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Kenji tiger

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Everything posted by Kenji tiger

  1. I kinda liked the idea of melissa watkins. Maybe have a quest to take her under your wing and give her some field experiance, depending on the players decisions regarding the brotherhood of course. She'd make a refeshing alternative to veronica, and the rivalry between the two may make for some interesting moments in combat.
  2. This right? http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/images/34735-1-1289339057.jpg I've been looking for a regular type3 version of this armor and the recon version. I searched every body replacer on NVnexus and FO3nexus but i think its unique to the BB body modle.
  3. im having a strange problem where im liked by the NRC but every time i come across them in the wasteland they shoot on site. I thought it was because of mods but then i remember i was attacked by an NCR trooper before i even had mods installed. so... i dont know what it is. Maybe theres a consol command to make them non hostile?
  4. I've been looking for a ghoul compainon for a long time. And by Ghoul, i mean a real ghoul like feral or glowing. I've seen creature companions before like deathclaw, and radscorp, even a pokemon style companion mod, but never seen a ghoul companion that wasnt a mutator for dogmeat. If any one has the time, please make this for me and people like me. if possible make it with essential option and inventory. Thank you for your time.
  5. the pucture will speak for itself. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v492/kenji_catman/ScreenShot88.jpg and its not just with females. its with males too. the body mods i use are type 3 and breeze male body.
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