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  1. ! I looked in there and completely missed that. Thank you!
  2. I can talk to NPCs and the HUD is normal there, but when I try and use a crafting station, the UI/HUD is still invisible. Sigh. I guess it's a re-install.
  3. I tried loading with all mods de-selected in NMM. Didn't fix it.
  4. Yeah, the 2 incompatible mods were de-activated - they're only for improved blood textures - but again, nothing changes. I have Immersive First Person perspective mod installed, I've looked through all its settings (and toggled it off) and again no success. It's gotta be something unlikely causing it.
  5. I thought it might be SkyUI, but there's nothing in its options that seems relevant. I tried toggling a bunch of options anyway, but no joy. I've reinstalled all my mods, including SkyUI, but again no change. I also tried validating files via Steam. I've tried disabling some likely mod culprits, but nothing has helped. I haven't tried disabling SkyUI yet because of other mod dependancies, but I think it's about time I try it. Update: Disabling SkyUI doesn't help either >.>
  6. I've gone through the mods BOSS identified as having dirty edits with TES5Edit. BOSS is happier with the list now, but the problem is still there. I've never used iHUD.
  7. Thanks for the suggestion, I hadn't tried that. But it doesn't help; the issue persists.
  8. Hello everyone, I'm hoping someone has come across this problem before I go ahead and go through a possible re-install. Problem: When my character stands still, the HUD/UI (compass, health, etc.) vanishes. UI events (like a quest update) don't appear. If I run forward, sneak, or draw my weapons, it returns to normal. It happens every time I am idle. Walking forwards with weapons sheathed also has the same problem. I'm using SKSE (latest), NMM and a bunch of mods. BOSS log: Pretty sure it isn't my PC, but specs are: CPU: i5 3570k 3.4GHz GPU: GTX 560 Ti RAM: 16GB DDR3 1600MHz Probably one of the mods. Google'd this, some other people had the same problem, one guy found a mod was causing it. Of course, he didn't say which mod.
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