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Everything posted by Ashven
Razorwire beat you to this some time back. His method is rather complex looking, but he did design it so people could make their own video packs. I'm just not sure that anyone did. Razorwire is a brilliant guy. Check out his other mods too, if you get hot and bothered by gadgets.
XRE cars blew my mind. All the more reason to migrate to Vegas (for those who can), I guess. That level of scripting probably transcends mortal minds, though.
A suggestion that may or may not work for you - you could rather 'harvest' the misc item gore parts, which you then could use to repair your armor via the repair lists. It'd put a step into the process, but it would be easier to implement.
Rockstar has access to the raw code, meaning they can fully implement such a system in its entirety, without having to dance around game limitations. Bethesda's version of Gamebryo has been extremely custom since the Morrowind days, and I suspect they are too afraid trade secrets might get out should they allow more freedom with it. Basically, if we can't do it with the GECK and FOSE, it's not going to get done.
Yes and no. There was a car mod called the Road Warrior. Download it and check it out, and you'll reaiize why it's not so easy to do. There's also the J3x-ified Motorcycle. The Motorcycle is the least buggy in my experience. It's really hard to get the collision right.
Help needed: Aela keeps reverting to her old equips.
Ashven replied to cchoay's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
There's a file on the nexus that supposedly fixes this issue, but I think it does so by entirely removing their outfits altogether (so they're naked until you clothe them, even before you get them as companions.) -
Well, I've been having that <Alias=> problem thing for a while now, so I couldn't do things like marry Ysolda or accept thieves guild missions or bounties. On top of that, most quests are now broken, because critical NPCs never appear or won't talk to me! Add to that, I started a new game to see if it was just a bad savegame or something, and now half the NPCs in a village are missing. I walked into Whiterun, and the Battle-Born guy who talks to the smith wasn't there, and she was having a one sided conversation with an invisible NPC. Whenever he would have normally spoken, she just kept running her lines on until she was done. This is just the most recent, most memorable occasion. This is the norm for almost every town in game. And this has been happening for a while. I just don't know what to do.
Anyone else think there isn't enough stuff to spend gold on?
Ashven replied to SallalePop's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I don't use crafting, alchemy or enchanting. I find it really kills my gameplay when I do. I like to call myself an 'honest thief' though, because I don't use weapons on people (the driving ethic behind it is that I'm the 'bad' guy here) and I will pay my fines and serve my sentences. If I get caught; I don't get caught often. So when I make a great big blunder my pocketbook suffers for it. But as far as expenses go, I've got a primary needs mod that makes it a bit harder to keep the clink in my pocket. On the other hand, I have the expensive cart-travel mod (any my PN mod removes fast travel) so that really eats gold as well. I also don't own a house and when I'm in town, I have to stay in inns. When I'm on the road, I have to stock food and supplies, and I sleep out of a tent. And when I got my horse, I had to do a lot of pickpocketing to make it up. -
You wound me. I take great pride in my work. But I do play by different rules for "The Game" so my experiences are probably far different. I do indeed agree with you that everything needs to be real time. It would make most things a lot more interesting - it would even be interesting if the menus were real time as well. Hell, having real time menus would drastically alter playstyle for everyone, come to think of it - no more pausing combat to manually doodle your weapons around, drink a ton of potions, or equip spell of UberRainDeath at your leisure. I'm also an Adept from the Thief series of games - I truly did love their entire system. In fact, Thief 4 might steal me away from Skyrim, if it's half as good as I expect (I've stay with the Elder Scrolls because it's the closest to decent thieving experience possible.) The lockpicking took me a couple minutes to get used to, and it seemed strange, but after the first couple locks I was crackin' 'em like an old pro. If there was a way to replace our crappy minigame with that, I'd never look back. Especially if it was real-time. Pickpocketing poses an issue, though. Honestly, you should be able to do keep the current pickpocketing exactly as it is, except for real time. I say this, because there are times where you are planting things or taking non-gold, non-key targets like gems or papers. But REAL pickpocketing should be more like the classic Bump'n'run. It aught to be a special power (so you can map it to the shout key) and when you use it on a mark while in close enough range, it should transfer all gold and gems (maybe keys) instantly - even if you get caught. Getting caught should rely on both sneak and pickpocket skills to actually determine your success chance, since you're relying on the people around you to cloak you. And even if you get caught, that's called Pursesnatching and most perpetrators end up running for the hills. Throw in some way to do disguises, and you've got career criminals springing up.
While we're at it, let's merge all schools of magic into one, since I can't imagine all of you folks using every school and putting perks in them. Lockpicking is broken, yes - but it CAN be fixed. It CAN be made into a useful and integral skill again. And just because most of you don't care for it, doesn't mean it should get twisted around. The Stealth Arts are MY arts. I've been plying this same in-game trade the same way since Morrowind. I've had to watch people rip the flesh off its bones to better accommodate the casual/lazy gamer and frankly, it's disgusting. All the focus is always given to magic or combat, and rarely do the devs or modders throw us a bone, except for the few, the proud, and the glorious modders like Reneer (amongst others.) I swear, this blasphemous anti-lockpicking talk is going to make me scream. It needs fixed. I rest assured that it will be fixed. I remember scanning the Oblivion mods not too long back (just looking, since I don't play anymore) and seeing someone who's working on a real-time lockpicking thing. It was nifty that it was exactly the same as the vanilla game, just real-time. I don't recall much other than that, though.
