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Posts posted by Alithinos

  1. While inside Nchardak, the game crashes randomly in a very bad way.

    It's not CTDs, but the computer becomes completely unresponsive with only the game's music playing, and even Ctrl & Alt & Delete doesn't work, and one has to use the reset button on the PC's tower.


    That is using fresh SSE install without any mods, on Windows 8.1

  2. My very first impressions were ugly, because the game caused me a headacke the first minutes.

    My headacke was caused by a number of factors that all did a bit. One of them was the DOF effect, the other TAA, and the last the way camera view is distorted at the edges of the screen to give kind of a "fish eye" effect.


    The DOF effect was looking nice during the cart ride and provided quite nice depth feel at some moments, making the game feel like it was on a 3D monitor or something while it wasn't. I was amazed by it at first. But during the time that Alduin was attacking Helgen, the blur all over the screen was that much that I had to exit the game and find ways to turn off the bluriness, I couldn't handle it. It made me feel physically uncomfortable.


    Regarding the "fish eye" thing, that's kind of weird. In all games you can get that if you crank up FOV way too high, but the thing is I remember getting it at original Skyrim at a FOV setting of about 110 and greater.

    Last day in SSE it became noticable and annoying even at a FOV of 80 for some reason. In the original Skyrim I used a FOV sometimes 90 and sometimes 100, as a balance point between 'fish eye' and the effect of feeling that the eyes of the character float like a meter / yard in front of his / her face that you get from lower FOVs. For some reason it seemed to me yesterday that some amount of 'fish eye' is hard coded to the game for some reason.


    Now aside from these, its just Skyrim with a number of things looking better, and others looking as they always did.


    The most obvious change is there is much more color now, day sky actually looks blue like actual skies look instead of gray. Also a number of textures are now high quality, good enough as some of the textures found in high res texture packs. But not ALL textures. Some other textures are still left in old low resolution, blurry, like they are from a 10 year old game. Sun rays look gorgeous and they are considerably more performant than on Fallout 4. And one cannot not notice the much expanded draw distance and distant object detail, or the fact that everything now has shadows, and that shadows aren't blocky pixels floating and moving in spasms.


    The performance of the game is OK. I played it on my PC which consists of a FX8320 oc to 4.2Ghz, 8gb RAM, and R7 370 4GB, and I didn't get unplayable frame rates. Certainly looks more lightweight than Fallout 4.

    Overall it's a welcomed upgrade, with its positives outweighting the negatives.



    But there is an artistic problem I noticed: Now that everything else (sky, fog, snow, trees, objects) looks better, the "living" beings of Skyrim (npcs, animals, monsters) look like fake plastic dolls. The art style neither the technical quality is balanced as the environment was upgraded to look more photorealistic, while animals, humanoids etc, only receieved minor texture changes if anything at all, and that causes a discrepancy that makes the animate stand out in a bad way. Some skin and hair / fur / scales shaders are really needed to make the animate catch up with the inanimate.

  3. Too much blur. I can't take it. I tried to play SSE, and I made it to the point where my character's hands are unbound, but couldn't play any more because the overdone blur caused me a headacke.


    The game's settings surprizingly have no option for me to turn off. Is there a console command or other way to turn off this blurriness ?

  4. looks better than the unmodded original


    shadows are fixed


    unfortunately thats where it ends,the original when modded is vastly better and already supported by your fav mods.



    which makes me wonder......


    why did they bother ?



    is it a money grab ?

    is it a free tester base for something in the works ?


    didnt cost me anything,and decided to play it anyway,but without my fav mods its getting boring really quickly.


    a bit baffled as to how they expect it to sell at full price when the original with mods is so much better in every way ?




    and ps....


    if it was done for the players pleasure,why didnt they send the first 200 top modders a free copy long enough ago that they could have ported the best mods over sooner ?

    They didn't even allowed the press that does their marketing to get copies earlier, and they will let the modders out of their good heart ?

  5. Hello.


    I was just wondering if it would be possible for a mesh editing tool to come out for Dogmeat. So people could change his physical appearance, perhaps to shape him in various other dog breeds. (nothing pervy here) I'd like to make some breeds myself, but the thing is I can't make or edit models with the 'pro' tools like blender or 3ds max. I haven't studied a related profession, and I don't have enough time to spend to learn this art from point 0. I tried doing stuff with blender, but I gave up after lots of confusion and frustration. So a slider based user-friendly tool could allow me (and others) to make the dog each one likes!

