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Everything posted by Deleted1157812User
There's a list earlier on in the thread. When you download the file it will come with the Textures and Meshes and other Data Files and then all the .esps for the plug-ins that need them. So most of the mods you can recognise by name and then not include if you don't want them. I tried running the game with some of my own retexture mods and they overrode the others fine (as they should, I was just checking). You'll need to generate your own distant land files I'm pretty sure. I still haven't managed to get the shaders working, and now I'm thinking they are just broken as the originals that come with MGE work just fine. I'll download them again and try later. This is all working nicely with Tamriel Rebuilt Map 1 and 2 so far. The tools it comes with (TesTool etc.) are really handy with such a large plug-in list. My save games had no trouble using these either which is more than can be said about the mod list I was using the other day *rolls eyes*
I should have posted ages ago. I downloaded it after writing the translation. Yeah the sheet and pencil is just a button with a sheet and pencil on it. No big deal :P I've been testing it and playing around and I'm loving it so far :D I haven't been able to get the shaders working yet though and a couple of textures in Mournhold are playing up. (I don't know if this is just me or what) but I guess that comes from playing a first release Beta It was kind of a shock when I realised it used the nude version of Better Bodies for the first time. Glad my little brother wasn't in the room *phew* The great thing about the overhaul is that in theory you should still be able to add other mods and replace the ones you don't want. I'm going to try this out probably tonight or tomorrow and see if it works with no problems :) The fog and water settings on the new MGE are amazing. You get great view distance but you now feel like the map is massive again. MGE was always amazing but made me realise that Morrowind wasn't as big as I first thought. Especially with how close Daedric ruins are to towns. I wonder if this works with Tamriel Rebuilt. I think I'll give it a try now and let you know how it works. The texture changes should apply to the TR cells too. I applied for an account at the Italian site but they haven't accepted me yet :( Maybe tonight I'll upload some screenies ;D
I KNEW studying Italian would pay off one day :D From your earlier post, I have no idea what a sonourous column is but the part about resolution and anti-aliasing I assume just means there's a good chance that they will be addressed in the mod. I'll try and get the yellow bits for you: rows = files scompattare = unpack consiglio = I reccommend In the given folder files open Mini.exe and click on the sheet and the pencil. (I couldn't find anything else 'sheet and pencil' could translate to) In Data Files click on BSAReg.exe and click on Update. Open the Morrowind Launcher, tick all the plug-ins and click OK. Open TesTool (Wyre Mash is better, but this is faster and for the graphics packet goes more than well) and make/do a Just Fix It (This word has a lot of translations so I assume it just means use 'Just Fix It' whatever that is. TesTool is no longer updated but you can download Wrye Mash here: http://wryemusings.com/index.html#NotesandUtils) Open Mlox in the Mlox folder and make a load order update. (Mlox is another handy mod program and can be downloaded from here: http://code.google.com/p/mlox/wiki/Mlox#Download_mlox) Open MGE and give the appropriate settings (Read a short guide on MGE (or something to that effect)) (Btw, MGE 3.8 is out *squee* :D) Anyway, this doesn't matter so much yet because I read through the rest of the forum and we don't actually have - and know what to do with - the MGE shader settings yet. (And MGE guides are anything but short :|) If you use it without the shader settings though it will still look awesome and 'should' work (but don't quote me) but it'll look much better with them ;) Give me a nudge every now and then and I'll check the forum to see what's going on :D
What Morrowind monster is scariest?
Deleted1157812User replied to StargazerCorax's topic in Morrowind's Lore
Nix hounds have got to be the first thing's I were scared of. The first time playing Morrowind I ran from Pelagiad to Fort Moonmoth with a Nix Hounds on my butt the entire way because I was so terrified of it. The first time I saw a scamp was in the Tel Vos tower and that scared the hell out of me too. Probably because it was so weird and I thought I'd be safe from monsters when I was in a populated area. And then coming across the creepy notes in the prison and stumbling across the Atronach. I freaked and ran flat out in the other direction and found the back way out, the whole time convinced it was chasing me, only to run into a Daedroth standing in the corridor leading out. A Daedroth! OMG I just died. Overall, not a good day for the Nerevarine. That was YEARS ago though and I was playing as a Witchhunter, one of THE worst classes to play as, so you can understand why everything terrified me so much. -
Jiub drove the cliffracers from Vvardenfell, not the corprus. The Nerevarine got rid of the corprus. It's a shame he had to wait until AFTER the game to do this.
What's the most ridiculous thing you've done in game
Deleted1157812User replied to Netwit2008's topic in Oblivion's Spoilers
When I first found out about the 'grip' button I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. I promptly went to the first house I came across, jumped on the owner's table in front of him and proceeded to throw pumpkins at his face. The guards came in and killed me. Greater Staff of Lightning or whatever it's called is also my best friend. In the Mythic Dawn's hideout I wasn't strong enough to take them all on at once. I had 100 sneak though so I managed to hide behind a stalactite (or was it a stalacmite?). I blasted one of the agents to death prompting the others to go insane looking for me. Picking them off was the best fun I have ever had. They knew where I was but they couldn't detect me so they would run over to my hiding place and just look at me before I blasted them in the face. Shooting apples off people's heads Willian Tell style is good fun too. -
Standard stuff - welkynd, varla, sigil and other precious stones and then some things i just love. Alchemical apparati even though I never use any of them. I'm trying to collect them all. Pearls. All pearls. They look pretty on my windowsills. Staffs. Even if I will never use it, I can't bear to throw it away. Heck, sometimes I even keep doubles. I like how they are slightly different colours but I don't really get to see them because they are all stashed in my cupboard in Anvil.
What the Hell! I gues i'm quitin again....
