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Status Updates posted by Endoril

  1. It's that time of the year. Time to return to Cyrodiil.
    1. Tobjoern
    2. Endoril


      Yeah, I'm pretty excited too :) Nice to see you still around, Tob!
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tobjoern


      "It drives me crazy" - in episode 13 - the melody that starts at ~ 88:55! For some reason it sounds so familiar to me...

      ...where is it from!?

    3. Endoril


      It is a dubstep reinterpretation of an Assassin's Creed 3 song.

    4. Tobjoern


      Wow! Awesome! Thanks for your answer and for the link!
  2. What is up, Nexus?
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tobjoern


      I look forward to another year of interesting artists and their music! Keep it up!

      (sorry for this message-"spam" ^^)

    3. Endoril



      First, I can hardly express my gratitude, Tob, for sticking to the show so long! You are my favorite among the handful of foreign people consistently listening to THLG :)

      Second, I had a REALLY hard time deciding between Hétköznapi Hősök and Piroska when I put Episode 12 together. But as Kelle was the spotlight artist with his then-new album, I made up my mind.

      Third, you are right about the quality. Doing Episode 11, I found the perfect setting...

    4. Endoril


      Eh, Nexus.

      ...s for my condenser mic and pre-amp so I could record noise-free, clean voiceovers. I also made some changes to the whole mix processing to make it sound more "full".

      I'm kinda learning as I go. :)

  3. EPISODE 10 of my podcast is out! Go and get it: http://podcast.chipamusic.com
    1. Tobjoern


      Great! Downloading right now! 8)
  4. Absolutely hooked on Hungarian formation Wellhello! Fly back to the '80s with their 'Rakpart' -
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tobjoern


      ...aaand a 2nd version with an unofficial video here:


      (I suppose that this is the track you meant actually!? )

    3. Endoril


      Damn, censorship is really tight in Germany! oo

      The music video is half the experience, but I haven't found it anywhere else than YouTube. What browser do you use? There are browser plugins to unblock videos on YouTube, for example ProxMate for Chrome & Firefox.


      And yes, the track in your second link is the original.

    4. Tobjoern


      I use Opera (since ages) and I already have an plug-in called "YouTube Center v2.1.0" where you can make tons of settings - f.e. (most important! ^^) hide those annoying advertisements, and to stop that stupid DASH-replay (videos are buffered for only about 2 minutes - very annoying if you don't have the fastest internet connection, which sometimes "forces" you to buffer a video before watching)
  5. The new episode of my podcast is available now across a range of platforms! For example, check Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/chipamusic/chipa-presents-the-hungarian-lucky-game-episode-9
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Endoril


      That IS stupid. :(

      Here's the music video on a Hungarian video portal, hope this one will is available in Germany: http://indavideo.hu/video/PUNNANY_MASSIF_HETKOZNAPI_HOSOK_OFFICIAL_VIDEO_AMPM_Music_2014

    3. Tobjoern


      Cool, this link worked!

      Cool video, nice little party, and so many beautiful girls...^^

      I like the idea that these huge funny and colorful instruments are intended as a invitation to that little party! 8)

    4. Endoril


      Well, actually, the story behind the instruments is really nice:

      During the 'Veszprémi Utcazene Fesztivál' (Street Music Festival of the city of Veszprém), Punnany Massif engaged their fans with a little game. They said that "the silly winds scattered our instruments", and called upon the fans to find and collect the missing huge instruments.

      Whoever found one received a free ticket to the band's limited-entry performance during the Festival.


  6. Oblivion installed & configured at last! Now, I want to see the best images of the past one and a half year, that I missed! Link in comments!
    1. Tobjoern


      Wow! This sounds like a huge (and almost impossible) challenge! o.O ;) :D

      Are you aware that you will have NO time to play the game then!? ;)

      *just kidding*


      PS. Thanks for the September edition of THLG! This time I downloaded it directly from your podcast-site. (and will listen to it tomorrow)

      PPS. Loved that hungarian track in the last episode! (at 28:00)

      PPPS. The date above the downlod link is wrong - it says April instead of September ;)...

