Throughout Skyrim, and in fact, all of Tamriel, magic is considered dangerous. Not only to the others, but the caster themselves. Tolfdir, in the College of Winterhold, heavily implies the dangers. So, why not add script that gives a random chance to the spell you're casting to work incorectly? However, the more you use the spell, the less likely the "misfire" is to happen. For example, apon summoning a Deadra, there is a chance that it will spawn frenzied and attack anyone in sight. Or if you're using the common Flames spell, it has the chance to cause a small, say, 2 foot explosion that damages the caster and others around the caster. With proper training though, the spells could get buffed, and completely remove the chance of a misfire happening. So now the common Flames hat you've been using since the begining of the game, now have a longer reach and more damage. Or the Ward spells now block even more damage and when mastered, now work as a shield but still break when it takes a certain amount of damage. In addition, the perks for any of the spell trees could become even more useful, not just granting less magika usage, but also lowering the chance of misfire by 20% of the spell level. I'm sorry, I'm a little bad at explaining. So as an example, suppose you learn Apprentice level casting in Destruction, now Firebolt has a 20% chance not to explode in your face. By adding this system into the game, the entire feeling of Spellcasting could be changed, making it feel as though magic is truely dangerous, and not as simple as reading a book.