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As the title suggests, I think it'd be smashing to have a Nightmare mode that seems well... more like an actual nightmare. The obvious choice would be to have some increased mob rate, at the very least at commonly visited sites such as Inquisition and Inner Circle quest locations. A few other ideas that would definitely compliment increased difficulty: Higher frequency spawn % of medium/hard tier mobs (Brutes, Trolls, Commanders, etc)Mobs have higher Armor Penetration % across the boardMobs have more HPThis could also open up opportunities for custom drop tables <hopefully> Giving higher flexibility in difficulty could potentially change alot and add more power to user preference of playstyles. Good luck to any who endeavor!
LE Spell Altars from Oblivion in Skyrim!
Kalpon777 replied to Kalpon777's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Thanks David, I appreciate your knowledgeable input. I'm sad to hear it isn't possible but I think a vendor with a handful or so variations of each Spell would be a decent replacement. Maybe allow the player to re-name the Spells by tossing them into a special chest before you learn them. I just really wish vanilla magic spells had more flexibility and customization like in Oblivion, rather than seeing the same dozen spells being sold at all places. Example: I really love the Shock spell. I use Empowered Magic so it's not completely worthless at my lvl either. However, I wish I could create a stronger version which scales with magicka use based on damage dealt. Name it... "Maelstrom" or something cool. Thoughts? -
I really miss being able to create my own spells, if this is at all possible I think it would be a MAJOR addition to Skyrim Magic System. Pretty please? :dance:
Normal Library View: View > Game Details Download Creation Kit: View > Tools > Creation Kit
Are you guys using the Official Hi-Res Texture DLC? If so, try disabling in Data Files (not to be confused with attempting to remove) and see if that helps at all.
Alternate Start I've read this mod can cause major issues later in-game, or any other mod that creates an alternate beginning. There's some sort of script in Helgen that NEEDS to be activated, without it people have gotten major bugs and sound glitches. I'd post my source but I don't remember what site or thread I read this on. Worth looking into. DO NOT DISABLE V-SYNC. This can cause the physics of the game to get messed up, causing items to fly through walls, etc. Possibly breaking quests. Not advised. I just posted several decent (and safe) tweaks you can use on this thread. I have a similar setup as yours and if you keep disabling and slowly tweaking your graphics you will get more steady FPS. Try disabling Anisotropic Filtering as well, since you've already disabled Anti-Aliasing. I had good performance boost by disabling both. I'm using AMD A6-3620 APU Radeon HD 6530D 8GB DDR3 RAM And I get around 30 FPS steady with these settings: Textures = High, Shadows = Low, Decal Quantity = Medium, AA/AF = Disabled, Slightly tweaked Fade Settings, as well as some of the ini edits I posted on the other thread. I also tend to use as few mods as possible, so there's a chance one of them is dropping your FPS. Generally adding Hi-Res Texture Packs, Graphical Mods, and anything that runs scripts will lower your FPS. Worth noting. Good luck
First, post your specs and current in-game settings, including ini edits (if any). Second, definitely try deactivating all your mods and see if there's any improvement, taking care not to save over a previous save and lose your stuff :P If it works, you can try activating a few mods at a time until you find the culprit. Some general help to improve FPS: Disable Anti-Aliasing and Anisotropic Filter, or at least lower to 2x or 4x. Higher values yield little graphical improvement but major GPU hog. !!!BE SURE TO KEEP BACKUPS OF YOUR WORKING/NON-BUGGED INIs BEFORE EDITING!!! Under SkyrimPrefs.ini [General] change/lower: [General] fLeafAnimDampenDistEnd=500.0000 fLeafAnimDampenDistStart=250.0000 This will decrease the "bubble" zone which trees will be animated in. Lowering these values will make trees further away stand still while only those closer and closer will be animated. Great performance boost if you find yourself lagging in heavily treed areas. Under SkyrimPrefs.ini [Particles] [Particles] iMaxDesired=750 Edits particle values for better FPS, suggested =250 or =500 for improved performance. Particles are things such as halos around torches, spell effects, etc. Under SkyrimPrefs.ini [Controls] [Controls] bMouseAcceleration=0 This will disable mouse acceleration, this command is almost necessary to play on PC and will remove "Mouse Lag." Under Skyrim.ini [Trees] [Trees] bEnableTreeAnimations=0 This command will kill tree animations entirely. Better FPS boost but immersion breaker. Under Skyrim.ini [Grass] [Grass] fGrassWindMagnitudeMin=0 fGrassWindMagnitudeMax=0 These commands will kill grass animations. Another good FPS boost but hurts the immersion factor. 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled. I won't promise any miracles as each setup is different, hardware, mods, any number of issues could cause low FPS. I've had a VERY good experience with these commands tweaking my gameplay to something decent (Around 30 FPS solid). Good luck :)
Have this myself. Why small interior locations have horrible first-person stuttering I'll never know. Disabling Anti-Aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering helped in my instance quite a bit, so you should see some improvement as well. Doesn't fix it completely but I can now play in First-Person without lagging every 5 seconds. Some locations are still buggy, but there's a vast improvement. I've read changing your Field Of View (FOV) via ini settings can help as well but haven't felt the need to try that myself. Good luck.
