Hello everyone, I'm hoping someone has come across this problem before I go ahead and go through a possible re-install. Problem: When my character stands still, the HUD/UI (compass, health, etc.) vanishes. UI events (like a quest update) don't appear. If I run forward, sneak, or draw my weapons, it returns to normal. It happens every time I am idle. Walking forwards with weapons sheathed also has the same problem. I'm using SKSE (latest), NMM and a bunch of mods. BOSS log: Pretty sure it isn't my PC, but specs are: CPU: i5 3570k 3.4GHz GPU: GTX 560 Ti RAM: 16GB DDR3 1600MHz Probably one of the mods. Google'd this, some other people had the same problem, one guy found a mod was causing it. Of course, he didn't say which mod.