Hello everyone. Firstly, I'm not 100% sure this is the right place but it fitted better than the other topics I saw. Feel free to tell me were this should be and I'll do what I can to correct it. So, I spent last night playing a mod for fallout: new Vegas. I'm not going to say which mod, I don't want to start a witch hunt or anything. I played this mod for about four or five hours and effectively finished it, so I decided to write a "Review" (It was three in the morning so inverted commas needed). This review was polite, going on at length about the mods strengths before starting with some criticism. The next day I decided to check up on it and Boom,"The author of this mod has blocked your access to this file" . Do note, this isn't a topic begging for access or shouting at the site in general. I know that it isn't in the hands of nexus staff any more. I'm just wondering if this is a disconnected issue. I've sent a message to the mod author (Again, quite polite) asking about it I've had no joy with that so far. So, is this just a one off incident or does this happen a lot? I was quite surprised when it happened, the mod seemed well made and the author seemed quite mature but I guess appearances can be deceiving. Thanks for your time.