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Everything posted by iroquoispliskin893

  1. Can someone create a series of quests for the nine divines. Like an opposite to the daedric quests with new Divine locations (like Soverngard), shouts, divine powers, and perhaps a new set of armor. Maybe a Knights of the Nine-esqe Armor.
  2. Be a guard in any major hold. Beef up the guard AI. Add an open ended storyline; maybe a couple more raids (I have bandit raids already installed), different invaders, some arrests and hell maybe even a city corruption quest like that Captain of the Guard in Oblivion. What do you guys think?
  3. I would like it to be vibrant and glowing rather than the depressive pale pink and the dark purple. Even after we restore it with the sap it still looks... just sad.. poor thing. Anyway I would love to see the gem of Whiterun actually look like a wonder.
  4. This idea is pretty obsolete since Legendary mode came out, but it would be fun for roleplaying circumstances. Age could be calculated by the number of levels you have attained. Level 1 - 20 would be just normal play with your character but after 21 your character would start to age or at least the hair color and his/her facial features would look older. I've been playing a while so I know it takes a long time in game for a year to go by, but the idea would be fun to play with. As you get up there in levels (age) certain perks would become available like wisdom and knowledge of your play style that no other npc has giving you an advantage. But if you got so old. Like the vanilla cap of lvl.84 or 84 years old you would start to lose health and stamina making the battles harder but more rewarding. And eventually the character would die, it would show his/her accomplisments in their life and a new game+ feature could be created. Maybe if you raised a son or daughter when the old character died the child would grow up and become an adventurer that you control will some knowledge passed down from generation to generation. Again, completely obsolete with legendary skills, but a fun idea nonetheless.
  5. Overarching Idea: Overhauling Town and city life to make it feel like a real world. Dynamic economy - Chopping, smithing (and associated jobs), enchanting, alchemy, etc to be profitable.Add player shops, carts, forges, alchemy and enchanting shops and other customizable jobs that the player can run, profit, and build on. This would include new buildings and more advance markets.Adding player run restaurants would make the cooking activity much more enjoyable.Add existing and new npcs who will buy from the player character and or his and other businesse's shops.Add new, foreign, or rare items to the inventory that can be crafted and sold to customers.The player should also be able to seek employment, earn a wage, and eventually promotion. This would logically lead to ownership of the shop.Have a dynamic relationships and rivalries with other shopkeepers in town depending on the success or failure of either competetive shops.If a shop fails, then it will go bankrupt, forclose, and eventually a new shop will appear.A hub could be created if the dynamic shops migrate to different cities. For example; Whiterun could be taken over by Blacksmiths and warriors that change the appearance or attitude of the town to fit their style. Or perhaps winterhold could be filled with magic and have a magical atmosphere.Each city will compete with each other for business. As mentioned above it will change the look of the city depending on the success of its business economy.If the hub is successful and a good combination of businesses flourish, business will travel more often to the town for special items and the town will grow and expand outward.Second idea; Expanding cities- Dynamically changing the size of the city and adding new plots for buildings, and markets to grow into the wilderness to eventually be civilized, cultivated and added as a part of the city.Create hubs or capitals and watch Solitude or any other city actually become a flourishing palace of gold.Use new and existing meshes and textures for homes and businesses.New neighborhoods, roads, churches, shops, etcAdd a social, economical, criminal, and morale activity interface on the map that can be toggled on and off. This would help the player identify the strenths and weaknesses of the city.Atmosphere: The city should change drastically depending on the races and should reflect its people.If the town is more like one specific theme then its atmosphere should look acordingly to the theme. A magical place should look well... magical and beautiful. Lots of greens, blues, whites and magical looking. A Barbarian town would look red, organic, orange from the fires of the forges. Thief or swindler towns would look dark and mysterious. I would imagine a lot of black, purple, etc to match the people of the town.This should all be random to the city at start and eventually change to another theme or more advanced form of the scene. For example; Whiterun would start as a barbarian town and eventually grow to be a home to warriors and traders. Winterhold would be a magic filled town that just exuded happiness rather than the bland cold of vanilla winterhold.Third Idea; Intertown/faction combat overhaul Have individual towns, cities, and capitals fight for territory with their own military. Not just Imperials or stormcloaks.The town could employ the player as a soldier or a guardsman to fight for them with a wage per week.New custom armors that are immersive to the towns ideals or atmosphere or race majority.And invasions and defenses of cities.Dynamic Castle walls around the city that can be destroyed by attackers.New siege weaponsLarge scale battleNew Promotions and ranks with new armor and weapons immersive to the faction.Soldier or guardsman training quest that will inform the player of his duties and improve skills. Examples; obstacle courses (stamina), sparring (health and magic).New duties: Soldiers - Scouting, hunting for food, firewood, being a cook. Battle between player patrols and enemy patrols would add more excitement to the vanilla world. New duties: Guards - Patrolling cities or towns for mischief, criminals and wrongdoers. Solving social problems, rescuing pets. And of course actually defending the town from bandits and other invaders. You know Guardly duties and stuff. Fourth and final idea for now: Home & Career - Depending on how the player influenced all of the previous elements his reputation would become a living thing. After so many years of working, being a business owner, soldier, or guard he/she could influence the entire town or run it as a Jarl, business giant, hero, or could just retire to enjoy his riches.After retirement the character would retain a pension from his exploits that keep him afloat.Homes could be rented or owned. Perhaps with dynamic bills that the player can either pay or fail to pay. Upkeep of the house, etc.These are all my ideas for now. I would love to see some of this come to life. Please, please, please someone with the right tech make this come true. That would be the most amazing thing ever.
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