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Status Updates posted by Kkatman

  1. Love the shots of your shojo courier!
  2. Ah, same here. Plan to go back to playing Eve in Fallout 3 eventually, but right now I'm deeply into New Vegas. I've been writing an in-character diary of my character's adventures, but my writing is currently far behind what my actual play is. (Fortunately, I have taken plenty of notes.)

    Still really want to get that awesome outfit your character is showing off in your photo!

  3. Not too bad. How are you doing?
  4. I *love* the new picture!
  5. BTW: I saw your endorsement of the "GGG Bittercup Gothed Up" mod. I've been using "Tchos Better Bittercup"; do you think I should switch?
  6. Lilith's Diary should be on its way! I hope you like it. ^.^
  7. Unfortunately, the Nexus email system doesn't allow attachments. But if the email I just sent you allows you to see my email address, then you should be able to send me your email address privately so I can send you Lilith's Diary. If so, please be sure to put "Lilith's Diary" in the email you send me so I can make sure it doesn't accidentally get caught in my spam filter.
  8. Ah! Well then, I'll email you what I did of Lilith's diary. That should help a bit. Please let me know what you think of it!
  9. For Eve's diary, it may be a while before anything significant is written. Although if you are really interested, I could start working on it. I could always send you what I wrote of Lilith's diary.
  10. I started a similar diary (sans pictures) for my last character, Lilith. Stopped writing it after nearly 30 pages because I didn't have anyone to share it with. With Eve, I'm keeping an outline of her adventures so I could write them up as a diary later.
  11. Actually, the whole Shojo Squad is just *amazing*!
  12. Impressive work. I hope you feel up to sharing it eventually. Love to see it on my girl!
  13. What armor are you using with the "Armed and Dangerous Girl" picture you posted to the Shojo Race mod? Your character looks great in that black-and-red Talon-style armor!
  14. It's great to have your friendship. ^.^

    I'm reading your wonderful "Love in the Wasteland" character diary. Thank you for writing it!

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