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Everything posted by btfdeathstalker
I can normally figure things out for myself or arleast find the answer here or on google. But i'm not turning up anything solid for this. I've used UNPB and Killer Keo's Skimpy replacer for years with no issues.I've noticed a few ctd when i put some of them on recently even though I used to wear them with no prob, but NPCs wore them fine. I was ok with that. But then NMM forced me to update or else not use it. It said click no to simply "DEACTVATE" mods. what a lie, it uninstalled everything. In a failed attempt to reinstall everything as it was and in what order, I was getting immediate CTD, I researched and found vortex and started trying to properly rebuild again, but with no luck, constant CTD. I finally traced it down to Killer Keo's UNPB replacer. I have tried everything under the sun to get it to work. No matter how few mods are installed or how many makes a difference. It will CTD everytime. So, how did I use it so well in the past? What changed? I'm spoiled to the way I had it and do not want to be forced to use CCBE. I have researched this and found barely a scratch of info on this issue. Surely i'm not the only one, surely someone figured something out. Very frustrated, I mean it worked before . . .for years. WTH?
Speeking of Spoilers. I had started the main quest and got about 1/4th through it and decided to start over. With the new start I had commited myself to doing ALL of the side quests and guilds before ever touching the main. A buddy of mine I was chatting with on IRC about the game had no idea I hadn't went through the main yet. He had just finished it and was fixingf to start some side quests when all the sudden he said: "I wounder if their is anyway to be emperior? I sure hate that "Martin Died". Me: WHAT ??? NOOOOOOO !!!!!! OMG DUDE, Martin die's ??? CRAP I had NO idea !!! I haven't finished the main quest :( Him: You haven't ? Me: NO :( Him: Oh dude, i'm sorry, thought you finished it already. Me: You just told me Vader was Lukes father and I haven't seen the movie yet. OMG I can't believe Martin dies, that sucks, i like him. Crap :( LOL I will never forget that, so funny now, but sucked so much then.
Not sure, but when in dought drink lots of mead, beer, cheap wine and mabey the occational snit of Skooma. All that lowers a lot of stuff. :dance:
If I counted right, 122 Active Mods, not including Bashed patch. Date/Time • 9/1/2011 7:48:59 PM • Elapsed Time: 0:00:24.917 Active Mods • 00 Oblivion.esm • 01 All Natural Base.esm [Version 1.3.1] • 02 Open Cities Resources.esm [Version 4.1] • 03 cssBase.esm • 04 CM Partners.esm • 05 Bab.esm [Version FINAL] • 06 DLCShiveringIsles.esp • 07 All Natural.esp [Version 1.3.1] • 08 All Natural - SI.esp [Version 1.3.1] • 09 Immersive Interiors.esp [Version 0.8.1] • 0A Better Bell Sounds.esp • 0B Atmospheric Oblivion.esp • 0C Sounds of Cyrodiil.esp [Version 1.1] • 0D All Natural - Real Lights.esp [Version 1.3.1] • 0E WindowLightingSystem.esp • 0F personality_idles2.esp • 10 P1DanywhereSittable.esp • 11 P1DseeYouSleep.esp • 12 Portable Campsite.esp • 13 P1DseeYouSleep - Portable Campsite.esp • 14 Portable