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Nexus Mods Profile

About JustDon

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Skyrim SE
  • Favourite Game
    Same as above

JustDon's Achievements


Apprentice (3/14)



  1. how can I figure out which one just disable them all?
  2. all the anvils in skyrim are a bright purple can't figure it out. I don't have any art deco anvil mod down loaded I figure it's texture problem also my bow goes of to the left when I fire it but the aiming cross is in correct place. I don't have no enhancing my archery skill mods.. Thanks for your help
  3. that is interesting. Vortex don't have a folder for each just one folder for all of them.
  4. I usually have prob figuring out which one it is lol
  5. I did install thru Vortex I do use LOOT and SSEEdit auto clean. I can't figure out which one isn't compatible I'M sure just over looking it. I ran maybe 4 mods and decided to follow ESO load order and I screwed it up someway.. Every time I load a mod I sort it in Vortex and loop. Adding the FNIS seems to what messed me up but I'M sure there is more that I missed.. It's all a learning curve. thanks for your help
  6. How do I go about removing the mods I have and just starting fresh. I'M spending more time watching how to videos to fix my load order than playing the game. Thanks for your help..
  7. JustDon


    Not knocking Vortex I'M asking do they usually ask for access for someones account? Read what I'M saying...
  8. JustDon


    I was logged in, it said they requested to access account. They logged me out actually then requested access to my account.
  9. JustDon


    Nexus/Vortex wanted access to my account during adding mods and removing some! Why? and should I let them access it while this popped up I couldn't do anything. I have been trying to add some mods that a guy posted online ESO and they keep acting up so I decided I just was going to drop back to the 5 I have after adding and deleting.. I try to mod more than I play the game so I'M stopping.. Thanks for your reply
  10. (If I posted this in the wrong area oops) NEWBE? "Some of the archives in your load order are incompatible with SSE. Using incompatible archives may cause your game to crash on load. Incompatible archives SKYUI_5_1:" it goes on to say not intended for Skyrim(2011)/ Fallout New Vegas.. So I understand that it's not why is it under mods SSE and is there one that would work.
  11. What and which FNIS and where is the Vortex tool box to stick it in? I have been watching Gopher VORTEX - Beginner's and have down loaded two MODs and SSE unofficial patch. A Vortex popup told me I need to put a FNIS in it's tool box. So to try this I had to click out of the box so I can't say if it said why and also I've sleep since then. There are several FNIS at nexus do I need them all or just this one FNIS Behavior SE 7_6 XXL and how do I add it as a tool in Vortex? Thanks I'm new at doing this and I appreciate your help. Also the knowledge some people have to create thing like this amazes me.. So far I'm having a blast and I have been practicing my cursing and quite good at it. Other wise my wives are not so impressed.. So far the game seems to be operating good one app that supposed to show roads isn't showing the roads but the darn skies are clear.. The patch sure did change some things up seems it is more detailed.. So neat when I figured where I messed up with Vortexs help
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