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Everything posted by The_Vyper

  1. Ban brokenergy for failing to put the tooth of an Algolian Suntiger in my Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster. It just isn't the same!
  2. I ban brokenergy because of the number 47. No, not the answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything, just the number 47. Because of reasons.
  3. I ban brokenergy for typing while wearing explosive boxing gloves. Those things are dangerous! I wasn't *censored*ing, I was trying to make sure the ladies at the center that breeding ball of frat-serpents were there of their own volition! I had almost extricated myself when a certain "man in a can" decided to end a fight with an enormous green rage monster by bringing a wannabe skyscraper down on us all! I wasn't even aware of Ultron yet, because somebody forgot to send that particular message through the Avenger com-net.
  4. I ban Ironman5000 for rendering me unable to help in the fight against Ultron. I was in that unfinished building you brought down on top of the Hulk. That hurt!
  5. I ban Ironman5000 for not helping me stop those lava golems in the first place. Do you know how hard it is to fight those things when your "super" power is spitting venom 20 meters?
  6. I ban brokenergy for banning me for something I already banned myself for. I ban Pagafyr for dissing my caps. And for not cleaning up those dragon droppings from the park. They turned into lava golems and melted my petunias. :sad:
  7. I ban thisaccountisuseless for failing to use spaces/uderscores, failing to use uppercase letters, and assuming my username is misspelled. I also ban Pagafyr for failing to end "Did I spell it correctly" with a question mark. Most of all, I ban myself for being a pretentious, anal retentive Grammar Nazi.
  8. I ban Pagafyr for getting "explosive sinus evacuation" all over the monitor, then complaining about having to clean it off. :tongue:
  9. I ban Pagafyr and additional random person for...umm...reasons. And explosive sinus evacuation. Definitely banning for explosive sinus evacuation.
  10. From my own personal experiences, I think that hate and fear are independent of one another. For instance, I have acrophobia (fear of heights), yet I enjoy skydiving and I don't mind flying. In fact, I would be a pilot by now if the FAA would allow me to become one. I also have an irrational hatred of the number 5. I hate seeing it in numeric (5) or word form (five), I hate saying it, reading it, or even typing it (even though I just did that three times), but I'm not afraid of it. It is entirely possible for fear to lead to hatred, and vice versa, but the two don't necessarily go together.
  11. My earliest memory is of my father giving me a bath in the sink, which would place my age at around 18 months. I remember watching a bubble float up from the bottle of baby soap and laughing when it popped. My father then spent the next minute or so trying to make it happen again. The memory is crystal clear, too. Another crystal clear memory from that time is my father teaching me the words "drink" and "thirsty".
  12. Ban Brokenergy for not using stronger, harsher language when describing the cinematic atrocity called "Man of Steel".
  13. Ban Brokeenergy for calling my "cannon" crap. :tongue:
  14. I ban Ironman5000 for claiming to be Batman while being named Ironman5000 and looking like Ultron.
  15. Photo Update 2-15-15: A taste of Sercen - Part of the grand chamber. Welkynd Spheres - These provide some nice lighting options. It's a trap! - Well, it is. Getting to the switch in the center could be...interesting. Or fatal. Great Welkynd Stones - What? You thought the only came in one color?
  16. It always bothered me that some Ayleid ruins were so small. To that end, I'm working on a mod that will expand the smaller ones. The ruins I currently have slated for expansion are: ArpeniaCulotteFanacasFanacaseculMorahameNarfinselNinendavaSercenTelepe These are the ruins that only have one level. I'm being careful to avoid conflicts with The Ayleid Steps, CDEP FanaCeya and its update, and NNW's Ayleid Ruins Expanded. Here are some images of what you can expect: Multi-colored Ayleid spell stones - The red stones shoot fire, blue stones shoot frost, white stones shoot shock, and green stones...well, you never know what they're going to shoot because they shoot all three at random. Foating Stones - No need to lay off the ale; you're not "seeing things". New, nastier traps - <---That one fires 32 shots per second, and shoots in 8 direction in sequence. Getting through that room won't be easy. I'll update this section periodically with additional images. Photo Update 2-15-15: A taste of Sercen - Part of the grand chamber. Welkynd Spheres - These provide some nice lighting options. It's a trap! - Well, it is. Getting to the switch in the center could be...interesting. Or fatal. Great Welkynd Stones - What? You thought the only came in one color?
  17. That sounds more like an AI problem than a pathing one. We'll need an example of how your AI packages are set up. A useful template would be to choose one uncooperative NPC, click on its AI button and tell us the following: 1. The NPC's energy level. 2. How many AI packages there are. 3. What type of packages (Wander, Sleep, Eat, Travel, etc.) 4. What time (if any) each package is set to start and what the duration is for each one. 5. What flags are checked for each package (Continue If PC Near, Always Run, Offer Services, etc.). 6. The order in which the AI packages appear from top to bottom. Other questions: A. Has ownership of the cell been assigned? If so, are the NPCs part of the owning faction? B. Have you tried using a clean save? C. Have you tried opening the console, clicking on an errant NPC, and typing EVP (evaluate package)? D. Have you tried punching one of the NPCs to see if he/she will chase you around the cell? And no, I'm not joking about that.
  18. You are correct; the positions of activators are held in the save game, and simply moving them in the CS can have...odd effects, if any. If you must relocate an activator in the CS, there are two ways to avoid weirdness in game: 1. Use a clean save (i.e. one made before your character encountered the activator). 2. Delete the activator to be moved, and put a new one in the desired location. I've found that the fastest way to do this is to select the activator in the render window, press ctrl+C (copy), delete the selected activator, press ctrl+V (paste), then put the new activator in the location. I've used both methods in the past, and both work fine. If you need an activator to be in different positions at different times, a scripted MoveTo command should work as long as the activator is a persistent reference. I don't know for sure that this would work, as I've never tried it before, but it should.
  19. There are a couple of ways to accomplish this without using scripted lights. One method is to place vanilla (or mod added) dishes, make them persistent references with unique ref IDs, and use a quest script to enable and disable the relevant dishes at the appropriate times. Another is to make new activators that use the meshes of the desired dishes, then attach scripts to them that will enable/disable them at the appropriate times. With this method, you'd need at least three scripts; one for the breakfast setup, one for the dinner prep setup, and one for the dinner setup. Since the scripts would be attached to the individual activators, you wouldn't need to call specific references. This means that each of the breakfast dishes can use the same script, each dinner prep dish can use the same script, and each dinner dish can use the same script. This also avoids the need for persistent references.
  20. Ironman5000 banned for becoming Ultron.
  21. Sounds interesting. I look forward to hearing more about this.
  22. Also make sure the "respawn" flag is not selected. There's a "dead" guard outside of Leyawiin's Oblivion gate (once you reach that part of the main quest) that exhibits similar behavior to what you describe. In the CS, his health is set to zero, so he's most definitely dead. But he stands upright, and even registers to 'detect life' spells/enchantments, once the cell resets. This is because his "respawn" flag is selected, even though it shouldn't be. This sounds a lot like what you're experiencing, so make sure your "dead" creatures don't have their "respawn" options checked. Edit: typo.
  23. This one by ZuSkunks is pretty good. And here's the unofficial patch for it.
  24. That's perfectly fine. Wizard's Tower has a similar setup where you buy "magetallow" candle to enable the spell-making/enchanting altars of Frostcrag Spire.
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