Campsite - Quickstart.esp • 15 P1DseeYouSleep - Portable Campsite - Quickstart.esp • 16 StandingJOJO.esp • 17 Crowded Cities_Open.esp • 18 Crowded Roads.esp [Version 2.0] • 19 DLCHorseArmor.esp • 1A DLCOrrery.esp • 1B DLCMehrunesRazor.esp • 1C Sounds of Cyrodiil - Mehrune's Razor Add-On.esp [Version 1.0] • 1D DLCSpellTomes.esp • 1E Bab.esp • 1F ExnemEyeCandy.esp • 20 Alir'sArmor.esp • 21 BWisteria.esp • 22 CB Elegant Dress.esp • 23 Colourwheels Sexy Lingerie HGEC.esp • 24 Colourwheels Sexy Nami.esp • 25 Colourwheels Sexy Hentais DarkRose.esp • 26 Dancers clothes.esp • 27 Diano.esp • 28 Diano2_UltraLite.esp • 29 Deceiver's Armour.esp • 2A Elwing.esp • 2B HellSpawnDaedric for Exnem.esp • 2C HentaiDarkLilith.esp • 2D HGEC Lady Camellia.esp • 2E Lady Jasmine Moon.esp • 2F NexonsArmoryENG.esp • 30 PEDress.esp • 31 Seductress Armour.esp • 32 ShaiyaOutfit.esp • 33 SnowySignatureOutfit.esp • 34 Thieves Arsenal.esp • 35 ANBMiniMicroBikini.esp • 36 ArynnsDrowWitchHGEC.esp • 37 Battle China Dress.esp • 38 Exnem_Goddess_Armor.esp • 39 Exnem_Golden_Assassin_Armor.esp • 3A GoddessArmor_Exnem.esp • 3B GreenNGold Amazon armor for Exnem body.esp • 3C Opale armor for Exnem body.esp • 3D R18PN - Amy Armor Set.esp • 3E R18PN - Lingeries.esp • 3F R18PN - Mizugi set.esp • 40 Velveteen_Armor_HGEC.esp • 41 Gloria Armor.esp • 42 DianoArmor2.esp • 43 Dark_Mistress.esp • 44 OBSE-Storms & Sound SI.esp • 45 BabShop.esp • 46 Amajor7 Imperial Furniture.esp • 47 Side's Bruma House.esp [Version 1.1] • 48 TOTW.esp • 49 TOTWfurn.esp • 4A Apachii_Goddess_Store.esp • 4B DLCBattlehornCastle.esp • 4C Knights.esp • 4D KnightsBabFemaleArmors.esp • 4E OCC-KOTN-Patch.esp [Version 3.0] • 4F Sounds of Cyrodiil - KOTN Add-on.esp [Version 1.0] • 50 Shadowcrest_Vineyard.esp • 51 ShezriesTownsMaster.esp • 52 Open Cities New Sheoth.esp [Version 2.0] • 53 Open Cities Classic.esp [Version 4.1] • 54 Open Cities Outer Districts.esp [Version 4.1] • 55 AutoBookPlacer.esp [Version 3.02] • 56 Colourwheels Sexy Dance Club.esp • 57 Colourwheels Sexy Panty Shop HGEC.esp • 58 ROM Drop Lit Torches.esp • 59 Andrews_No_Quest_Items-6729.esp • 5A Eroblivion.esp • 5B BasicInstinct.esp • 5C CTAddPose_v_1.esp • 5D actors_in_charge.esp • 5E 77_Umpa_Animation.esp • 5F EFGAddPose.esp • 60 shinyEmotions.esp • 61 Slof's Sexy Anims.esp • 62 CM Partners.esp • 63 eyja.esp • 64 Colourwheels Sexy Tifa.esp • 65 cssImoen.esp [Version 1.0] • 66 cssJaheira.esp [Version 1.0] • 67 cssMazzy.esp [Version 1.0] • 68 cssNalia.esp [Version 1.0] • 69 cssSafana.esp [Version 1.0] • 6A Aliyah.esp • 6B DAValeriaCuteElf.esp • 6C DARaewyn.esp ** All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp [Version 1.3] • 6D Bashed Patch, 0.esp • 6E bodymods.esp • 6F HGEC_Blue_Bikini.esp • 70 ColourWheels_Sexy_casual_wear.esp • 71 GC Farm Home.esp • 72 BabCheat.esp • 73 Aspiria_EV.esp • 74 Bab_KotN_Armors.esp • 75 Demon Lilith.esp • 76 LC_Lingerie.esp • 77 LC Lingerie New Colors.esp • 78 BTF-Warrior Diva Outfit.esp • 79 PepperJoes.esp • 7A Greenview Manor.esp Alphabetical: # This file is used to tell Oblivion which data files to load. 77_Umpa_Animation.esp actors_in_charge.esp Alir'sArmor.esp Aliyah.esp All Natural - Real Lights.esp All Natural - SI.esp All Natural Base.esm All Natural.esp Amajor7 Imperial Furniture.esp ANBMiniMicroBikini.esp Andrews_No_Quest_Items-6729.esp Apachii_Goddess_Store.esp ArynnsDrowWitchHGEC.esp Aspiria_EV.esp Atmospheric Oblivion.esp AutoBookPlacer.esp Bab.esm Bab.esp Bab_KotN_Armors.esp BabCheat.esp BabShop.esp Bashed Patch, 0.esp BasicInstinct.esp Battle China Dress.esp Better Bell Sounds.esp bodymods.esp BTF-Warrior Diva Outfit.esp BWisteria.esp CB Elegant Dress.esp CM Partners.esm CM Partners.esp Colourwheels Sexy Dance Club.esp Colourwheels Sexy Hentais DarkRose.esp Colourwheels Sexy Lingerie HGEC.esp Colourwheels Sexy Nami.esp Colourwheels Sexy Panty Shop HGEC.esp Colourwheels Sexy Tifa.esp ColourWheels_Sexy_casual_wear.esp Crowded Cities_Open.esp Crowded Roads.esp cssBase.esm cssImoen.esp cssJaheira.esp cssMazzy.esp cssNalia.esp cssSafana.esp CTAddPose_v_1.esp Dancers clothes.esp DARaewyn.esp Dark_Mistress.esp DAValeriaCuteElf.esp Deceiver's Armour.esp Demon Lilith.esp Diano.esp Diano2_UltraLite.esp DianoArmor2.esp DLCBattlehornCastle.esp DLCHorseArmor.esp DLCMehrunesRazor.esp DLCOrrery.esp DLCShiveringIsles.esp DLCSpellTomes.esp EFGAddPose.esp Elwing.esp Eroblivion.esp Exnem_Goddess_Armor.esp Exnem_Golden_Assassin_Armor.esp ExnemEyeCandy.esp eyja.esp GC Farm Home.esp Gloria Armor.esp GoddessArmor_Exnem.esp GreenNGold Amazon armor for Exnem body.esp Greenview Manor.esp HellSpawnDaedric for Exnem.esp HentaiDarkLilith.esp HGEC Lady Camellia.esp HGEC_Blue_Bikini.esp Immersive Interiors.esp Knights.esp KnightsBabFemaleArmors.esp Lady Jasmine Moon.esp LC Lingerie New Colors.esp LC_Lingerie.esp NexonsArmoryENG.esp Oblivion.esm OBSE-Storms & Sound SI.esp OCC-KOTN-Patch.esp Opale armor for Exnem body.esp Open Cities Classic.esp Open Cities New Sheoth.esp Open Cities Outer Districts.esp Open Cities Resources.esm P1DanywhereSittable.esp P1DseeYouSleep - Portable Campsite - Quickstart.esp P1DseeYouSleep - Portable Campsite.esp P1DseeYouSleep.esp PEDress.esp PepperJoes.esp personality_idles2.esp Portable Campsite - Quickstart.esp Portable Campsite.esp R18PN - Amy Armor Set.esp R18PN - Lingeries.esp R18PN - Mizugi set.esp ROM Drop Lit Torches.esp Seductress Armour.esp Shadowcrest_Vineyard.esp ShaiyaOutfit.esp ShezriesTownsMaster.esp shinyEmotions.esp Side's Bruma House.esp Slof's Sexy Anims.esp SnowySignatureOutfit.esp Sounds of Cyrodiil - KOTN Add-on.esp Sounds of Cyrodiil - Mehrune's Razor Add-On.esp Sounds of Cyrodiil.esp StandingJOJO.esp Thieves Arsenal.esp TOTW.esp TOTWfurn.esp Velveteen_Armor_HGEC.esp WindowLightingSystem.esp
Bethesda Forums hacked... again
btfdeathstalker replied to Deleted1848331User's topic in Site Updates
Posted 12 August 2011 - 05:36 PM I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, the people who keep this website/forum running for us to enjoy, for being on the ball enough to not have this incident be a repeat of the PlayStation network going down for, what was it a month? Two months? Anyhoo, obviously someone's paying attention, and I am very grateful for that. Who knows what kind of chaos would ensue if there was a drunken monkey passed out at the wheel. I love that one. :P -
Oblivion does not open after mod list install.
