your opinion is right sir^^ The Legacy of Kain is one of the most amazing series out there I played and loved every title, right of now I'm trying to play the very first Blood Omen, got it a while back from PSN, but I'm no big fan of that sort of RPGs but Hell it's LoK right^^ I really don't understand why noone is interested in making this, there are plenty of diehard LoK Fans out there, even the ones that just love the style and whatever would be enough I'm 21 and i remember those games o.O can't be the age problem, also I think just a very small number of modders are 14 years old ^^ alöso I think that there is no reason that this mod shouldn't be done I mean come on, there a frickin energy sword mods from Halo out there, enough mods based on other games I call out to all the LoK fans/fanboys DON'T LET THIS THREAD DIE KEEP IT ALIVE there WILL be a LoK Mod, it may take a while but I bet there will be someone who will do that PS: if you have more ideas on this mod or standalone LoK mods, just post them here better one big LoK Thread, then several small ones I guess^^