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Everything posted by dankwow

  1. Hey guys and gals, can any of you talented modder make it so that when in flight, auto targetting only works if I have used the skill to zoom in, and when not using the skill I have to chase the ship down with the center of my crosshair to land hits? Thank in advance <3
  2. I am referring to the camera when you hold middle mouse from 3rd person to enter the 'look cam', it's inverted, I hate it!
  3. Old Wolf of Farron sells them also, he's at the Farron Keep Perimeter bonfire leading to the abyss watchers, others also sell that specific titanite.
  4. Requesting a mod that makes the player flash blue or some color when he has an i-frame, and be normal when not in an i-frame. Thank you.
  5. I realize its very unorthodox, but I prefer gaming with an Xbox controller on my left hand along with the mouse in my right. In NMS this method causes the two to fight over control. Not sure if this is allowed or not, but I would gladly paypal 20 dollars to the maker of such a mod. MODS: If such a request is NOT allowed please feel free to remove my thread.
  6. Greetings, the link to report a bug is missing on one specific mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/nomanssky/mods/2017?tab=bugs
  7. I did have that error at one point but don't anymore, the only mods in your list i don't have is planting plus and recycle, good luck ironing it out.
  8. Ability to add buildplans to the world gen, like the little villages. Please :)
  9. Every time I logout when returning to the character select screen there are no mods loaded and the selected character is a non-existent character named ragnar. Making a char named ragnar did nothing, and I am unable to log back in with out restarting the client. I have lots of mods so I expected ony someone that has had the same error will be able to help, thanks for reading <3
  10. Hi guys and gals, any tip on making the vrm models into mobs?
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