For me, the most important thing to add would be quests. Some people like to play through games like Fo3 twice, or more. Once with a bad character, and once with a good character. I prefer playing through it once, and on the good side (except Blowing up Megatown; that sounded so cool, I just had to make a seperate save were I tried that out). Either way, I've done most of the stuff that good character's in Fo3 can do, and now I want more. There's more than enough realism overhauls, there's more than enough armour addition's, but there's not even close to enough quest addition's in my opinion. I'd love to see you make a lot (and I mean a lot) of small quests, each taking about 2-4 hours; put them all in one package that is well intergrated into Fo3.