I think this flat out makes modding harder. If someone wants to make a patch for bards college that say, makes it compatible with open cities, we just make it harder to find. I think paid mods are fine in general as long as they are one time payments (pricing and all that is not something im going to discuss here as the actual cost a mod is more a question of economics and all that stuff). My problem in the past has been some mods that are locked behind peoples Patreon subscription to just have textures (there's a few clothing mods for 4 that have low quality skins/alt colors for outfits that require you paying for their patreon) and they don't directly link it. I think some of the rules here are also just too open. The forgotten city has been a popular example of how modders could make money off their work, and I think its a perfect example of why the demo rules are too open. The Forgotten City mod is a less polished version of the game. Does this make it qualify as a demo? It's inferior to the stand alone version in every way, and that costs money. Does that mean we can't have the forgotten city mod? What about the many fallout 4 mods that link their textures off site for bonus skins or high quality textures? CROSS's mods require that for quite a few of them, and while its optional to pay for it you have to use a coupon code to get it for free, so do those break these rules? I just think this ban hurts modding. People make addons for clothing mods to make them compatible with CBBE those mods wouldn't be allowed either. Would TTW break the rules? It requires official content sure, but its not offically made for new vegas. While it seems obvious, I still feel like its something thats TOO open for the current rules that's proposed. I'd rather not have our rulings be open to be abused and ignored whenever an admin sees fit. I'd just rather avoid any situation where one mod can get angry one day and take down a mod they dislike because they dislike something about them with these new rules.
I think some of you all aren't also thinking of us smaller modders either. Ever since covid 19, i feel like the average user expects high quality content. Companion mods are just EXPECTED to have a decent voice actor nowadays or it gets s#*! on and burried. I straight up have scrapped a lot of the recent mods I worked on just because I figured it wasn't worth the effort. I made a mod for starfield that was a humanoid bounty hunting robot, and I recorded a few lines that sounded pretty bad, so i scrapped it as I can't afford to really hire a voice actor. I've seen people bring up "well if you wanna make money you should just make a patreon or a ko-fi" but I don't think that's really fair. Those only are gonna let you make anything back on a mod you put time and money into if your popular. Volunteer work can fill the gaps, sure, but that's few and far between. A lot of what i make are small fixes for me and my girlfriend nowadays that will (usually) never see the light of day. I've actually made quite a few mods more over the years that just aren't hosted here or online.
I also think just peoples attitude toward modders who actually took Bethesda's contract is kinda gross. Bethesda has f*#@ed up a lot, im someone who's address got f*#@ing doxxed with fallout 76, but my god some of you act like Bethesda actively is trying to take down the Nexus. I myself have zero plans of ever signing the contract with bethesda because I don't think I can justify the amount of money it will take to make those higher quality mods (when it comes to voice acting), nor do I have friends who i'm okay with asking to do pro bono work on my mods in this capacity. I also don't think that I can deal with actively upkeeping my mods like that. I very much jump from project to project, and while eventually I'd get around to updating them I'd feel terrible for not instantly fixing any paid mods i'd create.
To also add, I've made mods before, while what i've published on this site has been few and far between, ive made quite a few mods for personal use and for my girlfriend. I've made several charms for payday 2's modding site, only one of which was published, i made a mod for a dumb mp4 that just renamed milk to breast milk, and would apply a damage effect after 5 seconds that instantly killed the player. I've made minor patches to mods I've played because I f*#@ing hate some balance philosophies. I've been making mods pretty consistently since i started.
I feel like by and large modding has ONLY become something for the already established. There's a lot of great mods on this site that get burred under much bigger mods (even once I think are much more unethical than paid modding, the the massive amount of AI schlop) that are made by talented, new modders. East Empire Company was a mod i'm glad I spent the money on because of how neat it was.
As a smaller creator i've already felt like if a bigger mod has incompatibilities with whatever I make, my mod will just get s#*! on (and i've been sorta proven right, with my upload for new vegas that added more recipes to the vending machine, with people bringing up another mod does something similar but adds more stuff that is outside the scope of what I made. Same with a minor patch i made that JUST fixes the lightning staff for us who don't wanna use USP due to its myriad of changes). All this has done is taken away my want to publish mods. Why should I make something if a bigger content creator can now just make their mod paid and my mod is just unable to work? I'll get comments about it and unless i just rework the base of my mod it won't be fixed. You've said it yourself in the modding server that this is to discourage people from using paid mods and I think its kinda gross to do this.