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Everything posted by Barachiel

  1. This is weird. I'm setting up a brand new "lightweight" mod setup on my laptop, while I'm travelling for the holidays. I've installed SKSE64 before. I only use it for SkyUI, and have had no issues with it. However, I cannot run Skyrim with SKSE64. It starts to load, I see the console window open and close, then a black screen for a moment, then CTD. There is no error message of any kind. Just a CTD after 1-2 seconds of black screen. If I run SSE from Steam without SKSE64, it loads just fine. I have no idea what could be causing this issue, given I only have one mod that relies on it. I've tried removing SkyUI and that doesn't help. Anyone have any ideas what this is? EDIT: I;m using Skyrim SE verson 1.5.23, SKSE64 version 2.06. EDIT 2: Nevermind, I'm an idiot. I was using one other SKSE64 mod, and I was using an older version that was for 2.0.5. Fixed.
  2. So I went to Vault 88 on my second character. First, the workshop won't unlock properly. It took the board, but it stayed "Search" and the quest wouldn't advance. I used the console to artificially advance the quest, but the workshop stayed inaccessible by "V". Oh a whim, I left the map and returned, and that seemed to fix it. Now, I've built the Overseer's Desk, and THAT won't advance. I built it from the Special menu, and now it's gone from that menu. And still the quest is "Build Overseer's Desk" and when I speak to Barlow, she just insists she needs her desk. Any idea what I can do? I have no idea what broke this. I'm running basically the same mod loadout, as my original character, just with a couple extra mods that fix the vault lighting and add some more room pieces, and I didn't have any bugs or glitches.So I went to Vault 88 on my second character. First, the workshop won't unlock properly. It took the board, but it stayed "Search" and the quest wouldn't advance. I used the console to artificially advance the quest, but the workshop stayed inaccessible by "V". Oh a whim, I left the map and returned, and that seemed to fix it. Now, I've built the Overseer's Desk, and THAT won't advance. I built it from the Special menu, and now it's gone from that menu. And still the quest is "Build Overseer's Desk" and when I speak to Barlow, she just insists she needs her desk. Any idea what I can do? I have no idea what broke this. I'm running basically the same mod loadout, as my original character, just with a couple extra mods that fix the vault lighting and add some more room pieces, and I didn't have any bugs or glitches.
  3. Welcome to the Internet. If you put up something, someone will steal it and rip it off. I truly hope you don't pull this down, as it's the only one of it's kind that's actually any good. Some guy on STEP is supposedly doing a list, but it's been in a state of stasis for so long, I've just about given up on it. On behalf of those of us who use this list as our chief source of a stable mod build from which to build off of, I can only say that we hope you ignore the usual trolls, slackers, and general a-holes that you feel are leeching off you. By pulling this down and quitting, you're not punishing them or really even inconveniencing them. But you would be hurting your ... followers? fans? I'm honestly not sure which term to use. You get my point. I will see how it all plays out I guess. I have a couple promises to fulfill regardless. I barely have time to even keep up with this thing anymore. A full update takes a good 48 hours of solid work and thats if I don't re-color it all which I actually plan to do. Yeah, the time commitment thing is always a problem. Honestly, a STEP-wiki entry would be easier to update. Maybe you could find someone who'd be willing to move the guide into that format for you, so the update process wouldn't be such a life-sucking thing.
  4. Welcome to the Internet. If you put up something, someone will steal it and rip it off. I truly hope you don't pull this down, as it's the only one of it's kind that's actually any good. Some guy on STEP is supposedly doing a list, but it's been in a state of stasis for so long, I've just about given up on it. On behalf of those of us who use this list as our chief source of a stable mod build from which to build off of, I can only say that we hope you ignore the usual trolls, slackers, and general a-holes that you feel are leeching off you. By pulling this down and quitting, you're not punishing them or really even inconveniencing them. But you would be hurting your ... followers? fans? I'm honestly not sure which term to use. You get my point.
  5. Yes, my Skyrim install is fairly heavily modded, but I use STEP + REGS and a few others (Legacy of the Dragonborn is the biggest addition I've made). I try to keep it all compatible. This is a new problem that just cropped up. Basically, I get a smooth 60 FPS 99% of the time. But every so often, while doing nothing it drops to 30 or 40 FPS, if I'm lucky, or it just straight up crashes. The last three crashes have been A) talking to Lilith Maiden-bloom outside Whiterun B) selling stuff at the Riverwood Trader C) walking through an enemy-free corridor of Bleak-Falls Barrow. I know Skyrim is unstable when modded, and I expect crashes in scene transitions and the like, but this is new to me. I'm at a loss. My rig is pretty much a beast. Intel Core i7-2600 @ 3.4 Ghz 16 GB DDR3 RAM Geforce GTX 970 4GB 256 GB SSD 1.5 TB Data Drive 2.0 TB Steam Drive = Skyrim Installed Skyrim has all DLC and currently 1.9. I use Mod Organizer for modding. I'm going to star culling mods, but I dont' know, I'm hoping there's some INI edit or tweak I've missed that could help. I've done all the ones STEP recommends.
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