    2. Endoril


      Yep, you are right, date is wrong. Thanks for the "bugreport"! :) I'm am really glad you like the podcast, I believe you are my only German listener. :)

      As for that track you mentioned, here's the official music video:

  7. Still reinstalling Oblivion. This is a hell of a task if you have modded it so extensively.
    1. Tobjoern


      Go go go, little Bosmer! ;) :D
  8. Warms my heart to see so many amazing pictures on the Oblivion Image Share section. :)
  9. Have I ever told you that I'm hosting a podcast? If you are an iTunes fan, you can subscribe here: https://itunes.apple.com/hu/podcast/the-hungarian-lucky-game!/id899232625
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tobjoern


      Just a short feedback. I dunno if the problem is on my side - but it seems like that. When I open the THLG Feed and click on "Download" I get a message that there seems to be a problem with the Quick-Time Player and that I should make sure that the player is properly installed. Until now downloading your podcasts always worked and I haven't changed anything on my system. Hm, howsoever, at least (and fortunately) I was able to download the 7th. episode directly from your podcast-si...
    3. Tobjoern


      ...podcast-site, and I will listen to it tomorrow (...at work! ^^ :P )
    4. Endoril


      Thanks for listening, Tob! Much appreciated. :)

      As for your problem, I don't know what could cause it. I fear it's something on your end though. :/

  10. Yo! After a massive absence, I am currently gathering all my strength to reinstitute Oblivion to its complete modded glory on my system.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Endoril


      :) The Nexus itself changed a bit since I left. I am hunting for updated to my mods and tools, gonna be a loooong process. Also, I don't have my latest savegame any more, just one a couple of ingame days before that.
    3. Tobjoern


      Yes indeed, a lot has changed, especially the adresses to the mods (and images), since the Nexus was splittted into nexusmods.com/Oblivion/ - nexusmods.com/Morrowind/ - nexusmods.com/Skyrim/ ...and so on. Take you time to update your mods. (and don't forget to have a look at discovery's and Maczopikczo's latest mods/retextures). Yes, our macz has become a modder in the meantime! :D
    4. Endoril


      Great! I will definitely have a look at their works! :)
  11. Apparently, I don't know where my old savegames are...
  12. Hey guys, I'm reinstalling Oblivion and I'm looking for new awesome mods! Hit me up! :)
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tobjoern


      That save game had a game-time of around 700 hours. The next clean save was at around 520 hours game-time.


      I think (and hope) you'll quickly catch up... - ...although 5 month is a LOT! o.O

    3. Endoril


      That 5 months is actually not a lot of happenings in game. I think my last save is in my tent, when I was heading to Chorrol. After, I only recruited Ebenor and we went to the Gold Coast. "Only". :)
    4. Tobjoern


      Discovery's mod Imperial Ecology is unhidden again: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/44162/?



  13. Have you heard my new track, 'Friday 6PM'? https://soundcloud.com/chipamusic/friday-6pm-original-mix-cut-1
    1. Tobjoern


      Yes, in your latest podcast! ;) :P


      ...and I really like it! 8)

  14. Merry Christmas to all you Nexus guys! :)
    1. Tobjoern


      You too, little Bosmer! :D
  15. My first podcast episode is up! Grab The Hungarian Lucky Game 001 over here - http://podcast.chipamusic.com/index :)
    1. Tobjoern


      I received the Rss yesterday and I am listeing to it at the moment.


      quote: "THLG001 showcases music you wouldn't hear elsewhere." /quote ...and that's why I love it! :)

    2. Endoril


      Thanks Tob! I'm happy you like it :))
  16. Tomorrow is the start of my old-new radio show/podcast, The Hungarian Lucky Game. If interested, head over to https://www.facebook.com/events/1490714711153815/ :)
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gwanuneg


      Hi, Endoril! Your stories were always so interesting, I read them with great pleasure. :) I understand you correctly - you lead your radio? You - well done, such a versatile creative people. This is great! :)

      Unfortunately, I also have no facebook, but I wish you much success and good luck!

