You haven't played many PC games have you? *snicker* Skyrim is by far one of the best games out there, but like most, it is buggy and Bethesda is once again dragging their feet on the Creation Kit. Releasing a buggy game and a kit that allows you to fix said bugs is one thing, but releasing a game with bugs that make the game unplayable all the while failing a promise that people would have that kit on "launch date" tends to ruffle some feathers. I've expanded, from PC games since PCs don't get half of the great game releases that systems do, or they get them long after. Been building PCs since my Pentium 233 system, on to AMD Athlons, Voodoo video cards. Been over clocking them, and even worked assembling and customizing systems for corporate security. I love PC gaming, because it gives my PC a reason to have better than average specs. I first got Skyrim just to hold me over until SW:TOR is released. You cannot expect a game with this much content to be without bugs. So much work goes into a game like this that it's impossible to catch all the bugs before the corporate higher-ups decide that they've waited long enough to get a return on it. They could have given us a game without any bugs, but with only two thirds of the content. Skryim is definitely not a half-assed game. Skyrim is an ambitious game, and a few bugs is a small price to pay for the realization of that ambition.. EDIT for Karasuman: I agree that Morrowind was a much more revolutionary game. But there are financial and technological limits on games... As detail rises it becomes more strenuous to create an equivalent game... For the same reason that Squaresoft refuses to remake Final Fantasy 7, it would not be profitable with all of the detail that needs to go into it to being it up to date. I loved Morrowind, but if you put it side by side with Skyrim it would be a huge difference. Also Morrowind was created as primarily a PC game, where as Skyrim was released on three platforms that differ greatly.