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Posts posted by XelumTheInfinite

  1. So the situation is this:

    I can easily use yapped to make certain weapons upgradable up to +15 but not only is there not an increase in the weapons' stat values, they seem to revert back to the values they had from before they were upgraded at all, and I also have no knowledge on how to indicate what materials and their amounts would be required for the upgrades. I'm not doing this for the sake of making a mod, I'm just trying to take advantage of yapped for the purpose of making my favorite weapons stronger. Unfortunately some of my favorites have had that previously mentioned reduction in stat values when I attempted to upgrade them thinking that stat values are increasing when they are in fact reverted and unable to increase. I hope I haven't ruined them and become left without a way to fix what I jacked up. I could really use the help of someone who knows how to use Yapped Rune Bear better than I do!

  2. This might be a tedious mod request to put together, but I'd love it if these dragonbased weapons and armors from the Dark Souls Series could be implemented:


    1. Dragonslayer Greatbow with Arrows DS3

    2. Dragonslayer Greataxe DS3

    3. Dragon Greatsword DS1

    4. Drake Sword DS1

    5. Dragonhead shield & Greatshield DS3

    6. Black Dragon set DS2


    When it comes to the greatbow, I love what was done in the VIGILANT quest mod with the ebony destructive Arrows where it's just as destructive as the Dragonslayer Greatarrows in DS where there's dust from the impact and enemies go flying. If that could be implemented, that would be perfect!


    I know I'm certainly asking a lot, but these weapons and armors have always retained their wow factor for me and having played the VIGILANT quest mod, I just laugh every time I hit an enemy I decimate with the mods version of a greatbow.


    Thank you to anyone willing to do this! I would love notification when the mod is up and running (again, if anyone is willing to do this). I'm of course going to contact the guys who made the VIGILANT quest mod as well.

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