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Everything posted by dirk45

  1. It's funny, just as I read this my cat threw my snes out of the closet. :laugh: I had even forgotten I still had one, just wish I still had my PS2. I'm only dealing with a 36" so maybe I'll give it a go. This type of thing wasn't even on my radar, you have expanded my mind... CBS cares.
  2. Ok, so I put comments on profiles of people who I think would give us the most diverse cavalcade of characters. Hopefully they'll come here to follow up or maybe others that I didn't directly invite will see it and come as well. I used the profile comments because I still feel kinda awkward about spamming PMs like that since I'm kinda new to the unspoken social rules of a forum. Lemme know if what I did was worse. PlayerTw0, how many characters would you say is too many to fit in one image? 'Cause right now we've got at least 67(and counting) eligible characters for this pic.
  3. PlayerTw0 is going to be doing this group picture thing for the Torch Relay, I think it would be cool to have Bronn there. There's more info on the thread if you are interested.
  4. PlayerTw0 is going to be doing this group picture thing for the Torch Relay, I think it would be cool to have Thor there. There's more info on the thread if you are interested.
  5. PlayerTw0 is going to be doing this group picture thing for the Torch Relay, I think it would be cool to have A'Rakh there. There's more info on the thread if you are interested.
  6. PlayerTw0 is going to be doing this group picture thing for the Torch Relay, I think it would be cool to have your character there since she started it all. There's more info on the thread if you are interested.
  7. PlayerTw0 is going to be doing this group picture thing for the Torch Relay, I think it would be cool to have Lilith there. There's more info on the thread if you are interested.
  8. PlayerTw0 is going to be doing this group picture thing for the Torch Relay, I think it would be cool to have Viglad there. There's more info on the thread if you are interested.
  9. PlayerTw0 is going to be doing this group picture thing for the Torch Relay, I think it would be cool to have Claymora there. There's more info on the thread if you are interested.
  10. PlayerTw0 is going to be doing this group picture thing for the Torch Relay, I think it would be cool to have Morgan there. There's more info on the thread if you are interested.
  11. Well I hope the smile's still there :-D Lol.

    Say, PlayerTw0 is going to be doing this group picture thing for the Torch Relay, I think it would be cool to have Valdis there. There's more info on the thread if you are interested.

  12. Wow, that thing actually looks pretty useful. I got a Dreamcast a while ago and I just couldn't go through with playing it due to the shizzzy picture, this might be what I need. Although, I bought the Dreamcast and two games for half of what that costs, so maybe I should wait until upscalers are really cheap.
  13. Blue is his house with a blue little window And a blue corvette And everything is blue for him and himself And everybody around 'cause he ain't got nobody to listen to
  14. Oh man seeing red from staring at the green for so long, here are the pics in the green: Standing 1st choice Kneeling 1st choice Kneeling 2 Standing 2 Demur Standing
  15. Christan Bale was in the SHAFT! remake, he's British, he was also in Batman Begins with Rās al Liam Neeson, who contracted full blown AIDS from an African Prostitute for a comedy bit on a show written by Ricky Gervais, who I hear sometimes is considered a british comedian, I don't see it though. to Explain Rās al Liam Neeson: the prolific Irish actor, most famous for being Jesus in Star Wars Episode 1 and The Chronicles of Narnia series and asking where his daughter has been taken in Taken and Taken 2, played Rās al Ghul in Batman Begins and The Dark Knight Rises. This overblown post was brought to you by: Winn Dixie, the beef people. EDIT: CBS Cares.
  16. John Cusack, the Actor, was in a movie recently where he portrayed the nineteenth century American author, Edgar Allen Poe. The somewhat unheard of British musicians calling themselves The Beatles once had a song in which they talked about a little flightless bird kicking said American author. Ergo I was attempting to make a humorous reference to both works in an admittedly esoteric manner. This condescension is brought to you by Men's Warehouse: "You're gonna like the way you look, I guarantee it." CBS Cares.
  17. The English rain is the only way I can get a tan. And now we're back to Walruses, Eggmen, and kicking Edgar Allen Cusack.
  18. This mod has several blank green screen type rooms that you can use to grab a shot. ENBs tend to cause lighting problems though, so using vanilla Skyrim settings is the way to go. PlayerTw0 would prefer the green one I guess and like he said having multiple poses like standing and kneeling would be good. It is also preferred that the character be facing front, I guess. A good thing to do would be to follow SydneyB's example and post links to the images here unless PlayerTw0 wants something else to be done.
  19. Dessication is preferable to drowning in humidity for me. That's why I hate living in Florida. CBS Cares.
  20. Oh the voyeurs guests died off. :confused:
  21. I find that the solitary A-hole is really easily discouraged by one swift shot to the arm. The "Wolfpack" A-holes are much harder to rebuff, you may be raped for your efforts or you may have to murder them, of course alternately you may choose to adopt an alternate persona and torture them one by one mentally until they all break and change their ways. CBS Cares.
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