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Angels Assassin

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Nexus Mods Profile

About Angels Assassin

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  • Currently Playing
    Oblivion, WoW, Crysis, Battlefield 2 (Xbox 360), MW2 (360).
  • Favourite Game
    Oblivion :)

Angels Assassin's Achievements


Rookie (2/14)

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  1. Could you PM me if you read this, I have an idea for a mod, which involves spells and spell making.
  2. Ello, what happened to the Goddess Store? If it's still there, I can't see it.
  3. Have a wonderful Christmas. I wish you all the very best for the holidays and beyond. With love and best wishes Naomi x
  4. Have a wonderful Christmas. I wish you all the very best for the holidays and beyond. With love and best wishes Naomi x
  5. Hi, love your picture, hope you don't mind but I've saved it in my pictures. When I actually get a new printer, I'll print it off and frame it as I think its awesome.
  6. I reckon the damage that the spells in your mod do, the amount of mana required should be lowered. Just a suggestion. :) And great work on the mod, absolutely awesome.
  7. Oblivion tastes better in chocolate.
    1. naomis8329


      Would be rather crunchy too I'd imagin.
    2. Angels Assassin

      Angels Assassin

      It can be, at times.
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