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  1. Hey, would someone be willing to create a Fereldan worldspace based off of the Dragon Age Origins map? I'd love to mess around and do some modding for a Dragon Age conversion but heightmaps and Photoshop are things I have 0 experience with. Alternatively, if anyone knows of one already available let me know. I have checked the SE nexus but I couldn't find one.
  2. Ah damn that sucks but yeah I see what you're saying. I thought the only issue would be the herculean work effort. I was under the assumption that the camera issues and what not could be fixed. Oh well. My fantasy of using a complete tamriel worldspace and halving everything's scale will have to remain a fantasy.
  3. Although it would be a huge pain, it occured to me we could double Skyrim's landmass (or more, I suppose) by halving characters and buildings. In theory, we could do this for everything but the landscape; all the trees, all the npcs and enemies, all the buildings and clutter throughout the world etc. As long as you readjusted the camera, skeleton and movespeedmult for everyone, it'd probably still work I imagine, and look the same. There are mods that have readjusted race skeletons very well. You could leave certain enemy-types at their regular scale for a more fantastical feel, such as Giants and Dragons, or include them too. But it occured to me the other day that technically we could double the Tamriel exterior worldspace. It's just be a pain in the arse. There's not really a point to this. Just thought it was a cool image; making the whiterun tundra twice as long to trek across; more space to add in more villages and whatnot without things being cramped. Obviously we haven't actually added any additional space but we'd have twice the space to work with. High Hrothgar and the Throat of the World would feel more imposing and out of reach etc. Just a cool thought, if a stupid one.
  4. Hey. I'm looking to create a new worldspace to mess and around and try some new mods/mod practice in. I would like it to use the Tamriel worldspace (i.e. the Skyrim) heightmap though. I've never really touched the heightmap stuff before so I'm fairly new to it. I tried to use the in-CK export and import options in the hightmap editor. I had hoped to load up the Tamriel worldspace, export it out and then simply re-import it to my new worldspace, but CK would crash every time. Does anybody know the simplest way to import Skyrim's heightmap into a new worldspace? I'm gathering that Photoshop is necessary. Can I just find a skyrim heightmap on google, drop it into Photoshop and then import it over? I'm not very familiar with Photoshop either but I like the idea of messing around in a new blank Skyrim worldspace. Any tips or help is welcomed. Cheers
  5. Ahh thank you, that is actually really good to know. Gives me some hope that it's doable and won't take me years to script. Especially if they can work similar to Silver Weapons, as I relly want to keep the ability for players to enchant their items. Thanks for the help. Will post here at some point in time about how successful I've been.
  6. Ah thank you, I didn't consider looking into keywords. Will take a look. Thank you!
  7. Is there a way to give catergories of armour and weapons base, non-enchantment-related effects? I.e, could I give all axe types an additional 50% damage, all light armour increases sneak chance and but all steel armour specifically decreased shout cooldowns etc? And how would I go about doing this? I essentially want to give swords, axes and maces their own mechanical flavour, more distinctions between Light armour and Heavy armour, and promote more gameplay differences between each of the catergories in the smithing tree (Steel, Dwarven, Daedric etc). Any help regarding this would be very appreciated, thanks.
  8. First time making a mod. I don't need to go into too much detail here but a key aspect of the mod would require deleting and completely reworking all of the major and minor settlements. In fact, any architectural structure of any sort would require at least some tweaking, or, more frequently being deleted. This includes such things as deleting the Winterhold College (and subsequently its LOD) and then ensuring the Winterhold Spire has no graphical issues without the college (and generating new LOD for new static objects used). I've started the modding process and have beguin in the Winterhold area but I decided to try and sort the LOD out after a while as I wanted to see the landscape as it should now be. However, CK doesn't seem to want to do this. Generating the Winterhold area gives me an error concerning mountainmesh2 (can get the error specifically if you want but it's the same as this one. I began watching this video but within the first minute or two he advises against generating LOD in the Tamriel worldspace because it's far more likely to causes bugs, crashes and conflicts. Essentially: 1) Is there an easy and permenant way of fixing the mesh issue? 2) Am I wasting my time? An innate aspect of the mod requires removing and/or tweaking many of the static objects throughout the Tamriel worldspace. Does anyone have any experience with this? 3) Worst case scenario, how viable is it to recreate the Tamriel terrain in a seperate, custom worldspace - and then simply generate LOD without having to worry about deleting etc? (This new worldspace wouldn't have to be identical down to minute detail but the new worldspace would still need to convincingly convey Skryim to the player).
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