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Nexus Mods Profile

About Jartyscape

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. I really care, have them ban me i will make a new account for free!
  2. Still looking for a mod that covers clevage, shouldn't be that hard would make my life and many others better!
  3. double post but also you don't know the classic inventory system, go play resident evil 4 before asking someone to change perfection please! also your name is dumb!
  4. violence and gore are completely fin in my work place but un needed sexual content will for sure make people uncomfortable... so again the only part I need modded is just the clothes on the women...
  5. What's wrong with naked female breasts? I think they're lovely! You don't have to use the mod or any mods for that matter. Some people don't need unnecessary perverseness in there games about horror... so I agree with oc about removing lewd costumes so the game has less fan service!
  6. It would be awesome if a Modder out there could make a mod that dresses the female characters in the game more modestly! I love the resident evil series and the only free time I can play games are at work when I'm compiling code so if the game is SFW I could get to enjoy the game without worry about getting in trouble with management! so if anyone has those kind of skills and wanna do some good for someone this would make my day!
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