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About ap0kalyps3

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  1. So I was just thinking about Assaultrons in the game and got reminded of the vendor KL-E-0. And I thought it to be a great mod if the Assaultrons were a bit more female in appearance (because like KL-E-0, they already sound pretty female to me :P ) I was imagining some kind of Synth/Android mix with elements of the original Assaultrons remaining. Like for example an animated face and the original body, maybe even a bit more female. SYNTHATRONS! xD http://cdnstatic.visualizeus.com/thumbs/7f/80/3d,android,cyborg,female,model,render-7f80410b4a0862ae633c52a66142b2f7_h.jpg
  2. After about 100 hours into Witcher 3 I am now at a point where I seriously question the use of mutagens. There is no use in having monster mutagens other then decoctions (which a haven't brewed a single one yet) and the greater mutagens are fine, but way too easy to get IMO or rather, the greater mutagens are IMO not strong enough, I think one last stage of mutagens should exist, where you combine 3 or maybe even more greater mutagens for a bigger bonus, maybe even 2 bonuses instead of just a single stronger one what I also don't really like is that you can't use the monster mutagens for combining to get the greater mutagens, this should be implemented aswell, or at least a recipe that will let you deconstruct the monster mutagen into a normal lesser mutagen today I already saw a mutagen mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/176/? this one changes the stats of the monster mutagens and is a great start
  3. Hello beautiful people of the internet! My name is Kevin, my buddy Joe and I recently started a new gaming YouTube Channel called Vox Alea. We wanted to take this opportunity and call out to everyone loving games. Basically we record ourselves playing old and new games with a little twist. We play them like old times, that means if one of us dies the other one has to take over. Here is the link to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/VoxAlea Please check out the channel. Since we just started we are open for every critique. So please watch some of our videos and leave a subscription and a like if you found them good. This would really help us getting started. Greetings from Austria!!
  4. wow this is amazing work, unfortunately I am very busy with studying at the moment, that's because I couldn't keep an eye out for my thread, but I like how it was growing when I wasn't here, so it's time to bump it up again strange how the recent events on the development on "Nosgoth" are bringing me back on everything LoK, I started playing Soul Reaver 1 and 2 and now I'm back here^^
  5. pillars would be a start I wonder if a modder could get the height right, so they reach way up high
  6. push, time to get it back up and running
  7. thx guys for the continous support of this thread, keep up the good work, if I have enough time on my hands, I'll maybe try some modding myself
  8. why don't you upload it here on the nexus?
  9. that's a start^^ keep up the good work, I would do the mods myself, but I'm really really bad with 3D modelling, I know I shouldn't be, because I'm going to study visual effects, but hey, nobodys perfect^^
  10. your opinion is right sir^^ The Legacy of Kain is one of the most amazing series out there I played and loved every title, right of now I'm trying to play the very first Blood Omen, got it a while back from PSN, but I'm no big fan of that sort of RPGs but Hell it's LoK right^^ I really don't understand why noone is interested in making this, there are plenty of diehard LoK Fans out there, even the ones that just love the style and whatever would be enough I'm 21 and i remember those games o.O can't be the age problem, also I think just a very small number of modders are 14 years old ^^ alöso I think that there is no reason that this mod shouldn't be done I mean come on, there a frickin energy sword mods from Halo out there, enough mods based on other games I call out to all the LoK fans/fanboys DON'T LET THIS THREAD DIE KEEP IT ALIVE there WILL be a LoK Mod, it may take a while but I bet there will be someone who will do that PS: if you have more ideas on this mod or standalone LoK mods, just post them here better one big LoK Thread, then several small ones I guess^^
  11. small push to get it on the first page again, sry guys but it's falling back too quickly
  12. now the weapons: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100921152231/legacyofkain/images/8/82/BO2-DBS_Icon.png this one is retractable http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120517134056/legacyofkain/images/9/99/SR1-Promotional-SoulReaver.jpg http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100623200208/legacyofkain/images/2/28/Widmoweostrzespectral.jpg http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100921145148/legacyofkain/images/c/ca/BO2-Long_Axe_Icon.png vampire lord ideas: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120710184343/legacyofkain/images/3/31/SR1-Intro-096.png http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100608172714/legacyofkain/images/7/75/Janos-Defiance.jpg Soul Reaver enemies: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120528213007/legacyofkain/images/4/4d/Defiance-BonusMaterial-EnemyArt-Renders-18-Sluagh.png Sluaghs that devour the souls in the spectral world another good idea would be to add the finishing moves from Soul Reaver and the stealth kills from Blood Omen 2
  13. here are the outfits of Kain: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100831154618/legacyofkain/images/9/97/Kain-OneShoulder.jpg http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101008172407/legacyofkain/images/thumb/b/b3/BO2-Costume-SpikyShoulder.png/300px-BO2-Costume-SpikyShoulder.png http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100916222230/legacyofkain/images/f/f2/RedHood.png http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101214210059/legacyofkain/images/3/35/BO2-Kain-Golden_Pads.png
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