The topic is basically an expanded version of the title. I installed FOMM and BOSS shortly after, because I'm new to modding Fallout NV. I've modded Oblivion before, but I know that Load order is a bit different for every game, so I wanted to get a sorting utility for security's sake. it DID go ahead and sort everything out, but it didn't recognize 4 mods- including Nevada skies, a major weather mod. I tried to update it through FOMM to see if it needed a new master list...and that crashed. Tried to update it after installing a fix, and it says it can't find the listed source site. I guess what I'm saying is that I either need someone to take a good look at my Load Order, or someone to tell me how to update BOSS so it will read Nevada skies. It's a popular mod, so I figured BOSS would have it. A picture of my load order is forthcoming, but there's an 18 pound cat sleeping in my lap. :ohdear: i'll get the screen shot off my desktop when he wakes up. PS- I eventually want to install NVR, NVFR, Populated Freeside, and perhaps a few player houses. Where would it be best to put them, and would Boss at least recognize New Vegas Restored // New Vegas Freeside Restored? Here is my Load Order Currently!