Deleted1157812User replied to ceiblue's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Florius is a vanilla character. Try this, let me know if it doesn't work though. Open the console and select your character. Now type: dispel 000A982F if nothing happens, then try: dispel 0006D67B Next try: dispelallspells I am a little rusty at because I haven't used these codes in a few months. Try this one next: prid 000234DD disable That will remove Florius from the game but it won't kill him. Simply type 'enable' to bring him back. If these don't work (and chances are they won't because this doesn't sound like a usual glitch) then you should do what everyone else has recommended and uninstall your mods until you find out which ones are causing the problems. -
But once you withdraw so far into the darkness, can you ever learn how to not fear the light again? Can you ever come back? Do you lose yourself on purpose, only to later realise that you can't find yourself again? You may welcome it into your heart, but it consumes you when you turn a blind eye. Then you are gone without even noticing...
See? See! Now, when I'm not around, they're leaving the confines of the monastery and the library to mingle with the ordinary folk and spread terrible lies about me! They will confuse the masses into believing their plans. I won't be safe wherever I go! Why, Master? Why did it have to be this way?
I thought Umbra was easy, even for a level 19 :S It's just blocking until they stumble and then hitting them with a spell or a good sword. Not too hard.
ummmmmm,no..no..I'm ..ummm I've infiltrated their ranks! Who you going to believe your master or some guy that you don't know! :biggrin: I don't know! I don't know who to trust anymore! You might all be in on it! *screams and runs from the room*
Dez is in on it? Master, you betrayed me! How could you? Now they know my weaknesses!
Seeking Immigrants
Deleted1157812User replied to Deleted1157812User's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
LIST UPDATE! Immigrants: ~ Big Head ~ M'Aiq The Liar ~ Svenja Snow-Song (Dead) ~ Din (Dead) ~ Elante of Alinor ~ Barbas and Creeper Relatives: ~ Farvyn Oreyn and Modryn Oreyn ~ Arvelas Thelas and Drarayne Thelas I'm not sure about adding Dranas Llethro and Hillod the Outlaw until I'm sure they actually APPEAR in Morrowind as NPCs. I'll check it out alter and get back to you on that because the uesp doesn't actually say. Time to crack out Bloodmoon again! Some people I am and I'm not adding and reason: ~ Falanu Hlaalu (The Necrophiliac) because she DOESN'T actually appear in Morrowind (to the best of my knowledge) ~ Elante of Alinor I AM adding because she appears in Ibar-Dad in Morrowind (though she is hostile and only known as Elante): http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Elante#Elante ~ St. Jiub (and the Nerevarine) aren't being added because they only appear in conversation. ~ Barbas and Creeper I AM adding. It seems good enough to me. I am not to sure whether Daedric Princes should be mentioned or not. I suppose it goes without saying that they are in both games ;) I'm also rather surprised that Mistress Therana didn't get a reference in the Shivering Isles. She was easily the most insane person in Morrowind. I found the link to the page I saw the other day: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Elder_Sc...rences#People_2 Obviously it's not complete because there is so much in our own list that isn't on this one :D -
Seeking Immigrants
Deleted1157812User replied to Deleted1157812User's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
M'Aiq the Liar is actually a LIAR in Morrowind. And wears a crappy hat. The point about Andel Indarys is good but I'm looking for characters you actually meet and come face to face too. The whole St. Jiub thing sounds interesting though. I haven't heard it mentioned in Oblivion. *dashes off to uespwiki* -
Seeking Immigrants
Deleted1157812User replied to Deleted1157812User's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
I found another one! Grey-Throat, a member of the Order of the Virtuous Blood, is also a slave in Morrowind. He did well for himself :) But Andel Indarys can't be related to Banden in Morrowind because Mach-Na says that he was once a Hlaalu Trader when Banden is a Redoran Count. I find it highly unlikely that they could be related because of this but there are a lot of other Indarys in Morrowind. Maybe one of them is related to him. I guess 'Trader' is a polite way of saying 'smuggler'... -
mmm, just give the answer before people lose interest in this thread lol
I'd love to help but I need more information than that. Can you tell me which mod it was, what file fromat the texture are and where exactly you put them?
Seeking Immigrants
Deleted1157812User replied to Deleted1157812User's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Yeah, good point. Okay, list so far: Immigrants: ~ Big Head ~ M'Aiq The Liar ~ Svenja Snow-Song (Dead) Relatives: ~ Farvyn Oreyn and Modryn Oreyn ~ Arvelas Thelas and Drarayne Thelas ~ Farwil and Count Andel Indarys and Banden Indarys (there are also several other Indarys in Morrowind but most are smugglers) -
That would give it away ;) Do you want me to just give the answer and ask a different question instead?
Seeking Immigrants
Deleted1157812User replied to Deleted1157812User's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Ooh! Isn't the Redoran Stronghold in Morrowind called Indarys Manor or something? I may be wrong. And the Count of Cheydinhal is one of the Indarys I think. I have to go and double check all this on the wiki but he does give you the Staff of Indarys so maybe they are related. They are both nobles as well. -
Seeking Immigrants
Deleted1157812User replied to Deleted1157812User's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Mmm, I suppose that's more weapons that reoccur in the games. There's actually a really interesting wiki page on that. I'd post the link but I'm too lazy. -
Seeking Immigrants
Deleted1157812User replied to Deleted1157812User's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
True -
I only came across this the other day during a quest. I'll give a hint: It isn't found in a cave, fort or ruin. Not much of a hint, but it rounds it down a bit :) You may have noticed it lying around during a quest.
Seeking Immigrants
Deleted1157812User replied to Deleted1157812User's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
That's the other name I was trying to think of. They both have rat problems as well :)