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Posts posted by zhaarteth

  1. I've received one as well, sent via the same bulk service (bnc.mailjet.com) on behalf of another (presumably exploited) French travel service's server (karavaniers.com).


    If it might help I could send someone the full raw (albeit redacted for my own security reasons) email in plain text so they can take a look.


    I hope this attack doesn't get too far out of hand. Seems like they're trying everything to get one over on Nexus at this point.

  2. Speaking of security concerns, I just received an email "on behalf of Nexus" from an address at karavaniers.com via mailjet.com. Obviously spam, but some mail services aren't very good at catching a lot of it. The only reason why I spotted this one was because I tend to check my spam bin for false positives.


    The email in question was pretending to be an update notice for the latest NMM version. I'm certain the archive it linked to (zip named Nexus_Mod_Manager_0.50.2_Update) was malicious as it was hosted at an IP address that resolves to an AWS server.


    If desired I can send the raw email in plain text to one of the staff (via PM) if nobody else has received it yet. It might not be all too important in the long run (spam spoofs happen all the time) but some might be tricked by this one in particular. It seems whoever designed it did a rather nice job at re-creating the Nexus look.

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