This is some funny stuff. Ratfactor - you are one sick little puppy dog. Reminds me of the dark elf lady in the game who asks about the penalty for necrophilia. :P Here's one for y'all. The first time I ever rode a horse in Oblivion, it was a stolen one. By accident. I found the poor beast getting chewed on by a wolf a mile or so west of Chorrol. Being a nice and friendly assassin, my character joined in and shot the wolf into bits. I mounted the horse (believe it or not, a black one!) and rode it all the way to the gates of the imperial city. I got off of the horse, then remembered something I had left behind and got back on right in front of the guard... who promptly arrested me for stealing it. During a few Thieves' Guild quests, the waterfront ends up crawling with guards. I had managed to anger (and get away from) the pirates on the dock earlier. When I came back to work on said quest, the pirates attacked me... and the guards who were seconds before trying to interrogate me flew to my aid and slaughtered the poor pirates! It was about a twelve on three battle... the seadogs got obliterated. And yes... Heironomous Lex himself led the charge. I almost fell off of my chair laughing.