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About Battlestar1965

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  1. Hi, havn't looked at Vortex for a couple years and was wondering if anything changed since....i don't know ...5 years?. My main complain about Vortex back in the days was that you couldn't manage your mod load order and plugin load order manually, meaning dragging by hand. You needed to create rules for that. Looking at the Vortex wiki (https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Vortex/wiki/MODDINGWIKI-Users-General-Managing-your-Load-Order) this still seems to be the case. Creating rules for a setup with about 1600 mods and 1200 plugins is simply not feasible. So is this still the case (managing your load orders) or has it or will it change?
  2. What nice features are added? There are features missing like "Update available" etc (I mean the blue things on the picture...) At the most the new look is boring and nothing else.
  3. Hi, i just recieved a notification that i "earned" the "reacting well" badge...Then i noticed that i seem to have some more badges. What are these badges for? Do they have some purpose? Couldn't find any usefull information via search. Some explanation would be much appreciated.
  4. THIS is soo true. Very important feature that you need to keep, if you really must change the design. Btw, "looks" doesn't matter, "functionallity" matters, if anybody thinks it's time to change to a more "modern" design.
  5. Why should we say our opinion? You're forcing the new "update" on us anyways and by that worthening te experience. Just like you did years ago when switching from the "old, classic" interface to this one. So but the first bad thing that jumped into my eyes when openeing the new interface was the "Populare Collections" thing. Get rid of that. Put it on the bottom of the page if you really insist of havening that on your mod page. I like this design MUCH MUCH better than this design Please don't change that.
  6. Yeah, i think it will really have a short life time. I already stopped playing it since i found out it's not really an Open-World game, and you are not really free to do what you want. It's nothing like Skyrim or Fallout or Oblivion. Just story driven. I don't like this.
  7. Hello, i coudn't get any Reshade setup working. The game was chrashing at startup. I tried several Reshade Versions, non was working. Luckily i found a possible solution on Reddit in this thread "https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/6p50tk/reshade_fix_for_people_who_are_getting_crashes_on/?st=jdy915ax&sh=40003302" Just rename the "dxgi.dll" to "d3d11.dll" and the "dxgi.ini" to d3d11.ini" and it should work. At least my game was starting and i could get into the Reshade-Menu to load the prefered preset. Good luck
  8. Same Problem here and elsewhere, too.....there is at least one other thread about this problem. No solution so far.... EDIT: now i found a solution.....look here: "https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6416611-possible-fix-for-crashes-caused-by-reshade/"
  9. Same Problem here. Using Reshade 3.1.1., installing with 3d10+ option and game crashes on startup...
  10. In response to post #57560801. #57567671, #57568006 are all replies on the same post. ....or he is sad about the possibility not to get the "better" mod manager at all he was hoping for...
  11. In response to post #56534691. #56548966 is also a reply to the same post. BTW...you would lose the bet......
  12. In response to post #56083346. My thoughts as well....i always was thinking why they try to explain the changes using a kind of justification because 20% of the traffic is from mobile devices. I don't get it... 80% traffic are from non-mobile devices....so why make 80% of the users unhappy? Hovering over Mods does not work anymore because hovering is not working on moblie devices. But of course, 20% traffic is from mobile devices, so they have to make these 20% happy, but not the 80% others.
  13. I don't understand the will of changing the design...Please, enlighten me, explain it to me...where does this come from? Judging by all the negative responses it can't come from the majority of the users.
  14. Please do some changes to the "Mod Tracking" page. With the new design it's not as easy to have an overview as with the old design. In my opinon the two columns "Last Upload" and "Last download" should be displayed almost directly next to the mod name. The pictures are totally unnecessary and are only disturbing. The colums "Game", "Author" and "Category" are unnecessary as well, since it's "my" tracking page and i already know for which game the mod is and what category it belongs to. The authors name i will see on the actual mod page if and when i am downloading the update. Last but not least, but almost the biggest fault with the tracking page is the log column. Please, please PLEASE show the CHANGE LOG and not the ACTIVITY LOG. I do so not care about when some user added a new picture to some mod or some other user endorsed a mod. Needless to say, i am not happy with the new design.
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