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About Endoril

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    The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim
  • Favourite Game
    The Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion

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  1. Oblivion installed & configured at last! Now, I want to see the best images of the past one and a half year, that I missed! Link in comments!
    1. Tobjoern


      Wow! This sounds like a huge (and almost impossible) challenge! o.O ;) :D

      Are you aware that you will have NO time to play the game then!? ;)

      *just kidding*


      PS. Thanks for the September edition of THLG! This time I downloaded it directly from your podcast-site. (and will listen to it tomorrow)

      PPS. Loved that hungarian track in the last episode! (at 28:00)

      PPPS. The date above the downlod link is wrong - it says April instead of September ;)...

    2. Endoril


      Yep, you are right, date is wrong. Thanks for the "bugreport"! :) I'm am really glad you like the podcast, I believe you are my only German listener. :)

      As for that track you mentioned, here's the official music video:

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