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Posts posted by Raczoon

  1. I'm sick of killing every dragon I see. They're supposed to be intelligent, wise immortals. But all I see are mindless kamikaze monsters. Certainly not what Oblivion set them up to be. Where's the depth?!

    What I would really like to see is the dragons' personality in the game take a fundamentally new direction. More neutral dragons in the sky, including the occasional friendly. Maybe even a really rare assist from a sympathetic dragon that just happened to be flying overhead when you get into combat.

    Everyone loves Paarthurnax, so why not some allied dragons? All new dragon characters complete with dialog, and maybe even their own quests. And by all means, fix the crooked jaw wobble when they talk.

    I'm not a story writer, but something like a dragon revolt or civil war..... something to flesh out the weak Skyrim story surrounding dragons seems quite needed. It would be so nice to see them as more than the monotone villains this game left them to be. After all, there was supposed to be more than 1 dragon to take the humans' side, even in Skyrim's lore.

    I would also like to see a little speech from the bad dragons once in a while, to remind me they're not mindless. Whiterun guards never shut up during combat, so why should just the scripted dragons talk?

    So far as I've seen, there doesn't seem to be a single mod like what I suggest. Is it just too complicated for someone to tackle in part or whole?
  2. It would be more ridiculous for Khajiit to be without mammaries just because they aren't human.

    Now, if someone wanted to move the teats to a more feline position, and perhaps in a more feline quantity of something close to 6, than I guess there would be some logic in that. But they're still more human than cat, so a level of compromise might be due. Probably comes down to artist's discretion.

    But just lop them off? No.

    I do see the point for the argonians though.

  3. No, it's not a key binding issue. They just won't spend for shouts. I get the confirmation prompt when I choose to unlock a shout (which I have learned) choose OK, the prompt goes away, but nothing changes. Same number of shouts, no new abilities.

    I'm in my 40s now, and no one has EVER resolved this problem.

  4. You have to press the 'r' key to actually unlock it. Clicking the shout give prompts you that you need dragon souls to unlock shouts.

    Not the problem in my case. I press the button to unlock, the prompt comes up, I click OK, the prompt goes away. Seems right.

    But no change in souls or words unlocked. I've spent days trying to fix the game rather than playing it.

  5. I can't unlock shouts either. The key binding works, because the confirmation prompt comes up. I click OK, and it goes away, but nothing changes! Same number of souls, no new words unlocked.


    This means no Bend Will shout, and Dragonborn's main questline is broken.

    I've tried to get help for days, rather than enjoying the game.

  6. I have a similar problem, except I can't unlock ANY shouts. Lvl 40+ and still only have what Greybeards (and Paarthurnax) taught me.

    I'm at a dead stop on this game now due to the Dragonborn quest line requiring me to unlock one.

  7. I select I word I want to gain, chose to spend soul, the OK/Cancel prompt pops up, I click OK. The box then goes away, and I don't gain the word, or lose any dragon souls.

    How can I fix this?


    I've put up with this problem for a while, but now I'm stuck on Dragonborn, because I need a shout in order to do the questline.

    Lvl 40 something, still only have what Greybears gave me :-/

  8. It's probably something that demands the resources of Pixar, but...


    Is it even possible to replace the Khajit and Argonian races with ones that actually have bodies that LOOK like lizard-evolved or cat-evolved ones? Female lizards with boobs just looks wrong somehow, and cats with only two mammaries are certainly odd - most cats have eight IIRC. Plus their leg stricture looks very odd using a basically human animation.


    I believe it's 8 for dogs, and 6 for cats. And 13 for the virginia opossum :-)


    Point made though.....human body with an animal head stuck on the neck isn't very convincing. Those races could be really interesting and attractive with some effort.

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