The controller allows you a lot more freedom. You can't rotate slowly with mouse and keyboard. Another reason it's starting to be really evident that developers care more about consoles.
If I recall correctly, I think you can set in your profile whether or not you want to view Adult Only files.
Reduce the amount of lockpicks available in the world, jack the value of 'em up quite insanely (assuming that finding one would now be a *censored* and they're costly as hell) and then apply the Unbreakable perk to the player from the get-go, and you've got a lockpicking solution. Add to that, locks are now 100% harder to break and require more time and patience to break, and you've got a winner. There will be times with a Master lock at such a low level (this way, not vanilla) that if you're off by a hair it wouldn't turn. Making putting points into Lockpicking valuable again, since you'd much rather find the sweet spot easier than spend a literal fifteen minutes just picking a lock and the Lockpicking skill tree would make more sense, and the Unbreakable perk could be replaced with something equally nice on the tree. I only play real, hardcore thieves. No combat thieves. I do more damage to a coinpurse with a lockpick in an hour than a war does to a treasury, sometimes. And if the skill trees were combined, I'd kill somebody. They've already destroyed half my skillset from Oblivion, are people dead set on making real thieves obsolete? Or does everyone assume Jack-of-all-trades/Assassin/mage/warriors are thieves too? Pickpocketing bad needs an overhaul, in my opinion needs it more than lockpicking. Why I can't do a bump'n'run or purse snatch (crude, but it is a method nonetheless) is beyond me. Hell, mugging would be interesting. I'm not interested in killing people, so I have to accumulate my wealth the Stealth way. Of course, it's okay to give a warrior twenty ways to lop off a head, but thieves don't matter so let's lump them into a minority and ruin their gameplay. For Talos' sake, I can't walk ten feet in the game without being forced to either run for my life or defend it.
Proof that a player can fly in Skyrim well may be more like swimming
Ashven replied to hex_ratt's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I would sing your praises to the heavens and permanently worship the ground you walk upon, if you can figure out how to do a climbing mod. Seriously. -
Proof that a player can fly in Skyrim well may be more like swimming
Ashven replied to hex_ratt's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Well, my attempt at modifying the flying code to work for climbing failed miserably - couldn't figure out how to switch the script to work continuously whilst in a trigger. I figured had I managed to get that to happen, I could clunk around and eventually get it to push you up and down, instead of where you looked. I'll keep watching and studying more code, but for now I'm a tad discouraged. xD -
Proof that a player can fly in Skyrim well may be more like swimming
Ashven replied to hex_ratt's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Porroone, I'm trying to modify your script to cut out moving forwards and backwards (I only want to go side to side and up and down.) I'm fairly confident I have everything else fit to work with my standards, but could you tell me which part of this handles moving forwards and backwards? if bearing < 90 posx += (bearing)*speed posy += (90 - bearing)*speed elseif bearing > 90 && bearing < 180 posx +=(180 - bearing)*speed posy +=(90 - bearing)*speed elseif bearing > 180 && bearing < 270 posx += (180 - bearing)*speed posy += (bearing - 270)*speed elseif bearing > 270 posx += (bearing - 360)*speed posy += (bearing - 270)*speed endif -
Proof that a player can fly in Skyrim well may be more like swimming
Ashven replied to hex_ratt's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Do you gentlemen think this could be translated to climbing applications? I'm not exactly programming oriented and the scripts make no sense to me, but what I would ask is could this be modified to move only upwards if the sprint key is pressed and the player is walking forwards, but not moving? (Assusming that your not moving means you're walking into a wall.) Animations do not matter whatsoever. -
I know the limits of Havok, and most of what it can and can't do. But hopefully what I ask isn't too difficult. The in-game carts with havok are nice - but the handles sit too low to the ground to make them really usable for pushing around. I remember from Oblivion - you could add havok to a chest or container, and move it around and yet still access it, even across cell lines and such. So what I'd really like is somebody to combine a chest model with that havok'd pushcart model, and maybe raise the handles so they're off the ground (maybe add a bar across the front so you could pull it, instead of push it) so that it could be added in-game as a usable push cart. I need this because I'm always on the move, always hauling around way too much crap (and I live out of a tent) and never have enough space in my inventory to pick up much more things. I really need this cart, and any extra functionality that could be added to it would be a godsend - it would not be amusing if my cart got completely stuck, without a way to get it out.
I have to say, brawling is one of those in-game pastimes that excites and satisfies me. I'm a no combat thief, but I really love brawling - I get to smear your face across the wall without killing you, and you pay me for doing it! The game definitely needs a fight club. I'd got for if it ever gets made.
