Although it would be a huge pain, it occured to me we could double Skyrim's landmass (or more, I suppose) by halving characters and buildings. In theory, we could do this for everything but the landscape; all the trees, all the npcs and enemies, all the buildings and clutter throughout the world etc. As long as you readjusted the camera, skeleton and movespeedmult for everyone, it'd probably still work I imagine, and look the same. There are mods that have readjusted race skeletons very well. You could leave certain enemy-types at their regular scale for a more fantastical feel, such as Giants and Dragons, or include them too. But it occured to me the other day that technically we could double the Tamriel exterior worldspace. It's just be a pain in the arse. There's not really a point to this. Just thought it was a cool image; making the whiterun tundra twice as long to trek across; more space to add in more villages and whatnot without things being cramped. Obviously we haven't actually added any additional space but we'd have twice the space to work with. High Hrothgar and the Throat of the World would feel more imposing and out of reach etc. Just a cool thought, if a stupid one.