  6. Yup I found that with a search. But if someone wants to use other weapons ?

    That's why I said for a universal mod, that can be place at all or most weapons.


    Paired with a mod that makes nights darker, it would make the game much more immersive.


    As it is right now, the Darker Nights mod while its good for what it does, it only does half the job. Because while it makes the game looking more realistic, its obvious that the game was designed for the player to be able to see further away, so often times you find yourself in hairy situations were you can't do much, and wouldn't be such hairy had there being a mod like the one I propose for example. Let alone that the inclusion of such a mod would give a more action, fps, kind of feel, which would be good for those who like that.

  7. Yup, good idea.


    I think a reasonable effect would be for cigarette to provide +1 at Perception and -1 at Endurance to simulate the increased fatigue of a smoker.

    Addicted to smoking, apply constant -1 at Endurance and Agility, and remove the Endurance penalty from each cigarette / cigar.

  8. I dig that.

    I think the game would make a very good use, no I think the game needs an arena.

    Bethesda also had done the same thing in Skyrim too, they had make an arena that was destined to be found on Windhelm, but never finished it, yet left the area cell in the game.


    And damn, the arena was one of my two top favorite guilds in Oblivion, along with DB.

  9. Could someone make that ?


    A weapon mod that puts a flashlight to different weapons ?


    I use the dark nights mod, and even with the optional .esp for sneaking, the enemies see you clearly and start shooting at you from a distance that your pipboy lighting doesn't reach.

    The pipboy lights the place in a short circle around the character. A flashlight that focuses straight away were the player looks, and reaches further away, with clear white light, would be much more practical and helpful, especially along a mod that makes nights actually be dark.


    Thanks in advance.

  10. I have made a thread a few days earlier stating that my frame rate most of the time is around 50 FPS, and that at some parts it falls to single digit numbers, and that changes in the graphics quality of the game has absolutely no effect.

    I decided to test the game to see CPU and GPU performance, and I've discovered something surprizing: At no point the game used either 100%, and when the frame drops occur, both the usage of CPU and GPU drops instead of increasing! That means that neither is responsible for the low frame rate, and that they wait for the game to do its thing and send them more commands to execute.

    While not at a framedrop infested zone, my CPU is used about 63% max, and my GPU about 74%

    When a framedrop occurs, CPU usage drops down to 20s and 30s percent, and GPU usage between 0% and 44%.

    The more severe the frame drop, the lower the component's usage falls.

    That practically means that neither my CPU or GPU are causing a bottleneck, and well my RAM is 8gb, so that shouldn't be either.

    That leads to the conclusion that there is a software bottleneck, ie horrible engine optimization.

    Here are screen captures of my tests:

  11. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/78/? This tool is used to extract the .dds files, Then you can use something like Paint.net to edit them.


    Could you please help a bit by telling me how to use it ?

    I downloaded it, placed its files on the same 'data' folder where BSA2 files are, but when I open it, it doesn't see the bsa2 files itself so I can't choose the file to extract from.

    How do I make it so the tool can see the local archives ?


    Nevermind. I just didn't saw the 'File' button initially.

  12. 1. The ability to feed dogmeat some food.

    It would be nice if we could give some of the canned dog food or mirelurk meat we found at the wasteland to our faithfull companion to eat.

    I mean he is always there, coming with us, fighting with us, yet we can't do something to 'thank' him. And all of this food I find in the wasteland that I'm not eating is going wasted.


    2. A texture LD mod.

    'LD' stands for 'Low Definition'.

    Some of us still have an old gpu with 1gb of memory and unfortunately we can't play this game without massive FPS drops because of the GPUs trying to load all these textures every few seconds.

    A resize of the textures to half that of the original size would do much to help people with huge frame rate drops to play this game. Please do that! As I don't see myself buying a new GPU any time soon. :sad:

  13. Coming from Witcher 3 I fired up Skyrim a bit this past week and I had an immediate sudden realization that I hadn't realized in the past: that enemies in Bethesda games are hit sponges.