    3. Endoril


      Thanks Gwan! Really missing you guys, but I have sooo many things to do nowadays. Don't even have Oblivion installed on my system now :(
    4. Tobjoern


      What!? Does this mean you have uninstalled it? Shame on you! ;) :P :D


      We miss you too. ...and your adventures!


      Yeah, as they say, first thing first. But I'm pretty sure and confident that one day you will have enough time to install Oblivion again and share some nice images and stories. :)

  17. Welcome from Krakow, Poland! We've already checked out some of the pubs at the main square.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Endoril


      :D Sadly, it's not a beer-drinking contest. - http://cerc.tcs.uj.edu.pl/
    3. Tobjoern


      I know I know - it just sounded funny. :D


      Best of luck!

    4. Endoril


      Thanks Tob! :)
  18. Going to Krakow on the 15th! Intercontinental Programming Contest CE round!
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Endoril


      Yeah, me and my team just won the Hungarian qualification round for the University of Debrecen. The Central European round will be held at Poland, hosted by Jagellonian University at the 16th of November. :)
    3. Tobjoern


      Wow! Impressive!


      Poland? Hehe, you could visit macz then! XD

    4. Endoril


      Haha, I thought so too! But he's in Poznan (if I'm not mistaken), and I think we will hardly have any free time to have a good Polish beer! :(
  19. Having fun at my first full-time job as a software engineer and I got an idea for a web-based music service. Planning, planning.
    1. AliasTheory


      Nice. Out of curiosity, where at?

      Reminds me once again of the fact that all my engineering college roommates are into software and computer engineering, with me being the lone exception.

    2. Tobjoern


      Sounds pretty interesting. :)
    3. Endoril


      @AliasTheory I'm at EPAM Systems Hungary (http://www.epam.com/). :)
  20. Haven't I told you guys yet? The reboot of my radio show is just around the corner! Check out http://podcast.chipamusic.com/ ! :)
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Endoril


      Thanks Tob! Oh, and you can subscribe to the podcast WITH WinAMP. That is the essence of the feed: you subscribe to it with a media player that supports such actions and you will be able to listen to the episodes without downloading and will see new ones immediately in your WinAMP.
    3. Endoril


      Thanks Tob! Oh, and you can subscribe to the podcast WITH WinAMP. That is the essence of the feed: you subscribe to it with a media player that supports such actions and you will be able to listen to the episodes without downloading and will see new ones immediately in your WinAMP.
    4. Tobjoern


      Thanks for this tip! Sounds nice.

      I immediately tried it,. I never used this feature before in Winamp. After some littl dificulties it runs fine. To be honest I still prefer the mp3-download method. This way I can listen to it without lowering my internet speed, and I can put it on my Mp3 player to lidten to it in my car, or while cycling or...



  21. Got a job at the local EPAM office as a full-time junior Java EE developer! http://www.epam.com/
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Endoril


      Haha, yeah! I'll keep that in mind! Thank you! :))
    3. papp263


      Congrats Endo! :D Sounds like you now have quite a bit on your plate... (as if university wasn't enough already ;)) hope it all works out for ya! Oh and do try to find some time for yourself, *burning* the candle at both ends can wear you out fast believe me I know...


      Good luck my friend! :)

    4. Endoril


      Thanks papp! :)
  22. Just got the OST of the classic shooter game Giants - Citizen Kabuto, the first FPS I've ever played. Guess what, it was composed by Jeremy Soule! -
  23. Optimizing vanilla meshes with PyFFI. Boy, this takes time...
  24. Is it just me, or the Nexus is REALLY slow the past couple of days?
    1. Tobjoern


      So far I noticed this kind of slowness only on the Skyrim Nexus, but since the last few days it seems to affect the Oblivion Nexus too. Hm, strange... :/
    2. Endoril


      Thanks for the reply Tob! Then it seems the problem isn't on my end.
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