I've wanted my own lumber mill since the game stared, but I'd be far and beyond happy with a stablehand job or just a job running the mill for someone else. Deliveries would be nice, but I'd prefer if they were in-city because I seriously can't go from Whiterun to Riften without my life being in danger sixteen separate times, it seems. Maybe someone would come up with a gardening mod that would let you plant and harvest your own cabbages. It takes three days for one to grow, and when you harvest you get a seed and a cabbage for each plant, but the plant doesn't respawn, you have to plant it again. With a little initial money, you could start your own small farm and get a little house to go with it. Bonus points if the wife can move in too.
I'm not usually a necromancer, but I am a thief, so I had to recruit one to raise this thread. Most of your ideas are solid and I really to see them in game at some point in the future, preferably soon-ish 'cause I'm tired of having to work my trade with a clunky system. Honestly, lock-picking would be better off left without a mini-game. Have the player activate the door when picking the lock, and an animation of the player sidling up and proceeding to pick at the lock would play. If the attempt was successful, the door opens and we move on. If it fails, the animation simply repeats (similar to woodcutting, I suppose) until it passes. If the player needs to move, they simple interrupt the picking (again, like woodcutting) and they high-tail it to the nearest shadow. And as far as pick-pocketing goes, it shouldn't be nothing like it is in Skyrim. You should have the vanilla kind of course - it has a time and place for use, but most pick-pocketing is bump-n-grab picking where wallets are the target. It'd be nice if you had a power that when you used it at somebody, you'd trigger an animation of walking up, bumping into them, apologizing, and then making off with the loot if you got it. Obligatory fails and all, too. Maybe you get a little extra gold if you succeed, versus the regular pick-pocketing, considering you aren't stopping time and all that. Stealth goes, I wouldn't say the floor needs to matter so much as ambiance. If you're in a noisy area, you should get a muffle spell and no penalty put on you when you're near the source of the noise (example, sneaking up behind somebody, and there's a whirring dynamo next to you) and you should get penalties when you're in dead silence. Having varying sneak effects on all footwear could supplement that - if you buy clunky leather boots, they're not so good to sneak in. But if you buy soft leather shoes, you might get a bonus or at least no penalty. Footwear is something that should matter greatly to a thief - the wrong shoe could kill you, if you think about it. Far as the Thieves Arsenal gear goes - I miss that mod from Oblivion and I long to see it in Skyrim. :EDIT: I'd also like to start a new 'tradition' amongst the real thieves here - start using the Dragontongue name Gahrottafiir to describe what you do. Both words are Thief series references, and it means "sneak-thief" in the Dragontongue. We are Gahrottafiir, Shadowborn!
I used to be a courier like you - but then I took an arrow to the forehead. Sorry, I've been wanting to make an arrow joke about couriers for ages. I love New Vegas. XD Courier work would be good, yeah. I'd just like some decent options for jobs. I don't think professional woodcutter is a good career path.
I have to say, the lack of doable jobs in Skyrim is staggeringly bad. They started strong - woodcutting is good. The mills looked promising, as did farms, except that mills (both lumber and grain) were useless and farms take forever and a day to respawn the crops and have no other labour to do. I know I'm probably a unique soul, but my character builds don't involve combat, so dungeon raiding for profit isn't something I can really do. As a result, I've had to take some realistic and strategic measures to just have the basics in life - I married Ysolda because I think she's one of the better choices, and it doesn't hurt that she has a house and a small daily income. So I have a roof over my head now and a purty wife, but I'd like - at some point - to buy a better house somewhere. I'm a thief, so Guild work is natural, but that's tiresome as well. So if anyone would take pity upon me and somehow monetize the lumber mills and farms, you'd have my eternal showering of lurve as thanks. I'm sure I'm not the only one wanting it, but I'm pretty sure I'm the only one desperately needing it.
Neither, Elsarian. It's just LOD for when the player scales a mountain and looks into the distance. If nobody could see it, they'd flip out, likely. The extra land is just candy, for when modders do get to it, but it wasn't intended specifically for them.
That's as much bulls*** as you can possibly throw at it. The texture packs, I can understand, but the difference in performance between Skyrim with Horse Combat and Skyrim without it would be so negligible, that it makes no sense to not include it. Consoles can go suck a longshank, PC gamers have been getting the s*** end of the stick for years. It's about time the consoles were jealous of us, damnit. And for those screaming "Modders, hop to it," you have to remember - Beth still has full access to their own tools and all we get are dumbed down kits. It's akin to sculpting from marble and then having your students try it in playdough. It'll never be the same because we don't have unrestricted access to the engine. This is an atrocity. They never should have shown this footage at all - most of you happy gamers were happy with their shitty upgrade of Oblivion in the first place, and now all they've done is embittered their fanbase. I for one will never buy another Bethesda game so long as this remains their standard course of action, and I've been with this series more than a decade.