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About Battlestar1965

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  1. Hi...how do i install this? I installed the Stylus Extension for Firefox, but when i want to import a style it wants files in *.json format. I get the instruction to drag and drop the file on the webpage tab, but the i just get to see the code of your css-file
  2. And i guess any negative critique will not be taken into account. Even the fact, that maybe more people are not happy about the upcoming changes. MANY OF US DON'T WANT THE DESIGN CHANGE. I do not believe you when you are saying that (Quote) "...prioritising the features and adjustments that the majority of users wanted.". I don't believe it's the majority. Keep the design, change the code if you must, but keep the design.
  3. I disagree. The more fletched out the description is, the more details are given, the better it is.
  4. Why is THIS supposed to be better than THIS? With the present (good) design, i can see 10 mods. With the upcoming new (bad) design i barely can see 8 mods. And I'm missing the background picture. As many said before, if you REALLY must do an "upgrade", make it optional. You can do all your code improvements under the hood and keep the design as it is.
  5. Why not? I have my browser open almost all the time, maybe to quickly check something on a mod page, or maybe to watch a Youtube/Twitch video during longer load times. Pretty normal to have the browser open....
  6. But you actually answered my question...it is not possible to just drag and drop the plugins by hand to a new position in the load order, like you can do in MO2. You need to create rules. As we both Know, not every conflict can be resolved by changing the load order postion of one or another plugin, sometimes you just need to create a patch for your specific load order problem. But to create rules for big load orders (I mean someting in the hundreds or thousends of plugins) is just not feasible. So i guess Vortex is fine for users of "Collections", where the load order already is defined, or for smaller modded setups, where ist doesn't matter much. But Vortex is not for the serious modder who wants to do BIG changes to the look, behaviour...every aspect of the game.
  7. Just to give a little different perspective....I absolutely don't love this new layout. It is a vast step back and makes everything so much more difficult to navigate. Looking forward to this not being implemented.
  8. I never use Loot... no, never is wrong. I used it years ago, but these days I prefer to check that everything is OK in XEdit regarding the load order.
  9. I was thinking the same ....especially the part where i have the suspicion, that someone just wants to keep his/her job and convinced the superiors that it is very necessary to give the web page design an overhaul...
  10. Hi, havn't looked at Vortex for a couple years and was wondering if anything changed since....i don't know ...5 years?. My main complain about Vortex back in the days was that you couldn't manage your mod load order and plugin load order manually, meaning dragging by hand. You needed to create rules for that. Looking at the Vortex wiki (https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Vortex/wiki/MODDINGWIKI-Users-General-Managing-your-Load-Order) this still seems to be the case. Creating rules for a setup with about 1600 mods and 1200 plugins is simply not feasible. So is this still the case (managing your load orders) or has it or will it change?
  11. What nice features are added? There are features missing like "Update available" etc (I mean the blue things on the picture...) At the most the new look is boring and nothing else.
  12. Hi, i just recieved a notification that i "earned" the "reacting well" badge...Then i noticed that i seem to have some more badges. What are these badges for? Do they have some purpose? Couldn't find any usefull information via search. Some explanation would be much appreciated.
  13. THIS is soo true. Very important feature that you need to keep, if you really must change the design. Btw, "looks" doesn't matter, "functionallity" matters, if anybody thinks it's time to change to a more "modern" design.
  14. Why should we say our opinion? You're forcing the new "update" on us anyways and by that worthening te experience. Just like you did years ago when switching from the "old, classic" interface to this one. So but the first bad thing that jumped into my eyes when openeing the new interface was the "Populare Collections" thing. Get rid of that. Put it on the bottom of the page if you really insist of havening that on your mod page. I like this design MUCH MUCH better than this design Please don't change that.
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