Fix? No. No fixes. Although it may be interesting to note that the fellas who created Realistic Lighting with Customization plan on adding an update in the next version which should remove the majority of this eye sore throughout Skyrim. I've also noticed that Shadow Striping/Flickering is MUCH MUCH MUCH more noticeable on Low/Medium quality Shadows. If set higher, you shouldn't have a problem in most areas. You can also tweak your Shadows from ini settings via this guide which does a decent job of blurring shadows and improving the way shadows look and feel. Sorry best I could do, until Bethesda decides to include an official patch it's all there is. Cheers :D
Complete computer crash, oddest cause ever, can't find anywhere on
Kalpon777 replied to Rakaesa's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I had a similar problem on my old Toshiba rig, which also got quite warm when gaming. I would get this randomly when doing almost anything graphic-related on that PC. Did some serious digging as I had a feeling it wasn't the overheating causing it (although it certainly didn't help). Ended up being High-Definition Audio Codec spiking to 100% usage and completely killing my resources causing the PC to go black-screen and make crazy repetitive noises. Start > Control Panel Hardware & Sound > Device Manager Navigate to System Devices Look for High-Definition Audio Controller > Right Click > Disable Do this before starting Skyrim. When you restart it will automatically re-enable this codec so no harm done. It's worth a shot to see if that's causing the problem, although I have heard of this happening for a number of reasons. Mainly overheating the GPU. Download HWmonitor and check your temps when gaming, make sure they don't rise above max temp. Safe range is around 40-50°C for either CPU or GPU. I also highly recommend checking your Event Logger and see if you can't find an error to post on this thread. Goto Start > Run > Event Viewer (For Windows 7). Let us know -
I have this problem as well, it happens when your POV gets too close/inside your character in Third-Person. I'm using CBBE v3 and Better Faces but unsure if that's the problem. In all honesty its the least noticeable glitch in my game so I don't really care to try and fix it. I don't think it's an ini setting because I had this glitch since I bought the game, may even be hardware related. Just don't stand near walls and move your POV inside your char :D
relatively small hiccup in my skyrim gaming experience
Kalpon777 replied to syang11's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Have you changed any of your keybinds, especially E, R, or F? These are known to break things in-game if changing and better left at default. More info here. -
First Person Camera looks.... "Shattered"...
Kalpon777 replied to Cipherthe3vil's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Strange, looks GPU-related though. Do you OC your card? At any rate, I suggest creating a new save, exiting the game, maybe restarting your PC. I don't think it would be corrupting your save but that's why you'd make a new one just in case. Try monitoring your temps if it happens again. -
Skyrim PC First Person Stutter and Mouse Lag Fix
Kalpon777 replied to ricfitzpatric's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
/Resurrect I am genuinely interested if this works, and would also like to know if it messes with your saves or not, the same way adding "uCellsToLoad=9" will totally mess your save up. I experience butter smooth gameplay in Third-Person and even though 80-90% smooth in First-Person, I will get the occasional lag jump which is worse in certain areas for reasons I cannot figure out. Some exterior areas you'd think would be very laggy are quite nice, others I get it every 5-10 seconds. Interiors are typically very smooth, while certain ones like inns full of many NPCs I get horrible jittery lag in First-Person (But perfectly smooth in Third-Person). For all reasons I cannot find an inextricable link between this and my FPS. FPS does not drop when this happens. Usually between 25-40 for me. Does changing uExterior Cell Buffer=36 to uExterior Cell Buffer=72 really help with this? Please confirm. EDIT:: After messing with it a while, I ended up disabling AA/AF completely as well as tweaking these settings: In your SkyrimPrefs.ini change: fLeafAnimDampenDistEnd=500.0000 fLeafAnimDampenDistStart=250.0000 These are the values I'm currently using and seem to do quite well. Lowering these will change the proximity bubble that trees will begin animating. I find that the vanilla settings are ridiculously large and will kill FPS in certain areas for users with low-end GPUs. I've managed to get rid of my First-Person lag except once and a great while, which is quite alright. Anyone experiencing this problem should try these tips. Disable your AA/AF and reduce those values in your SkyrimPrefs.ini. I still do not know if the first tip given by the OP is worth while and whether it messes with your saves or not, so beware. Always make backups of your ini files before editing, and create new saves and test the performance thoroughly before proceeding, lest you enjoy losing a save or two. Cheers -
Never mind that, rofl. Ended up being a forced setting in CCC for Performance MipMapping. o_O /thread