similar! I would love to hear some new ideas! If you are at all interested in attempting this request by all means please do it! and please let me know if you are it would be amazing to see this come to life (:
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