While the game definitely does come across as interesting, there are a few problems I have with it based on what I see in the trailer and what I could gather from a quick glance at the steam description. - Locked to first person perspective and I have next to no love for melee combat in these cases. That's not to say I can't enjoy it, but it detracts a lot as hit detection always comes across as complete garbage in these games. - Outdated graphics. Though seeing as it's made by indie developers, I could forgive this one rather easily. - Set protagonist and no character customization. While set protagonists is not a bad thing, I quite frankly expect a -LOT- more in games like these and always will. At the very least the characters gender should've been selectable, but as it stands it is a no buy for me.(I suppose the TES games and many others has spoiled me in this regard) Those few issues aside, the map system definitely isn't something I can recall having seen before outside of maybe minecraft vanilla, but this one seems to have a lot more functionality than "hold up and look where you are!". There seems to be a crafting system in place as well and that could be an interesting feature(albeit unimportant to me as I rarely bother with them outside of certain circumstances). The premise is in general an interesting idea and the more that tries these kinds of things, the better for everyone. So in the end I hope these guys manage to sell plenty of copies and make enough to improve on what they have here.