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Posts posted by baddxian

  1. I am not a mod maker, just a user, but if I knew how, I would definitely make a mod where Geralt could hop in a rowboat and paddle up and down the Pontar, slipping under all those bridges that stop the sailboats.


    I've seen NPC's rowing around, so the animations are there. What's needed is to figure out how to make the rowboat a vehicle, and add new or convert existing rowboats into usable conveyances. Heh, and then, how to mount and dismount...


    If I manage to live another sixty years, I may take this up, but don't hold your breath... :tongue:

  2. Dunno about you, but I enjoy seeing the results of the carnage I visit upon the world. After I've waltzed into a bandit camp and cut down half a dozen ne'er-do-wells, I like to leisurely wander through the destruction I've caused, picking pockets and rifling through money purses. I want to gloat over the bisected corpse of that one archer who managed to hit me with a bolt before I cut him in half lengthwise. It's not nearly as much fun when all that remains after a few seconds are loot bags glimmering in the dust.


    Surely there's code in there somewhere that will lengthen the time before a corpse despawns. It doesn't have to be measured in days - there are enough ghouls roaming around that the bodies will not last forever - but surely they should last long enough for me to exit the area, with a last look back at the evidence of a witcher's fury.

  3. Heya. With quite a few mods installed, getting them all re-configured the way I like them every time I start a new character is becoming quite a chore. Are these configurations stored anywhere that they can be copied over to a new character? Is it even possible? Please forgive the newbishness of my question...

  4. [shamefaced]


    Yah, this happened right after I added JoshNZ's animation files to support "Animated Prostitution". When I de-installed those using his animation patcher, I could could swing my sword while staying seated again...



  5. I had this happen just yesterday, on my second playthrough of this quest line. I had to go to a previously unused text choice (something along the lines of, "You're pretty serious about this place..."), before he would mention that some books had wandered off the reservation, and I needed to go find them...
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