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About jhelzei

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    United States
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    Outer Worlds + Skyrim SE
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  1. And one more, because of the file size limit per post... Those things are supposed to be trees. What is going on here?
  2. ReGrowth Overhaul adds a spectacular amount of vegetation, but was causing severe performance issues, so I had to remove it. The problem is that now LODs seem (?) to be completely messed up. See screenshots below...
  3. Turns out the weird 'shadows' were actually models from two different sets of armor conflicting. That's one problem down. If anyone can help me with the SkyUI error, I'd appreciate it.
  4. I was cleaning up around the house, and found an old hard drive with a bunch of old characters & saves, as well as the original mods from 2014 and Mod Organizer profiles. IIRC my install at the time had become unstable and I needed to start over, so I backed it all up for future reference. When I first started I ran into a few problems. I had to update the Skyrim (i.e., Oldrim) executable, as well as Mod Organizer to 1.4, SKSE and SkyUI. But I left everything else alone, including ENB 0.251. Fortunately, the game seems quite stable and I've only had one CTD since I started experimenting with this old install. In spite of the game running well, there are a few bugs remaining. The first is this message that pops up whenever I start a Skyrim session: SkyUI works fine as far as I can tell, so it may not be important. The other oddity I've noticed in a few hours in game is some odd shadow issues in 1st person. Anybody know what might be causing these? Now that I have several characters back, I need to finish their stories. I'm going to be busy for a while...
  5. Since orcs will eat humans and elves without a second thought, I've decided to turn the tables and munch on some Orc jerky. But I'd like to know before I try what to expect. Since orc and pork are so similar, I'm kind of assuming that one will taste like the other. But I could be wrong. Anybody know for sure? And should I say a prayer to Namira before I get down to business?
  6. I've noticed that, oddly enough, the Robot Repair Kits from the Automaton DLC will *not* repair robots hacked with Robotics Expert. Is there a mod that would allow this, or provide an alternate repair kit for "standard" robots?
  7. I'm planning on taking a trip to Germany later this year. I thought a fun way to learn German would be to play Skyrim in German. Of course, I have the American English version of Skyrim installed. Is it possible to switch languages? Could I have the audio in German and the subtitles in English - or vice versa?
  8. I was on the fence about this game (l like magic in my medieval fantasies, thank you very much), but if its moddable that changes the equation. Who knows, maybe someone can add a magic system to the game...
  9. Thanks for the clarification. I've got the mod installed now. Did the format change recently?
  10. Apparently there used to be a mod here: https://newvegas.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=45303 that allowed you to reduce the frequency of legion/ncr hit squads. Currently ED-E and I are wiping them out at the fairly wimpy level of 8 or so, but they're dropping high level gear (like Thermic Lances.) Is there any way to either reduce their frequency or adjust their gear level?
  11. So I have an .npc from Oldrim generated with the "spf" console command. With Oldrim, if I wanted to apply said face to a new character, I could open up the CK, go to the race presets, import the face (to say an Imperial female preset 1), then save the .esp. Then I could put the new .esp in my load order, fire up a save with the character I wanted to apply the face to, choose the appropriate preset and Presto! I'd have the face I wanted. But with Skyrim SE this process no longer works - at least when trying to apply an .npc file from Oldrim. If I try to import the .npc file into CK64, it appears to work and I can save the .esp, but in-game I only see the vanilla presets. So how can I import an Oldrim character's face into Skryim SE?
  12. I've been trying to unsuccessfully export my character's face from Skyrim SE back to Oldrim so I can play with some older mods. The usual method I've used in the past with Oldrim just doesn't seem to work. Normally I'd open the console in game, type 'spf <character name>' and that would generate a *.npc file. I would then open up the Creation Kit, find an Imperial preset, import the *.npc file, then save the updated info as an *.esp file and put it in my load order. I could then invoke showracemenu from the console, choose the desired preset, and presto! I'd have my desired face. But for some reason this doesn't seem to be working. I can export my face from SSE, import it into Classic CK and save the .esp, but when I invoke 'showracemenu' in Oldrim, the 'new' face isn't there. What can I be doing wrong?
  13. Got it on sale too...$699 for the $899 model (quad i5, 256GB SSD, 4GB 1050 Ti, 8GB DRAM). Hopefully it can handle the 12GB vram/dram peak you're seeing. Running 50 - 60 fps on Ultra at 1080p in Nuka-World so far, but I'll have to try it out in Diamond City and see how it does. Performance and speakers are nice, but the wifi and keyboard are meh.
  14. So the deal for the 750M laptop fell through. I thought about what you guys said, and scraped my pennies together and got this: https://www.cnet.com/products/dell-inspiron-15-7000-2017/review/ I got the model with a 4GB 1050 Ti and IPS screen (which fixes the viewing angles), but I only got a 256GB SSD. I do have a 500GB spinner I can drop in the extra HD bay. I've run some benchmarks on it and performance looks good. Next I'll be installing/transferring my FO4, Oldrim and SSE installs...
  15. Is that 12GB of RAM when using ultra (or even 4k) textures? I imagine low res textures will use quite a bit less VRAM/DRAM. The laptop can take up to 16GB of DRAM. I do have 2x8GB modules I can drop in. However - the laptop is supposed to take DDR3L. I think my modules are the right speed (1600MHz), but I think they're plain DDR3. Would that be compatible?
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