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About Endoril

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    The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim
  • Favourite Game
    The Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion

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  1. Yo! After a massive absence, I am currently gathering all my strength to reinstitute Oblivion to its complete modded glory on my system.
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    2. Endoril


      :) The Nexus itself changed a bit since I left. I am hunting for updated to my mods and tools, gonna be a loooong process. Also, I don't have my latest savegame any more, just one a couple of ingame days before that.
    3. Tobjoern


      Yes indeed, a lot has changed, especially the adresses to the mods (and images), since the Nexus was splittted into nexusmods.com/Oblivion/ - nexusmods.com/Morrowind/ - nexusmods.com/Skyrim/ ...and so on. Take you time to update your mods. (and don't forget to have a look at discovery's and Maczopikczo's latest mods/retextures). Yes, our macz has become a modder in the meantime! :D
    4. Endoril


      Great! I will definitely have a look at their works! :)
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