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About XdUbLeRmX

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    United Kingdom
  1. Im sorry i didnt mean for you to be getting annoyed. Clearly I dont know better thats why ive come to the forum for help. I have created house mods before but never attempted to recreate/ edit an existing cell so this is new to me. I used Eli's mod because my intention was to create a mod that was similar to hers and thought it'd be easier to edit a few details than it would to start from scratch. again im sorry that ive annoyed you. thank you for your help and i can understand if you dont respond
  2. I appreciate the help you've given so far. with regards to Lydia i previously stated that she and her room are now located on the ground floor. I am not sure if any vanilla objects were deleted as i also said I used Elianora's Breezehome mod as a base for this new one and am unsure if she deleted anything but for arguments sake lets say yes. I will reinstate the vanilla navmesh and move it down as you have suggested but I am not sure how this will allow my child to sleep in its bed? Everything is working absolutely fine except for that one issue (as in they will walk into that room and use the sweep idle that's in there) so I am wondering if there is a limit to how far away you can move the children's beds from each other as that sounds more like the issue than navmeshing imo again i really do appreciate your help
  3. I only have the core idles in there at the moment such as sweep etc i plan on adding more in but i wanted to get the bed situation sorted first as there is no point continuing with the mod if one of my children doesn't use the bed if that makes sense
  4. Lydia is yes. I have deleted the vanilla navmesh but know how to get it back using TESedit if needed. with regards to deleting vanilla objects i haven't BUT i did use Elianora's breezehome mod as a base. Not sure if that helps
  5. Hi thanks for the reply, I have looked at the hearthfire modders doc you sent and i have done everything on the list. Yellow: LRT BYOHAdoption_ChildSandboxRoom Green: LRT BYOHAdoption_ChildSandboxHome Purple: LRT BYOHAdoption_ChildBed Blue: The "original" modded childs room contianing the bedroom sandbox marker (this room works as should, i.e child sleeps in bed) Red: New bedroom where the issue occurs. Child will not sleep in the bed With regards to Spouse and Lydia sandbox, they both work fine. Lydia's room is now on the ground floor and works as should. The soul issue that i am having is that my child does not want to sleep in the new room. I have attatched a new image help to illustrate my problem Thanks again
  6. Hi everyone I'm creating a Breezehome mod and i wanted to make 2 children's rooms rather than just the one but I'm not sure how to make this work. So far i have tried to xmarker's with the children's room keyword in both rooms but this has not worked. I have also placed xmarker's next to each bed which also hasn't worked. i have tried using room bounds and linking them together, also using the children's room keyword (which obviously didn't work as they are used for optimisation etc). And lastly i have tried linking 2 standard xmarker's (in the rooms) with the children's room xmarker which was placed in the void. Nothing so far has worked. I was wondering if there was a way that i could create an "area"? like room bounds that i could place the Children's room keyword onto that would allow me to have 2 separate kids rooms. I have attached an image of the rooms taken from the render window on the CK. A is the original room and B is what will be the new bedroom I should also say that my intention is to upload this to all platforms so will need to be compatible with the PS4 any help would be greatly appreciated :psyduck:
  7. I was looking through the nexus and the steam workshop but I couldn't find any armor that looks remotely similar to this one. I think it looks quality and looked into modding armors to make it but it looked too complicated so I gave up. Can someone make this? :thumbsup:
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