Please do some changes to the "Mod Tracking" page. With the new design it's not as easy to have an overview as with the old design. In my opinon the two columns "Last Upload" and "Last download" should be displayed almost directly next to the mod name. The pictures are totally unnecessary and are only disturbing. The colums "Game", "Author" and "Category" are unnecessary as well, since it's "my" tracking page and i already know for which game the mod is and what category it belongs to. The authors name i will see on the actual mod page if and when i am downloading the update. Last but not least, but almost the biggest fault with the tracking page is the log column. Please, please PLEASE show the CHANGE LOG and not the ACTIVITY LOG. I do so not care about when some user added a new picture to some mod or some other user endorsed a mod. Needless to say, i am not happy with the new design.