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  1. Turns out it was a texture problem solved the issue.
  2. You could try a few performance mods like "enb boost" or "SSME" (skyrim startup memory editor), precache killer (for racemenu) if those don't work you may want to ease the burden by downgrading or getting rid of 1 or more of the high res texture packs.
  3. For some reason all of my horses have lost their manes, for the life of me I can't figure out why. I have deleted any custom horse meshes so the game has to use the default ones still didn't help. Anyone else have this problem? or any ideas to fix this would be much appreciated.
  4. Yea, followed the instructions that were there, also tried completely deactivating requiem.
  5. Haven't posted anything here or been able to get back to this... bin working 12 hours shifts at work. Well diva just goes to show never put yourself down, talked to the modder they suggested it was a mod conflict. Spent quite a bit of time unchecking mods and starting new games. Tried having death alternative and sky ui as the only mods activated and the mod still does not work. So I am stumped at this point. Short of a complete re-install which I don't want to do at this point I think I'll give up on this one for now. Thanks for the help all the same :)
  6. Hi :smile: Nice to hear from you Dark Diva, yes it's been a long time. Thanks for the help, yea I did set the requeim death reload timer to 10. Sounds like an interesting mod with a lot of mcm options. Tried playing around with the mcm settings a bit with no luck. Load order looks right but no bashed patch. I did however manage to get a hold of the mod author and sent a screenshot of the utility menu and player menu in the mod, hopefully he'll have an answer. If I get the problem solved I'll post it here, in case someone else has run into the same problem. cheers!
  7. Have tried everything I can think of. I have requiem installed with this mod. When my character gets hit and reduced to no health. I get a message that I will go into bleedout stage then my character falls on ground and dies then game simply reloads. Is there something I am missing or have to set in the mcm? (yes I've set the death camera to 10 sec in requiem and tried starting a new game) any help would be appreciated.
  8. I have to say I do like Skyrim and think it is a great game, and Bethesda are doing some good things but yes, it is unfortunate that they are using steam. All part of the new "cloud" software Nonsense making people dependant on the company to access the software they supposedly purchased. Yes you get a DVD but you still have to be online for a full installation. Otherwise the DVD will not do you much good obviously all the installation files are not on the DVD and either part of the software or activation files have to be accessed online for the DVD to work. All the people that are kidding themselves how convenient this is, keep in mind you can never go wrong being self reliant. If you've got the full Program on DVD all you need is a computer and a plugin and you can access your game or software regardless of what the company does or promises or whether they keep their promises. Of course company's would prefer to lease things to people rather than sell it to them. If you sell it you get the customers money once, if you lease you continually get money from them. This in my opinion and in the business plans of several company's out there is... once enough people have been convinced to place part or all of their data or software such as games/movies ect with company's on a "cloud" (translation on their servers or hard drives not yours) mark my words they will start to charge you monthly fees eventually to store it. (We allready see more and more electronics being pushed with less storage capacity) Tick the company off or break one of their rules and there goes your movies games and software access. People should wake up to this, remember the saying, possession is 90% of the law.
  9. Holy Smokes! Bethesda, If I had to update and fix something this many times at work I would have bin Fired... 4 or five patches or updates ago.
  10. lol, No I don't have an insulated life as a matter of fact I've worked in the security industry for 8 years. And you just argued against yourself in your first post you first stated that you still have to use a padlock, then in your second post you state that padlocks don't deter anyone. Fact is there are dishonest people that do not have the tools at the moment to break the lock or do not want to risk making noise or taking the time if there is a padlock. Anyhow we are arguing for nothing as a padlock on a shed and Software piracy are very different things. Anyhow Lord Garon Well said.
  11. The impresion is that steam stops pirates and it does not. A padlock will actually deter theft. And Steam does not deter piracy. Anyhow there are plenty of other gaming companies that do not require steam and do not have any greater or less problems regarding piracy.
  12. I Agree with you regarding Steam, and I also will not be buying another game if Steam is required. The argument that steam is to stop piracy is ridiculous. However Skyrim is a good game made much better with mods.
  13. Lachdonin Wouldn't happen to work for steam do you? You have no idea what you are talking about I wonder if there are clouds in your sky. Let me tell you a bit about myself. I've bin in the modding community based on your maturity probably longer than you've been alive. I am one of the original people to contribute to the "better bodies mod" for Morrowind. I was the organizer and directed the better clothing mod for Morrowind, I modded some of the first clothing for Better bodies and contributed a large percentage of the meshes. I've made mods with over 100,000 download for Oblivion. And have been mesh modeling for over 10 years. What have you done??? other than troll the websites stating ridiculous statements on how wonderful steam is.
  14. Stop trolling Lachdonin I've seen you post things like this before.
  15. When will people realize that Steam is simply a parasitic entity. It takes and offers really nothing in return. Never mind the "great offers" a company can still do "great offers" from a website you don't have to have a parasitic piece of software using resources attached to the game software to do this. Now they are showing their true colors again. But don't worry it's OK, all you have to do is tick the box that says "No I don't want my mod stolen and used and sold, giving me a token fee, and destroying the concept of the modding community all together".
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