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About Baresark

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  1. stupid content. So alien are like humans, stupid, killing whatever they see.... They come on a planet crash on it and the best thing they have to do is to kill everyone on this planet. this dlc will not be very interesting, you kill raiders but they have alien face...
  2. concentrate on what type of character you want, melee or long range one , heavy charger... choose your skill wisely because withh good perks at high lvl you can even kill supermutant master wih a knife
  3. CRI squad mod is actually what you could try. You can wear 1 or 2 holster and a machete at your back. Got plenty of commando suit with grenade,knife and tuff on.
  4. i already tried FOMM and game still crash. i removed the game and sold it, 10 time i reinstall the game and whatever i do it still crash.
  5. i reinstaled fallout 3 and i have something really strange in game. I can find weapon who comes from mods when i have no mod instaled... I removed all the game and i have even reinstaled in another folder but i still find a G36c at andale :O its not a joke and its not very annoying when i play but someone know what happening?
  6. I m just using patch 1.6 since i have only point look out and the pitt. This is strange cos i have not many mod instaled, some for outfits who works without any conflict,20th century weapons and those i mentionned in the first topic. I didnt change anything to the game since 1 month and during the last week the game constantly crash for nothing. i can stay with my character without moving in the waste , i dont touch anything and it crash... its boring to play a game like that
  7. Hi guys i write this post in french because i m looking for someone who could teach me how to use the GECK Je cherche quelqu'un qui aurait un peu de temps pour m'expliquer comment utiliser le GECK. Je ne comprend pas assez bien l'anglais au niveau des termes techniques et je pense que se serait plus simple si quelqu'un pouvait me montrer les bases. Sinon un bon tuto en français ferait l'affaire mais je n'en ai pas trouvé sur le net. Merci
  8. Since few days Fallout 3 crash all 5 minute for nothing, i just run in the wasteland and game crash. I tried to figure this out and it seems each time a NPC have to spawn, the game crash. Im using wasteland traveler and Marts mutant mod but its weird cos before it never happened... If someone could tell me if there is a way to fix it or something... Thanks
  9. i had the same problem when i was using patch 1.5
  10. I live in the motel in point look out and its awesome, you can kill everything and dont be bothered by regulator
  11. Even in the death you can feel it
  12. I would see a DLC where you are in a simulation of USA before bomb drop(or a time travel machine), and you ll have to find who really started the war and droped nukes on USA Could have some mafia quest with Al capone and simply the life with normal people and cops around to protect them, kinda like GTA but in fallout 3
  13. i recently acquired point look out and patch 1.6, all work without crash or freeze,bug,ect I want to get broken steel but do i really need patch 1.5 to have the achievement and all or patch 1.6 is enough? patch 1.5 make my game crash all the time but i really wan to play broken steel, anyone know if i can play broken steel normally without this patch?
  14. yea this new dlc is amazing.I have only one problem, when i enter in sacred swamp the game crash all the time
  15. I reinstaled fallout 3 and i cant find the way to got a normal resolution. I mean when i play, the screen look like crushed like if it was in 800x600 when i m in higher resolution. Also when i use console, i can't see first 10 letter i type. in fallout 3 option , there are some resolution who are missing like 1440x900... I changed graphics qualities weak to very high and i tried all resolution i have but nothing change. Someone could help ? i apologize for my bad english
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