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  1. "Without the navmesh he is walking into the tower without any problem." Then don't add one. Some navmesh or object is covering it or he wouldn't be able to walk in.
  2. It's not finding it's mesh or texture. You can look in the .nif to see what texture it's looking for and where it should be. And the mesh must be set to where the real mesh is from the base of your new object,
  3. This is how I do it. I don't use a mod installer. Download the mod manually. Unpack the .zip file. Drop everything in the Sky rim data folder. Then run the program LOOT and copy the loadorder.txt to the plugins.txt found in C:\Users\YOURUSENAME\AppData\Local\Skyrim .. Guess that don't sound very easy but it is. Also when downloading you will have to have the things the mod asks for. Support programs or DLC. It will tell you what it needs when you try to download it.
  4. What kind of empty bottles? You wouldn't actually fill them but more replace them with full ones. Just need a script to find what items you're looking for and change them. Are the objects in your backpack?
  5. Easy we are all crazy! Even if you were normal to start with after a few weeks working with papyrus you will go a bit nuts ... :P
  6. It would be adding a custom made one that looks like it. This is also how you do static items that look like other things. For that you just start with a static item not a chest. Then do the same thing. This is one of the coolest things you can do with the kit in my opinion. You're actually changing the mesh of a defined type of object. In this case a chest. When you start working with static this way it really opens up the decor options. The next level to this is to aim it a mesh you have pulled away from the kit. Like you find the mesh for the chest and copy it to a mod folder in the mesh directory. Now you have a custom object with a custom mesh. You can then change what textures the mesh is using. Make it a different color, more intricate or something to match the other decor. The possibilities are endless ... Of course you will need to make a mod .bsa in that case to include the custom mesh and to include the custom textures if you make/edit your own..
  7. I would assume you just pack it as normal then include the 2 .esp files with the upload. As far as any files from other mod you will need permission to use it. Unless it already gives you permission. Then it customary to list them in your mods description.
  8. When you set the mod you want to work with a double right click over the name it will set that mod to Active. It also should automatically select the plugins used to create it. As far as seeing all the errors. Most of them are errors but actually kind of warning/errors. What you're working with may or may not be effected ... Unless actually having problems loading the masters. There is a way to hide that if they are just warning/errors on load up if interested ... bBlockMessageBoxes=1 ... Under [Messages] in SkyrimEdiitor.ini Unless I'm misunderstanding the question.
  9. What are the 2 plugins in detail ? You also may want to have a look at the mod with TES5Edit. The .dss files may be from the plugins. Hard to say with knowing more details about what the plugins are and how you are using them.
  10. This was more what I was thinking too. I've always tried to stay away from that register timer. Also didn't see anything about an item being worn .
  11. #0. Make a back up of the mod. Then load the real mod up in the kit. #1. Some of the thrones chairs allow you to turn some don't. You could try replacing it with one that will. Find one in the kit you want to try. Highlight the one there and to a replace from the pull down menu. (or just drop one in and remove the other) #2. Anything can be a storage container with a few tricks. Find a chest in the kit and place it in the room. Edit the chest's Base and rename it. Say yes to new object. Now you have a custom made chest. Edit the Base of the object you want it to look like. Look for the box with the path to the texture being used. Highlight it and use Ctrl+C to copy it. Stop editing that object and go back to editing the custom chest's Base. Open the part where the texture is and make sure you are in the data folder. Ctrl+V to paste in the new texture path then hit ok. You should be able to now see the object you wanted it to look like. You can also change the name in the Base to what ever you want it to say. It's your custom chest base so it will not hurt the rest of the game. But be warned this has to be done right. Make sure your working on your custom made chest by doing the rename thing stated above ...
  12. Not sure here never done any spell scripting ... It looks like it's set up to have the script tell you the one time when you load up the game if the stat magicka is below a %. Again I'm not sure here but ... I think you may need to re-call RegisterForSingleUpdate(). Maybe make that a bit longer - as it will be running every second you play the game after that. Event OnUpdate() float playersMagicka = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorValuePercentage("magicka") UnregisterForUpdate() If (playersMagicka < 0.5) Debug.Notification("Your Necroplasma is less than 4:9:9:9, find souls to devour.") elseif (playersMagicka < 0.1) Debug.Notification("Your Necroplasma is less than 0:9:9:9, you're about to die Spawn.") else RegisterForSingleUpdate(8.0) EndIf Endevent Something like that maybe. Sorry if I'm way off. Didn't test anything here.
  13. A "male to female voice changer" may possibly be a solution. Even free ones online ... good luck
  14. Yes on the lever. It has one property you have to fill in one on the lever. Set that to the XMarker.
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