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About mungaloid

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  1. It has to be done, This game would be even harder in first person mode. I know its too early for something like this without any mod tools out there yet. But it sure would be sweet if it was start a.s.a.p. This game would be pretty damn immersive in fp is my guess, and duels would be intense for sure.
  2. Nevermind figured it out. for some reason disabling fxaa in advance options cure it. Dunno why but all is good now.
  3. Weird glitch I'm having with textures with on characters all the textures on the characters display properly besides on body and torso armour. basically faces, hand, feet and, gloves, helmets, and boots, are all high textures settings and bodies and torso armour are on low settings and appear very blocky, problem persists even when removing both male and female body mods and returning to default textures and models. (equallity, if the women are nude as are men) I also disabled all mods and the issue still remains, the game still functions and is playable but the difference in textures break the immersion a little bit anyone else have this issue, and any ideas or fixes out there? I'll post screenshot soon.
  4. The title pretty much explains it. (ex. electricly charge a frost bolt, reanimate a corpse and set it on fire so it burns any enemy it touches, elemental based charges on objects when trown with telekenisis, a fire ball that explodes and freezes enemies caught in the blast.) Basically I want to see mix and match magics that have special abilities when similtanously casted. there's so many possiblilities for cool spells effects out there with this idea If this already exsists and I just havent found it post a link, If not Can any of our very talented skyrim modders give this idea a whirl. I demand nothing, but have high expections. But only because we have awesome modders.
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