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Everything posted by Magentor

  1. Thank you for your reply, I indeed noticed more mods had the same problem. I also noticed a slowdown of the site and I presumed, apparently correctly, that it was due to dawnguard just releasing. So I understand completely. Fortunately, it seems people are able to download my mod now. :)
  2. Hi, I've just uploaded a mod (http://skyrim.nexusm...com/mods/21595/) several hours ago but people still get a message stating that new files take some time to propragate across server but that it should not take longer than an hour. I imagine some people are getting very frustrated, including myself. Can anybody help me with this issue? Thanks in advance :)
  3. Hi, where can I get support for uploading issues? I've uploaded a mod (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21595/) several hours ago but people still get a message stating that new files take some time to propragate across server but that it should not take longer than an hour. I imagine some people are getting very frustrated, including myself. Wo can I turn to to resolve this? Thanks in advance :)
  4. I finally got it working. After another thorough investigation with wrye bash I uncovered the culprit. I have a mod that mods several other mods, some of which rely on master files. I forgot two of those mods. I installed em, and it suddenly runs fine from Wry itself. Thanks for all the help all! :D
  5. I also tried running it from obse_loader.exe but I get the same result. My mods and exact load order never gave problems on my previous pc. Bingo. I have two hard drives. C: is a 100GB SSD with my os (Windows 7 indeed) intended for more taxing games due to superior speed. Oblivion is a game that is nowhere near challenging to run on my pc, so to save space, I installed it along with my other older games on my standard HD of 1 TB. I made a \program files directory for these games specifically. I also tested the game when I first installed it, and it worked then. Only after installing OBMM, OBSE, wrye bash, mods, etc. did the game start to hit puberty.
  6. Hi, I've been playing an heavily modded oblivion for years now. I recently got myself a new gaming rig and I succesfully installed Oblivion. Then I proceeded to download and install all my favorite mods. But whenever I launch Oblivion from the OBMM it never starts. Just after loading OBSE the screen will switch as if starting the game. But lasts about a nanosecond before it goes back to desktop, nothing. Never had problems with this combination of mods in this load order. Oblivion fully patched, SI fully patched. Most recent OBMM version Obse version 20.6 010201A0 What could be wrong here? Can anyone help? Thank you in advance! :) EDIT: not sure if it's an OBMM or OBSE issue, or mod issue at all. Game also doesnt launch when selecting the normal Oblivion shortcut, with all mods selected in the data files. Same issue.
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