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Everything posted by Krytern

  1. The text on the world map won't go away so I can't even see where I am it is all a mess anyone have any idea what I can do? Here is a screenshot:
  2. I did the same when I built a new computer. I am curious, what are your new specs?
  3. What are some of your favourite games with good character creation? Other then Bethesda games. I have been trying to find some which aren't 'point and click'.
  4. I'd love to win this game but is this competition still going?
  5. I think I've found the issue but I have having trouble fixing it. When I use CBBE's bodyslide it is working for most outfits except it is chucking out a errors for some, all of which are from Eli Armour Compendium. EDIT: I reinstalled the mod and it is now fixed. I'm not sure what went wrong with it the first time I installed it. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
  6. I can't figure out why some NPCs have invisible bodies. Clearly it's a mod but I am not sure which one and how to fix it. Any ideas? I'm using NMM, here's a copy of my plugins.txt
  7. I am using Dual Sheath Redux. I would like a animation when using a one handed axe where the right hand equips the axe on the right hip and the left hand equips the shield on the back and also the sheathing version of it too. I would make the animation myself and share it but unfortunately I don't even know where to start with making animations.
  8. I don't think it is a issue with Skyrim SE itself since it didn't start happening until after I started installing texture mods so there's bound to be a way to fix it.
  9. That issue didn't appear after I started installing texture mods. Is there a INI setting or something I can change to stop it?
  10. Anyone know what the issue is? I uploaded a small video of it so you can see it happening: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYu6y83Ay9w
  11. I think I'll wait until Skyrim Remastered comes outs ince it will probably be DX11, which will fix the vram issue due to it having godrays.
  12. So eventhough my GPU has 8GB of dedicated VRAM Windows 10 limits it to 4GB? That seems strange since it's a DX12 card. EDIT: Just invesigated further and used a tool which tests VRAM availability for DX9 games and you're right it is only 4GB which is horrid and I am surprised it isn't fixed yet. Thanks for letting me know and the information about textures and ENBs.
  13. So I just built a new computer which I believe should run the best ENB and graphical mods. What would you guys say is the most realistic textures, mesh and ENBs?
  14. I've just modded Skyrim and it runs fine except for the character having invisible eyes and I am not sure what is causing it. I don't have "Beautiful People" installed which is what some people had issues with when I search about this issue. Here's my load order: I've tried unsinstalling Ren's Beauty Pack (apart from the hair) and the issue remains. The eyes might not be invisible they might be black it is hard to tell. EDIT: Forgot to mention that I did indeed add the missing bosmer violet eye texture for the character overhaul mod. Oblivion.esmCM Partners.esmBetter Cities Resources.esmOblivionReloaded.espOblivionReloadedArenaCombat.espUnofficial Oblivion Patch.espOblivion Citadel Door Fix.espUOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.espDLCShiveringIsles.espUnofficial Shivering Isles Patch.espKnights.espKnights - Unofficial Patch.espDLCBattlehornCastle.espDLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.espDLCFrostcrag.espDLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.espDLCHorseArmor.espDLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.espDLCOrrery.espDLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.espDLCMehrunesRazor.espDLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.espDLCSpellTomes.espDLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.espDLCThievesDen.espDLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.espDLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.espDLCVileLair.espDLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp_Ren_BeautyPack_full.esp_Ren_BeautyPack_onlyhairs.espKT_CustomRaceFix.espCM Partners.espCM Partners NPC.espCM Partners NPC NE.espCM Partners More NPCs.espCM Partners More NPCs NE.espCM Partners Extra NPCs.espCM Partners Special NPCs.espMaleBodyReplacerV4.espBeautiful PeopleV22 - MaleReplacerV4.espApachii_Goddess_Store.espP1DkeyChain.espEnhanced Water v2.0 HD.espBetter Cities .espBetter Cities Full.espBetter Imperial City.espBetter Cities Chorrol - Knights of the Nine.espxulBrenaRiverRavine.espxuldarkforest.espxulStendarrValley.espxulCheydinhalFalls.espxulChorrolHinterland.espxulFallenleafEverglade.espxulAncientRedwoods.espxulSilverfishRiverValley.espxulBeachesOfCyrodiilLostCoast.espxulImperialIsle.espxulRollingHills_EV.espxulBlackwoodForest.espxulJerallGlacier.espxulSnowdale.espxulColovianHighlands_EV.espxulSkingradOutskirts.espxulLushWoodlands.espxulPantherRiver.espxulTheEasternPeaks.espxulPatch_AY_AC.espxulTheHeath.espxulEntiusGorge.espxulAspenWood.espxulAncientYews.espxulRiverEthe.espxulCloudtopMountains.espxulArriusCreek.espxulCliffsOfAnvil.espxulBravilBarrowfields.espOblivion_Character_Overhaul.espSpecialanims.espbabehair_EV.espTabaxi Race 2.0.espX.Races.Comp.espBashed Patch, 0.espMaskar's Oblivion Overhaul.esp
  15. With the delay of the camera movement done it is now a ton better! My only complaint is the lack of no diagonal movement animations but the feel of it is perfect. Thanks for the help!
  16. Thanks for all the very detailed information! I think the main thing that bothers me about third person view is the delay when moving the camera and the lack of a diagonal animation when running diagonally. At least I can fix the delay which will make it feel much better for me personally!
  17. I'm so used to Skyrim that when I started Oblivion and ran around in third person view it just feels clunky and I don't like how it feels. Is there a mod that makes third person view the same as Skyrim's? Also while I am here does Mod Organiser work well with Oblivion and OBSE?
  18. I don't really understand how lowering my resolution that low helps I am not getting any lag getting 60fps at 1080p. I've played the game stable with this many mods before.
  19. I have a lot of errors. Here's the log:
  20. When driving in the game I like to use a controller because controllers are much better for driving then a keyboard and mouse. The PS4 controller works in the game natively which is great but the prompts on what button to press it shows the buttons for a Xbox controller. I would be very greateful if anyone is able to create a mod where the buttons are shown for a PlayStation controller. EDIT: Nevermind found it on another website.
  21. Tried F12 - didn't do anything. I have the steam overlay disabled for Skyrim though so I think that's why it doesn't work. Or, maybe I changed the default F12 key to printscreen? Because when I press printscreen it says in the corner: "ScreenShot: File 'ScreenShot235.bmp' created" and it gets saved to my skyrim folder. Just that most of them look like the examples I showed.. :ermm: Why did you disable Steam's overlay? I don't think it impacts performance or anything. You'd need it enabled to take screenshots using the F12 key. I like using the F12 version of the screenshots because when I exit the game it shows a preview of all the screenshots, and allows me to upload them on to Steam.
  22. Try taking a screenshot by pressing F12. When you do and next exit the game, or it crashes, a window will appear from Steam showing the new screenshots and you have a choice to upload them to Steam servers.
  23. So in Mod Organizer I got a warning saying that there is a problem with the order of my mods so I pressed "fix it". It wasn't the plugins themself, but the list you get on the left side of MO. My game worked before but now my game CTD when loading a save or starting a new one. I've looked at the order of my mods and I can't see anything wrong with it. I also have a tonn of errors in my logs but not sure if they are related. I'll put a quote of my logs below, but because I have so many mods how can I copy and paste the list of them in order? Exporting to csv doesn't have them in order.
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