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About MooseWatcher

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  1. Blender has specs and there are tons of Youtube videos that's how I learned.....
  2. If you want to see me early on working on a creature it would be this. (Keep in mind I didn't understand why the animation wonked out back then now I do. It's because in the race tab it mirrors anims and in order to stop that from happening you need to set the attack chance to 0%)
  3. If you want to see me early on working on a creature it would be this. (Keep in mind I didn't understand why the animation wonked out back then now I do. It's because in the race tab it mirrors anims and in order to stop that from happening you need to set the attack chance to 0%)
  4. Blender Is free And in fact I have been sculpting and creating things in it as of late for my portfolio. I also Use zbrush and a slew of other softwares. If you want to learn somthing you have to give up something. For me it was my free time relaxing. Blender has a video series on youtube explaining how to use their software. (This will not make you a good artist for a number of reasons.) I have a art background and started drawing in 2d.(Mind you all of my skills come from years of learning from youtube and some books) Not everyone needs a art background but it certainly helps when transitioning to 3d. You will also need to know a little bit about anatomy if you want to make creatures that look believable. (Proko is a good resouce to dip your feet into that.) Like I said I am offering this in my free time and will not teach you how to make models. I can however teach you more about the rigging and animation process as well as creature implimentation. (These are not simple skillsets and in fact several of these would be one persons job in the games industry.) Another issue when it comes to blender as a sculpting tool is very few people do it well in tutorials. I have however seen what a professional at blizzard is capable of. If you want to look more into it I would say look at the artstation tutorial on organic sculpting it may get you started on your journey. retopo is also a topic for creature creation and game models in general retopoflow is a free addon on github that I use to make my low polys. (I will also say if you want to learn more about game art look at a site called polycount. I recently made a account on the forum because I want to get more serious and work in games.)
  5. If you want me to take you on. Teach yourself some of the basics of blender and a lot of 3d in general. Most info on game art related things can be found on polycount. A pc is a must and I have some of the tools that are not easy to get a hold of. for obvious reasons I will not put them up with my name attached to them. The main reason I ask for someone to have some knowledge before I teach them is two things. 1. It shows you have some level of dedication so I'm not wasting my time teaching someone who will most likely forget what I taught them. 2. I know you will have some model that you intend on implementing. (Note I am not here to teach you just so you can port things from other games. I am also doing this on my free time.) I am willing to teach animation but don't expect this to be a quick process for anything creature related.
  6. Behaviors are not entirely worth creating from scratch tbh I've looked into the code. Because of the tools used and what we are missing you will have to add new variables at the bottom of the xml that are called in any generator or modifier you use them with. You have to have the exact number it is on the list of variables and we don't have Bethesda's plugin for the HAT to export BS Variables or their custom generators into a new behavior. New behaviors also have a lot of things in them. I won't go into detail you can look at a xml and see the list of generator and modifiers involved. Capital Wasteland didn't even do new behaviors often. I've looked into it. Same with Bethesda themselves. See the Angler in xml to see what I'm getting at (Deathclaw is involved.)
  7. Like it says you need to show your work and dm me I'm not taking on anyone unless they meet the requirements
  8. Look I'm going to offer this once only I am willing to teach and give out the tools needed for making creatures only if A you are passionate about it B you know how to make the model part of it C you reach out to me in a dm and show me pics of your models I am a dev on fallout Miami and to some extent Cascadia and believe this knowledge should be more accessible, but due to the tools required that may not be possible all the time. I even made a Creature doc that explains most of the process. After I see that you want to learn I will send you my discord so you can add me and invite you to a server where I can give you resources to mod If your on the Miami community server or any other server I'm a part of just dm me directly
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