btfdeathstalker replied to ashoelace's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Jeezzz man, how long does it take for your Oblivion to load, 5 minutes ??? Peckers in the game huh? Sounds like you got MaleFullBody 3.0 in your game somehow. -
Hi, I'm a first time user of Wrye Bash. I got the latest version, v294 and could never get it to see/show any of the installers under the install tab. After researching this problem I found little to no help on this issue as no one seemed to be aware of this problem. After digging deeper I found one other here having the same issue with no one able to help them either. After giving up and out of frustration I think I have stumbled onto the solution. I have since noticed more coming in with the same problem so I hope this helps. Heres what I did. Depending on how you have Wrye Bash set it will either do an initial pre-scan of your Meshes, Textures, and Sounds folder at startup OR when you click on the installers tab. Now I have no idea why its scanning those folders for install packages, obviously there is not going to be any in those folders. After that it popps up with a txt message informing you of various things then thats it, no installers. But, now here the trick. If you cancel that initial pre-scan before its finished it will stop and then go to a totally new scan. After its done with the new second scan (it may stop responding, just give it a few seconds) it will finally show your install packages. What i've learned since then. Somehow I managed to cause it to skip or mabey ignore one of my install packages. In the installer tab i had to tell it to "unhide" that particular package. Today I launched Wrye Bash only to find my installers gone, even after re-scanning. I had to tell it to Anneal All (whatever that is) and they showed back up. Just thinking if this is a bug or new problem with the latest version there's going to be some serious googling for help. Mabey this will get someone a work around till more info/knowledge is obtained by someone way smarter than me. :)
Have you just recently upgraded to the latest version of Wrye Bash ??? Cause if you have, that might be the problem. As a first time user of it I installed the absolute latest version and the installer tab NEVER showed anything. But i got lucky and got it working . When I first start it up or go to the instlall tab it goes through a scan of my meshes, textures, and sounds for some odd unkown reason (as I have no installers there). Then it popps up with a txt box displaying various things. But NEVER no install paks. Last night while messing with it I just said screw it and cancelled the scan. WHAWLLAH !!! It imediatly closed that scan box and started a "different" scan box then, one ive never seen before. After it was through with this new second scan Wrye Bach quit responding for a second or two then popped up with my install paks in the install tab :) Here is another person with this issue, http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/402504-wrye-bash-not-detecting-archives-for-installers%27+base%3D/ I hope this helps you and them alike.
It has been a blast here at QuakeCon this year. Zenamax has really put an effort into this event. The Skyrim game got a TON of attention and Brink was even in the final compititions. Welcome to QuakeCon !!!
Watched the first actual game play presentation of it last night at QuakeCon actually being played by the main dude himself. And so therefore NO Skyrim is not over-hyped. Believe me, it will be worth it !!!
Golden Assassin Greaves to HGEC
btfdeathstalker replied to btfdeathstalker's topic in Oblivion's Mod Ideas
bump :/ -
Well if it makes it easier for you just take Greenview, open up CS and select my ESP and make it active, go in and throw out the crap you don't like and put in what you do like. I'm not worried about anyone changing my mod, in fact I hope they do. Would love to see variations of it. All I ask is if it's uploaded I get some credit. As far as finding the pieces used to build the houses I have some bad news for you. You won't find any of any real use. Most all come already pre-assembled. You can however grab a lot from here and over at Oblivion Real Estate. Look for "modders resourses" oblivionmonk makes some really good pieces. Check his. But you'll need to learn how to get the resources into the CS to use them. It's not like using mods in Oblivion. Hope this helps.
Golden Assassin Greaves to HGEC
btfdeathstalker replied to btfdeathstalker's topic in Oblivion's Mod Ideas
bump :( -
It doesn't have EVERYTHING you wanted but you can try mine. I'ts fairly new so you might have missed it in your search. I too, know the frustrations of trying to find just the right house. If this mod doesn't tickle your fancy i suggest doing what I did and making your own house. After all, the BEST mod is the one you make yourself. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37580
I have been putting together an awesome armor combination using various parts of different armors for my companion for personal use. But the one KEY piece doesn't fit the HGEC lowerbody. Can anyone PLEASE help, I have tried everything i know in nifskope with no luck. I do not know anything about Blender or 3dMax. Here is a link to the mod that uses the grieves. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12121 Please help.