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Everything posted by BlackTigerrr

  1. I always loved this exploit, but USLEEP has become somewhat invaluable. Would it be possible to make such a patch?
  2. I don't have SE, and just buffing the perks is just not the same.
  3. I really miss the exploit times and getting all creative with crazy potions.
  4. Sound like missing masters. You probably lack the requirements for something. Hm btw, the new skyrim update has rendered alot of mods out of date. Perhaps the key to finding out what masters you are missing is to see whats in the new update. I also heard you can revert to the non updated version somehow.
  5. I have LE. For some reason if i click the sprint button it keeps sprinting. I dont have any mods of that sort.
  6. If i click shift it keeps sprinting by itself? Is it possible for it to only sprint when i hold shift?
  7. I thought it could be cool to be able to read books, without everything frozen in time. So that you could sit in your house, and your followers can do what they do like argue, or that you could just stand and read somewhere. Could even be cool if you could smoke a pipe while reading. It might give reading a more homey feel.
  8. That was like the whole point, like i imagine its easy enough to just extend the time duration of enchanting potions if you know how, but what about the butterflies! Thats why the combining potions thing. Also if i just need to enchant one item, then a potion doesn't need to last 10 minutes.
  9. Did you make it so that i have 10 minutes but it also costs 20 butterflies and 20 snowberries to make it? Even in that case though, if i just have to enchant a weapon, then one of my normal time duration enchanting potions would do fine though. Thats why the combining them was the idea. So that i could essentially, take 10 potion, put them in a box or whatever, click a button, and boom i got a 5 minute potion or whatever the right time duration might be.
  10. Its not cheating if its costs the same, its just stress free. If you are quick enough in game you can enchant more than one thing per potion. I looked into it myself, and i dont know where to find the potions i make myself in the game. Only the default potions :/
  11. I want 10 minutes or more. I dont even care if i have to catch many butterflies to be able to enchant in peace xD Would it be possible to simple only be able to make bigger/longer lasting enchanting potions at the alchemy table? and not the small ones?
  12. No the stressful part is in the 30 second time limit. Thats whats bugging me. I do save after each thing i enchant but that is part of whats stressful. I name the things too, and there is just not much time to get things done right. It could be awesome to just slam one big potion, and you dont even have to worry about any of it, you know?
  13. So if for eksample i drink one of my fortify enchantment potions, then i can just keep going at the enchanter? Thats wasn't the point though. That was exactly what i wanted to avoid if thats how it is, because then there is no need to catch blue butterflies. Also, if i forget an item when i am enchanting, and have to leave the enchanter, then the enchantment effect shouldn't stop! because thats still stressfull, and i always forget something xD Thanks for making that though. If its a serious mod then i think you should add it to the nexus!
  14. Just making a long lasting enchantment potion mod takes out the need to catch alot of blue butterflies, but what if you could combine your own enchantment potions somehow and drink it, and have like 10 minutes to figure out what enchantment you want to put on what, and essentially at the same ingredient cost as per usual. Maybe some alchemist in the game could mix your own enchantment potions into bigger potions to make them last longer? or you could poor them into an empty wine bottle at the cost of whatever the amount of potions you want in there for the right time duration or something? So for eksample: 20 enchantment potions combined gives a potion with a 10 minute duration. I always find it stressfull when i have to do enchantments. Maybe something like this would make it more relaxing and enjoyable. Though if i just need to enchant a weapon fast, then i dont need a potion that last for 10 minutes, and a normal one would do.
  15. Can i have cbbe and a texture mod myself while making followers in the ck? will that have a negative effect for others that use the mod? and if thats the case, can i just disable cbbe and the skin texture mod while making a follower, or will it still affect the mod i make even if they are disabled??? I dont want to break others games. I really want my mods to be clean, and i dont know where to find info on it. I want to make followers that are compatible with whatever bodyslide preset and texture mod someone else is using, but i also want to be able to make my followers and take cool pictures of them with a skin texture mod on afterwards. I could live with my followers only being cbbe compatible though, and not also unp. If i have my home is your home, will that affect the follower i make? If i have female specular(gloss mod), will that affect the follower i make? If i have NPCs Cleaned-Up, will that affect the follower i make? If i have bodyslide and outfit studio and a preset on, will that affect the follower i make?
  16. You can do that in controls. I always switch it around too.
  17. Is this an impossible mod? There is one called simple multiple followers, but it apparently breaks the game.
  18. I think it could be awesome with a fur bikini armor. There is even a white bandit fur texture that looks really cool.
  19. I found one called black books begone. YEES!
  20. Kahvozein's Fang has this nice thing that it can only be placed in a weapon rack, and cant be dropped. Is it possible to do this with the black books? give them that same thing, but only with book shelves? or just in general being able to put them down would be nice
  21. I cant seem to find a single one out there that is just like a default follower in the game. Which id really love for there to be some more of, and that just uses whatever skin i have and whatever bodyslide setting i use.
  22. Is your glitch at extreme range? There IS a fix for that one. When you draw the crossbow a knee appears on the side of it, its so badly edited. You can easily see it with a higher fov. You say there is a fix? where bro? Ah, that is a different problem than what I was thinking..... Are you running any crossbow mods?? Its literally just the way it is by default, but its like that for everyone. The edits are just terrible.
  23. Is your glitch at extreme range? There IS a fix for that one. When you draw the crossbow a knee appears on the side of it, its so badly edited. You can easily see it with a higher fov. You say there is a fix? where bro?
  24. A fix for crossbows. So that there isnt a flying knee on it, which can be clearly seen using a higher fov, and so that followers can use the better crossbows, and a fix for that glitch shot where nothing actually happens.
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