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  1. Fixes taken from the official forum: jackmait: "Since game is a bit sluggish on win95 compatibility mode I've tried forcing game to run on one core only in normal boot, but that had freezes as well. Then I tried to enable both cores in win95 mode by alt-tabing and setting affinity to both cores and it works! I now have nice performance and not freezes by running the game in win95 compatibility mode, and then enabling both cpu cores with task manager. " Confirmed by others and me, the game now lags slightly rather then freeze for 1-7 seconds every couple of times. They say you will get the same result but better performances win98/me. Anselmu: "GOOD NEWs. I found a fix, atleast work for me. Well thanks to ENBSeries =). Download this http://enbdev.com/si...ill5patch10.zip in his site, and extract d3dx9.dll, the enbfixshaders and enbfixshadersvs txts, the enbseries ini, vars_pc.cfg to the main diretory of the game. Start reduce the graphical settings like aa etc, for your vga be able to do the job, and be happy. 1h of gameplay withght a single freeze." will try this now. Late edit, (5 hours later) the Silent Hill fix works fine as well. "the Silent Hill 5 solution forces you to disable AA and AF or you get massive performance issues...at least for me. I'll stay with the WIN95 solution until a patch arrives. " http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1269088-2-7-second-freezes-outdoors/page__st__80
  2. First of all, I know, that you can block with 1H weapon when you have nothing in the left hand and that is not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about having a spell in the left hand. It's quite inconvenient to unequip a spell any time I want to parry. As for the battlemages - you're mixing up just mages and battlemages. The battlemages were always the ones that use both weapons and magic. In the beginning of the game, when battlemages don't have a lot of magicka, a big part of combat is spent in melee. So having ability to parry while the offhand has a spell in it is essential. You may be right, but weren't battlemages just mages in heavy armor, as opposed to spellblades? The point i was trying to make was that since 1h block works then it's most likely a problem of the offhand attack command overriding the block command, and that in theory it should be easily bypassed with an alternate block key, assuming there isn't an extra command to prevent blocking when dual wielding. Now if you can block, attack with a sword and cast fireballs at the same time that would make you pretty overpowered wouldn't it? Not that i care for balance in a singleplayer game, just pointing out what Bethesda might have said. Personally I'd chose for magic to be cast on pressing the shortcut w/o having to switch to and from. Just like shouts, which i'm guessing might be the way to go (have all spells as shouts). You can also equip a spell in the main hand, use a shield for blocking and switch to mele once your magicka runs out, switching main hand magic might be a bit more annoying since using shortcuts will put any spell in the offhand and replace the shield. more to the wish list: Archery improvements: Less arrow drop, probably a slight damage boost. P.S. NoDebate it turns out that before morrowind, TES had fast travel, sad i know. Frankly i like fast travel, nothing annoys me more then having a full inventory and run into 5 bandits worth of loot on my way to selling stuff.
  3. You can, with a bit of patience, have a spell in your right hand (left button) and a weapon in the left hand (right button). Also there isn't any problem in blocking with a right handed weapon but it only works if you don't have anything equipped in the left hand, if you do you will either block with a shield/torch or you won't because block is off for dual wield (so we need a new block button and dual wield block). However you will run into issues when switching spells, since they will switch the left hand most often then not, just as a weapon will switch the main hand more often then not. IMO battle-mages don't need blocking weapons, they can just have an offensive spell in one hand and a ward in the other, ofc it will only work if the caster has the mana reserve to defend and attack with. :D Although i think you have to make an advance hibrid if you don't plan on getting mauled (because your a mele specialist fighting flying dragons, a ranged specialist in a cave with tight corners, or a heavy armor master getting hit by armor ignoring magic). On the wish list: Increasing your armor skill slowly while you wear it and do stuff in it (move, jump, fight, etc), personally i find it weird that you have to be hit to increase it, what if your a ninja archer of fireball doom?
  4. While we're at it: -option to lock inventory items, so you don't sell what you need or worse what you have equipped because you pressed E to fast.
  5. Blocking with one one handed weapon should be weaker then a 2h weapon block, however there is no reason why blocking with 2 1h weapons in an X should be weaker. But only for equal size weapons, maybe if you get a perk for all. Parrying would still be nice to have. Maybe if you attack with your offhand weapon at the same time your opponent attacks you will parry and neither of you will do damage. What dual wield will not/should not block are arrows and that's quite important as a balance feature. Medieval dual wielding didn't happen in reality all that much, in real battles, since armor and shields made slashes rather harmless, knights battered(rather then killed) each other into submission with large heavy weapons. The 1h sword was usually used to cut down, unarmored peasant, stabs at armor weak points, parade and more importantly as a companion to the shield since you needed a weapon when you finally reached those damned archers. Real life dual wielding, which only became somewhat widespread during the Renaissance mostly in civilian fights, involved a long blade in one hand and a short blade in the other, mostly used for parrying and/or trapping the opponents blade (what is mostly called Florentine). Florentine in Belegarth is one of the few styles that use equal size weapons (that's a modern developed style) . "The main flaw of dual-wielding versus other styles, on the other hand, is that using two weapons requires keeping track of far more variables in terms of range and available attacks, which makes training especially lengthy and difficult for a lot of the same reasons juggling is difficult for most people — the human brain isn't really wired to simultaneously operate both hands independently. Defending against thrusts with a weapon is more difficult than it would be with a shield. It also does not work too well in anything other than personal combat — it does not work well in formation on the battlefield due to the amount of room required to wield both weapons, it does not have the range or power advantage of a two-handed weapon or the defensive utility of a shield, and it offers precious little protection against archers and other ranged attackers. "tvtropes
  6. Without having to enter the menu first? Before pressing appropriate key, I mean? You have to open the favorites menu once to set your keys but then you can use them on the fly w/o having to open it. It also works for dual wielding (double click).
  7. Pretty face presets, or a least decent looking ones, especially the elves. More colors for eyes/hair, more hairstyle if we're at it. A whistle for the horse and companions so they'll come to you. Brawl/Unarmed fighting probably needs either it's own skill tree or an extra damage tree to act like the Strength attribute. As it is, if you don't waste a perk on Fists of Steel (which requires Heavy Armor 30 + Juggernaut), brawling has some weird/stupid moments like the one in Whiterun where you can beat a fierce, warrior woman, in heavy armor easily only to almost get your ass handed to you by the bard. (While your in your superior dwarven heavy armor with your helmet on and he is in his street clothes punching your lights out with his bare fists) Maybe more but i haven't played that much. Oh yeah: Sleeves! It's supposed to be cold, and even if the Nords are adapted to the cold the rest of the races arn't. (Don't get me started on the executioner with no pants) http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/6419/homelandofthenords.th.jpg
  8. Personally i do like the Argonian look in this one, sadly I'm an elf lover and they look just as horrible as vanilla Morrowind (worse since there were 1-2 presets that were nice there). As such ,until someone makes some good looking presets for elves (my attempts have ended in fail), I'm playing a weathered tired imperial soldier who hates the cold. :D http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/2154/palora.th.jpg
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