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  1. I can agree with that mate. I'm not angry and I don't want anyone to be angry on my behalf. I may disagree with what you did but I don't dislike you as a person. Thanks for being the bigger man here, others most likely wouldn't have done the same
  2. (This escalated... Quickly. This is going to be my last post today, it's late and I have college tomorrow) Funny you should mention discrediting your name. Because I never said it... Anywhere. I never once mentioned your name or the name of the mod and only one person actually seemed to know who I was talking about. Anyway. Accepting that what you made isn't perfect is hard. I know that. No hint of sarcasm. I used to be a writer, A poor one at that, And I know that when someone comes to something you poured time and effort into and criticises it, I know that that hurts. I know that you want to pretend that They're wrong, They're trolling or They're just bad people. I know because I did too. I know that when you read the comments all the good things melt away and all you can see are the bad, I've been there. What is important is to remember that if you want to improve then you need to take what is said onboard, you need to learn that, no matter how much you wish you are, you're not infallible. Until I leaned that I couldn't even open the review section because when I did I only felt two things. The sinking feeling of failure and the anger that comes from these people talking about how bad everything I did was. But in the end I learned. I started looking at the criticism in a balanced light. I saw the positive and reminded myself that I was improving and I saw the negative and reminded myself that I could fix it and keep getting better. I think I've talked enough today. I hope you remember what I said and I hope you become better because of it. That's all from me folks -SirRage
  3. No, I just want recommendations, I'm not hunting for something to complain about, Just something I can look at. I didn't get this mod for the express purpose of complaining but by the end I felt I had enough opinions (Positive and negative) to say something . I used to be a casual writer, I know how important constructive criticism can be to the growth and improvement of the product and the author.
  4. (Still don't know how replies work, Google has no answers..) It's a shame really, the rest of the sites users seem so polite. I'm going to write another review (If you can call it that) eventually, once I find something that I have enough opinions on to make it worth it. (Edited to rephrase for clarity, Didn't mean to come off as if I was hunting for things to shout about, Sorry)
  5. They just did actually. I got a 20 line rant about how perhaps the mod was too good for me and, I quote, "I didn't like what you said so I reported you". Guess that isn't getting resolved then.
  6. @Jokerine (I don't know how replies work on this system, sorry) Yep. Kinda annoyed about it. I took about an hour to write, an extra 20 minutes to comb over for spelling errors and unbalanced lines. Still. I'm saying no names and I encourage you to do the same.
  7. Hello everyone. Firstly, I'm not 100% sure this is the right place but it fitted better than the other topics I saw. Feel free to tell me were this should be and I'll do what I can to correct it. So, I spent last night playing a mod for fallout: new Vegas. I'm not going to say which mod, I don't want to start a witch hunt or anything. I played this mod for about four or five hours and effectively finished it, so I decided to write a "Review" (It was three in the morning so inverted commas needed). This review was polite, going on at length about the mods strengths before starting with some criticism. The next day I decided to check up on it and Boom,"The author of this mod has blocked your access to this file" . Do note, this isn't a topic begging for access or shouting at the site in general. I know that it isn't in the hands of nexus staff any more. I'm just wondering if this is a disconnected issue. I've sent a message to the mod author (Again, quite polite) asking about it I've had no joy with that so far. So, is this just a one off incident or does this happen a lot? I was quite surprised when it happened, the mod seemed well made and the author seemed quite mature but I guess appearances can be deceiving. Thanks for your time.
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