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  1. Ugh, i am so tired of the Argonian hairstyles in skyrim. The feathers can be a bit of a nice touch, but really the combinations of horns and feathers most of the time just looks goofy or doesn't seem as if they cover enough of the head. I'd like to see some human-ish hairstyles for Argonians, iv seen some that look as if they would fit pretty nicely with horn hairstyles added to them. one example would be: kinda like a Mohawk in a way but is just draped over to one side or a mane i guess it could be called and has the horns
  2. I'v been having a problem in Skyrim for a really long time now and i havent figured out how to fix it. For some reason when i make a character it's perfectly fine every time, but for NPC argonians, even player-created NPCs, the head tint doesn't match the rest of the body. It's really annoying to look at, seeing an argonian with a redish body and a bright green head. x3 Anyone know how to fix this problem or has had this problem happen before?
  3. yeah, that would be neat to have some hairstyles converted for anthro races.
  4. it's a pretty small mod request of mine, i think it would be nice to have some new hairstyles for the Argonians and also for the Khajiits, but mainly for the Argonians, i personally don't like the feather hairstyles that much at all unless it's for a kind of tribal look, but im looking for more of a punky look like a lot of the other hairstyle mods for humans. here's a small reference i found for some support.
  5. how about instead of werecroc, it would be weredragon, like from SkyMoMod, sounds cooler especially if you have Drachis Argonian Mod retexture Weretrees = SkyMoMod's Treants :3
  6. I also have a much smaller mod that i just thought of that would be really neat to see as an Argonian. A sort of horse mane-like hairstyle out of this picture with the horns as well for the Argonian race.
  7. hello, just kinda updating my post from page 3, just hoping if it could be done at all. ^^
  8. actually, it would have been nearly impossible for oblivion since every race had the exact same body mesh, but in skyrim each race type has their own mesh. :o
  9. well there is an armor very close to that, you might be interested in it, even comes with a similar spear. :3 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18940
  10. my request is for for a few armor mods from oblivion that i really like, made by AlienSlof, to be added to skyrim for Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - Nudes - FavoredSoulMeshes. Warning, the images in the links contain partial nudity. :P Persian Outfit Dark Assassin Armor Dawnwraith Armor Gypsy Outfit if not all of these, then the number one armor mod that i want out of these is the Persian Outfit. :3
  11. hehe, dont forget about my alternate start idea, im sticking to that idea, and i hope everyone else likes that idea, hehe~ ^.^
  12. what would be neat is to add a lot of the same types of things to skyrim that is in dark souls, i love the fact that you dont lose progress when you die, you just get resurrected at a previous safe point, i also like that you can switch a weapon between one-handed and two-handed, one-handed is faster but weaker hits and two-handing a weapon would be slightly slower yet stronger. and also what i would suggest for the whole deathe thing in skyrim is to instead of dieing and having to reload from a save is to just make it to where when you reach zero health, you wake up in a hospital in a bed with the whole cut-scene thing of getting from laying down on the bed and looking around the room, like when you first meet the dark brother hood and you get taken to that abandoned shack, which is also something else that could be added, infirmaries to each of the cities and maybe near some of the inns or something, but you get taken to the nearest one when health reaches zero,because i hate losing progress just because of some unfortunate event, and also, when you die, you lose all your money from where you died and you can go to the same spot to retrieve all your gold again, though that would be optional because that would suck since it's kinda hard to get money sometimes, though it would give option to increase how much gold you can find throughout the land. xP and i dont know how well this would turn out, but to be able to have a newgame+ when after you complete the main campaign you can choose to start over the game with all quests reset and and everything else except what you own and your character's stats and inventory in the game. Bump post deleted by staff. Please be aware that bumping of threads is not allowed here on the nexus forums. Continued bumping of threads will result in a thread being locked and closed. New posts should be to only add relevant information to the thread or to reply to those who have given relevant information to the thread. New information that is helpful to the request can also be added to the original post by using the edit button on your screen. Please do not do so out of fairness to the other mod requests made by members who are not bumping their threads. Thank you and good luck with your request ;) -DarkeWolf, Nexus Staff
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