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  1. "thanks shade." craig said as he took the silencer. he then took his gun out and put it on "hmm i like how this looks. ill go home and put a custom paint job on the silencer so it matches my gun" he then chugged his drink and then looked at Brie who he had never seen before.
  2. "pretty good, your russian friend had a sense of humor, a strange one but still a sense of humor. it wasnt as hard as i expected only 10 guys i had to stop. i figure your friend got alot of money. oh here's the pistol back i still prefer mine thanks anyway" he then handed her the pistol she had given to him "like i said thanks for the ammo. oh yeah and can i get a Vodka? your Russian friend made me have a craving for some."
  3. craig walked into the succubus. "hello. shade?" there was noone anywhere "hmm i wonder where they are" craig then noticed that the doors in the back were open. craig walked over to them. HELLO he yelled down the hallway. "no way. im not going in. i barely know these people and if there is something back there they dont want me to see i dont feel like making more enemies then i already have". craig walked over to the bar and waited for shade so he could tell her that he did the mission she told him to.
  4. Craig who was missing out on what could be a very good fight was at a warehouse across town waiting for the arrival of the person he was supposed to be gaurding. "where is this guy..." craig said a tall Russian man comes busting in through the main doors and says "are you Craig?" in a thick heavy Russian accent "yes.. yes i am are you my contact?" craig asked "no" then the russian man aimed a Desert Eagle at Craig "woah woah woah who are you then?" craig asked as he put his hands in his pockets to pull out his 2 pistols just incase. "oh no i am just kidding comrade i am actually the contact. so come with me i must show you what you must do" the man said the man then walked into a room on the far side of the warehouse and craig followed. in the room was 8 counterfeit money machines. "you. your job is to gaurd this room as i print out about 50,000 dollars. so about 10 minutes worth of gaurding. i dont think there will be much opposition for you to gaurd but there will be a little" the man said "okay not that difficult" craig said. he then walked out of the room, both pistols in hand and waited. 10 minutes later.... "OK ALMOST DONE COMRADE" the man yelled from out the door. "alright" craig responded all of a sudden about 10 men ran in through the door. all wielding different variations of glocks. and opened fire on him. "HOLY SH-" craig jumped out of the way of fire and ran behind some boxes. craig then fired 6 shots, which killed 4 of the men. 3 men then jumped over the boxes and tried to grab Craig. Craig then kicked all of them and then shot 3 times killing all of them. the remaining men retreated out the door while the russian man walked out and told him the job was finished. "alright good." the russian man handed him 1000 dollars. only fools change but like he said the job wasnt that hard. craig then ran to the fight hoping that he hadnt missed it.
  5. "alright enough of this. im gonna go head over to your friend. oh and thanks for the ammo"
  6. "you know guys you could have saved a little action for me" Craig said jokingly "i mean really i didnt get to kill one thing come on guys" Zone Forger: a small explosion is heard in the distance
  7. Craig looks at the creatures and studies them "woah. looks like something you would see on that fallout 3 game" he then laughs. "from the looks of it we can take them easy. of course they dont seem to be to hostile. as a matter of fact they seem to be sort of scared...but not scared of us scared of something else" Craig then turns around and his eyes widen as he sees.... Zone Forger: a Big super mutant looking creature stand behind the group with a look of anger in his eyes.
  8. craig laughed in a low chuckle "i get the feeling you dont trust me" he said as he turned to Flogging "why dont you tell me your name stranger, or should i say tell the stranger your name seen as how im the new one around here"
  9. "well... i prefer my gun but ill use this one for the job. what would you like me to do..."
  10. OOC: lol k thats cool IC: "hey calliton. i wish i forgot everything about my past, lets just pretend i didnt have a past. from her on out its the new me. ok lets go are you coming mister???"
  11. "cool... so do you know where the local gun store is? i need to get myself some more ammunition for my piece"
  12. Zone Forger: the sounds grow very loud for about 10 seconds then die down to the original volume "my name is craig. who are you guys. and i have no idea where i am i just remember i had just mugged....nevermind." craig then pauses as the sounds grow very loud "what was that, im gonna go check it out if anyone is with me"
  13. "no its ok, i understand. from the looks of you have probably had quite a few fights so i dont take it personally. to be honest if i had seen me walk in i would have done the same thing." craig then chugs about half the bottle "so my name is Craig not that it really matters. but i couldnt care less what you call me. whats your name"
  14. Craig sees the fire shrinking. "there must be someone....or something putting that fire out" he then rushes forward to find a person holding a hose spraying water at the fire. he looked like he was in pain holding his ribs like that. craig walked toward the man with hesitation just in case the man doesn't take to others kindly.
  15. "all i have is a 20...ahh whatever just keep the change" craig said as he slid the 20 towards the bartender. all of a sudden it happened one of those flashes. it was happening again craig could now see through things. but just as fast as it came it dissapeared. it usually happenes a few times a day but not as fast as this one came. of course he cant really predict how long it will happen so he wasnt really suprised. "im not looking for a fight here today. no need for your little blades to be ready" he said as he looked up at shade.
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