    Aside from the fact that the enemies doesn't react to each hit you land on them, they take too many hits to die. And I don't talk for bosses or big bad ugly creatures, but even for the common bandits / raiders. I don't know if that's the case for Fallout 4 yet as I haven't got it yet, but from a few videos I watched online it seems that many enemies have that too in Fallout 4, and I remember very well that this was the case in Fallout 3 too.

    Anyone remembers shooting raiders in the head like 5-6 times until they die without them even getting stunned ?


    So what I'd like to see is a mod that makes more believable in that sense, so succesfull hits do real damage.

    Careful though, I don't ask for a mod to drastically alter difficulty of the game. I don't want the game the game to be super easy neither super hard, so I guess the hits that enemies land on the player should do more damage perhaps.

    I just want it to feel a bit closer to reality, in that sense.

  14. Hello.

    I was thinking of upgrading my system's ram from 4gb to 8gb.

    I currently have a gpu with 1gb or vRam, I'll wait for AMD's new line of gpus before upgrading.

    Now I was wondering if upping my ram from 4gb to 8gb will change anything in Skyrim, and more specifically, if enboost will help with more ram.

    As I get enboost unloads some ram usage from the game, and it takes it on its shoulder, right ?

    But does it use vRam or Ram ?


  15. Hi,after so many years even though I had played the Dawnguard dlc many times,I always played as a member of the Dawnguard.

    Yesterday,for some reason I decided to eventually side with Harkon and play as a Vampire Lord.

    And gosh,the Vampire side of the DLC is full of game-breaking bugs,that unfortunately neither Bethesda or the already existing Dawnguard Unofficial Patch fixed.


    Just after Harkon makes you a Vampire Lord and is about to give you the first mission as a Vamp,you can't progress. Because in Vampire Lord form the game doesn't show you the option to talk to NPCs at all,and if you become a human everyone boos you for having rejected Harkon's gift. After trying lots of things I just stopped playing and looked on Google to find an answer,and the problem is that when you turn from Vamp Lord to regular shape,the character looses the vampire tag and gets cured from vampirism,which isn't supposed to happen. As a result the player will have to use console commands every single time he wants to talk to an NPC after changing shape,which becomes annoying...


    In the castle itself things are... bad. Hellhounds fly in the air causing and collide with things that get launched all over the place while making annoying noises.


    Next up,in the dungeon of the first Vamp Lord mission,there are places where the character is supposed to step on (like floors) and he slips trough the floor,falling endlessly in the void,while other times the character just teleports to the roof of the dungeon and starts falling,only to be teleported back to the roof again once he touches the ground...



    The Vamp Lord side of Dawnguard is unplayable,unlike the Vamp Hunter side which plays OK.

  16. I was wondering if there is a mod offering more freedom in simple movement,to make it more like Oblivion.


    I don't know if a mod like that exist or not,but I haven't happen to find something that does this in my search.


    I want a mod that allows the player to jump while sprinting,and attack while in mid-air.


    Is there any mod offering this ?

  17. Hi,I started translating Skyrim to my language,so I moved the .swf file on the appropriate folder,and I edited the fontconfig file.

    I first translated the words on translate_ENGLISH file,and it worked,and in the game the translated text showed up.

    After that I started translating words using the Creation Kit,but after I saved and loaded my mod,I found that instead of the translated words,non-understandable gibberish show up.

    Why what I edit with notepad shows up translated and what I edit with the Creation Kit doesn't ? :(

    Is there a way to fix it,something I can do to make the text I edit with the Creation Kit to appear in the game exactly as it shows up in the C.K. ???

    Please help.

  18. Oh too much catastrophology here.

    PC will be fine,don't panic. It can already play game as good as the next console generation,games on it are cheaper,hardware is becoming cheaper,and it will soon come in more form factors.

    And do not forget Valve's new hardware that has yet to be officially presented.

    I mean ps4's thing will be social network integration and sharing of your game's stuff in facebook and stuff. WiiU's thing is that you can split gameplay between 2 screens.

    PC's gameplay along with Valve's machinations will be about Virtual Reality Goggles and Gloves for manipulating 3d objects.

    We'll see what people will finally choose over something else.


    Last but not least:


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