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Posts posted by Necromage5


    Bring back Firebase Zulu!



    P.S. Good work on everything else, I missed your stuff

    Thanks for the support! I don't know about Firebase Zulu, but there could be other projects for F:NV down the road.



    There's always The Message or anything else! Nothing quite compares to the stuff you added to the Mojave.


    I need to get my load order all sorted out so I'll be ready for this release! It's nice to see you back at it.

  2. I'm a fan of seeing Sinners and Slaves (and The Message) if only because I've known about them for longer and think they sound like great stories. They, and SSS with a bunch of new side missions and encounters, would do a lot for making the Fallout universe feel less empty


    So...should I be expecting worse than what happened in Russel to the villagers and Hunters?

    Degrees of "worse" tend to be rather subjective, but personally... I think NVBIII's climactic scene is more horrifying, as it unfolds in front of you.


    Testers, feel free to weigh in on that one.



    The personal aspect of it makes it a bit more horrifying in my opinion. What happens in Russell is terrible, yes, but it's the aftermath of a horrific tragedy, not the actual happening of it. You don't know any of the tribals, and you know from an outside perspective that there is nothing the Courier could have done to help them. Sad, awful, but something you can disconnect from. NVBIII doesn't happen to some strangers that already had a death sentence. It happens to you, and with the knowledge that it is happening because you chose to follow the story rather than turn back.

  4. Head south from Jacobstown and talk to him. You might need to resurrect him if the local cazador got a bit too friendly before you can save him. He's like the psychic kid at the 188, but his prophecies foreshadow Bounties III, Sinners, the Message, and Zulu. Pretty interesting stuff

  5. Damn. The current story is plenty dark, and a pretty spectacular Book Ends for the Courier. I wouldn't be able to function if I lost Joaquin. It would make the different between fire-forged greatness and soul-crushing misery. I wonder if the Soothsayer would have anything special to say post-ending



    EDIT: Some players won't flinch, but I think most will take the ending... hard. Testers, how about you? Any film analogies off the top of your head?



    It was like sitting in your chair and feeling your very soul and everything joyous within it sucked out of your eyes, leaving your mouth agape in horror. For me, at least, it felt similar to The Road's ending (horribly depressing but with a tinge of hope).



    I've experienced lobotomies in video games that were less brutal. I don't know if my Courier had been completely purged of hope by the end, but that wasn't what was carrying him through the final stretch. And there was apparently an even darker draft for the story. Any chance that we could get a look at it and see what could have been?

  7. Hey there, Someguy, I've got a few questions:


    1.) If Marko is in NVB3 -- I'm assuming he is -- will we get the chance to call him Marky Mark and his gang The Funky Bunch?


    2.) Is anything going to happen with the Syndicate?


    3.) You probably get asked this a lot, so I apologize if you do, but was there any actual way to save Bradley in the Inheritance?


    4.) Is there an order to your mods that needs to be done to get the most out of them narratively?


    I haven't actually been keeping up with this thread, so I don't know a whole lot about what's actually going to happen besides what I skimmed off the first page.


    I'm not Someguy, but...


    1) I doubt it


    2) Not in NVB3. Maybe in a future mod


    3) No. He always dies


    4) Post-NVB1 I would recommend Russell (for his unique commentary on future mods), Inheritance and then NVB2 (Inheritance first because some of the followup missions are tied into Bounties. Throw King of the Ring in whenever you'd like.

  8. I can't duplicate the bug yet, with or without The Inheritance loaded. If I get more reports, then I'll pursue it further. I also double-checked the scripting, and everything checks out. It is more or less the same as it's always been. The only thing I changed was the timing of when the .esm is updated, but that takes place in the latter stages of "Enemy of my Enemy". For the time being, I'm going to chalk this up to Gamebryo witchcraft.


    I've always had a buggy game. I still can't recruit Doc Friday before killing Rounder. Don't worry about it for now. I'll just finish it after I get and complete the first quest. When NVB3 comes out I'll write in if her quest doesn't start

  9. I'm midway through my replay to have a save that will recognize Sweet Revenge and Esther, and I've encountered a minor bug in NVB2. Despite having not completed the Inheritance or met Esther yet, Joaquin still initiated her second quest, handing me the note from the NCR saying they had a prisoner I was acquainted with.


    Will there be any consequences in recognizing data, or can I continue with my plan of ignoring the early quest until I've completed her first quest post-Inheritance?


    With all the patches popping out for NVB2 and Russell, will I be able to simply install the latest one and jump right into NVB3, or will there be problems in registering say Esther's fate if I don't start over?

    That is a distinct possibility, unfortunately, especially in regards to Esther.



    I'm actually fine with replaying, it isn't a very busy summer for me and it would be nice to have it all fresh before the final release. I might wait to see if any of the testers report a problem (maybe have them check to see) and if any more patches come out.


    Is Mr. Kagan going to be in NVB3, or will the Courier have a final battle with the Syndicate elsewhere?

  11. As much as I wanted to kill Esther during her first appearance, our second encounter pretty firmly established her as the Fallout equivalent of Firefly's YoSaffBridge. I'm in support of an option to romance her, kill her, or both.

  12. Considering that there are multiple variables to work with, what happens with Glanton's role in NVB3 if you've never met him (pre-Russell) or killed him (failed Russell)?


    Not worth a patch right now, but if you ever get back to working on Russell, it might be interesting to let you take Glanton's finger and cash it in somewhere for a bounty. Killing him now fails the quest (which is why I don't do it) but then there's no way to even collect the money Russell promised.


    So SSS would be similar to Saxxon's Quest Collection with the addtion of random encounters?

    The emphasis would be the random encounters, and the sidequests would be a lower priority. They could constitute a separate mod, in fact.



    So would the random encounters be completely original characters, people connected to previous mods, or a mix of the two? What sort of sidequests are you considering?


    I think I remember something about a boxing arena, which would be a pretty awesome experience. Going up against increasingly strong and hilarious opponents would in a way make it a smaller and more contained version of the Bounties story



    In addition to Cooper, a human follower will be available: Ford.


    Testers: Not. A. Word. :devil: :devil: :devil:




    Hmm. Something about these four Satans all smiling is starting to feel suspicious to me. Is there going to be a big twist where we discover that our lovable Ford, guide and companion, was Marko in disguise all along, and then he shoots our dog?

  15. I'd love to see a Russell expansion post-NVB3. Reforming the Desert Rangers would be an interesting feature, though the questline of hunting down wrongdoers might be a bit similar to the Bounty trilogy. The thing I'd be most excited for would be a chance to side with the Sand Wolves or at the very least help some of them. There is a speech option where you can convince Talking Knife that Glanton is in a deathclaw-infested cave and she will leave you alone, but I'd much rather have convinced her to stand down without leading her and her fellow survivors to their deaths.


    The random encounter/boxing/side-quest mod, Sinners and Slaves, the Message, and any pretty much everything else you've come up with would be excellent additions to Fallout New Vegas, and I want to thank you for all the work you've already put into making this game so much better.

  16. As a book reader I'm more disappointed in some other changes, though I am going to miss the Hound buddy-copping around with Arya. And it all could have been avoided if Brienne had just shown her the wolf Hot Pie made for her.


    More on topic, what exactly can we expect from the questline of NVB3? Will the bounty missions be part of the main storyline or are they side objectives in the quest for Marko? Is there any information we can get on the people, places, and missions?

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